Double tonguing
Exercise 1
Playing quarter notes at about 120 on middle G, instead of tonguing by hitting your top teeth, or saying "ta", with the middle of your tongue, hit the roof of your mouth, as if saying the syllable "ka". Try to get a clean, crisp "ka" on the G, ideally sounding identical to your standard "ta" articulation. (note: I have been doing double tonguing exercises for some years now, and I still don't have a perfect "ta". Don't get frustrated. This exercise is just for getting used to using the syllable "ka" as an articulation.) Do this exercise until you feel comfortable with the different articulation. It's okay if you don't sound clear yet, this exercise is purely to become accustom to using the "ka" syllable.

Exercise 2
Once you are use to using the "ka" syllable, you may now start to mix it with your standard "ta" articulation. The proper way to double tongue is, obviously, to go "ta ka ta ka ta ka". You MUST FIRST, however, give yourself "tongue twister" exercises. Playing eighth notes at a 120 meter mark, alternate randomly the "ka" and "ta" articulation. This hopefully will get you used to switching between the two articulations, and, because it is harder then double tonguing, hopefully make double tonguing easier. You can start tonguing this exercise a little slower if you need to, but before you move on, you should be about at 120, eighth notes.

Now that you are used to using the "ka" articulation, and are used to alternating it with the "ta" articulation, you should now be able to double tongue. However, there are many different uses and styles for the double tongue. There are also different styles, i.e. Using it for a double dotted eighth-thirtysecond note. I will start uploading NoteWorthy files to sharpen your skills at using the double tongue for runs, arpeggios, and octaves.

If you are having any trouble with thease excersizes, feel free to mail me your questions and comments, I would be happy to help you to the best of my ability.

Exercise one:
This is a simple exercise taken from Arban's book, and should be your first study for your new-found skill of Double Tonguing. 2tng1.mid

When you have mastered 2tng1.nwc, you will find this etude much more entertaining. This too, was taken from Arban's book.
