A 1st place trophy winner in the Soups Category for the Central Coast Cookbook Contest. The judges raved after tasting this gumbo and it truly is a winner! The great thing about the recipe is its versatility. You can vary the ingredients, such as the sausage, ham, beef, chicken, oysters, shrimp, or crabmeat --- use what you prefer or have on hand, or add all of them for a delicious concoction.
2 Tablespoons cooking oil, bacon drippings or butter
(to cover bottom of large pot)
2 Tablespoons flour
1 lb. sausage, cut into chunks (Italian, or other)
2 Tablespoons oil or butter
1 lb. ham, diced
1 quart oysters
1 lb. lean beef stew meat
1 lb. raw shelled shrimp
2 to 3 lbs. chicken wings
1 lb. crabmeat
2 to 3 cups chopped onions
Salt to taste
1/4 cup chopped fresh garlic
Black pepper to taste (optional)
1/2 cup chopped parsley
Filé powder
3 cups water, more as needed
1. In a large pot, heat enough oil (or bacon drippings or butter) to cover the bottom of the pan and begin to brown the sausage, ham, beef and chicken with the pot covered.
2. Add onions, stirring occasionally, then the garlic and parsley for the last few moments.
3. When meats and vegetables are well browned, add 3 cups of water. Cover again.
4. Cook 2 to 3 hours, checking occasionally to see if more water is needed. Mixture should be soupy.
5. In the meantime, over a very low heat in a small pan, stir flour with 2 tablespoons oil or butter (making a roux) until the flour turns a nutty brown.
6. Stir in some of the liquid from the pot, then return the browned flour (roux) and liquid to the pot with the meat.
7. When the meats are done, add oysters, shrimp and crabmeat. Season to taste with the salt and pepper (optional).
8. Bring entire pot to full boil and turn off the heat.
9. Add filé powder to taste, 2 to 3 teaspoons or more if desired. Add this last, but do not boil gumbo after the filé is added. (Note: Filé is powdered sassafras leaves, which thickens the broth and imparts a distinctive flavor. Prepared filé powder may be found at most grocery stores on the spice rack.)
10. Let gumbo sit, covered, until slightly cooled. Serve with bowls of rice, ladling the gumbo over the rice. This is delicious served with cornbread and butter and a tossed green salad.
Yield: Approx. 20 servings. May be reduced for smaller group.
© 1997 Ann Johnson Donovan arsnova@worldnet.att.net
Updated February 22, 1998.