CD | Recorded in | Label | Title | CPM No. |
FUNARTE | Missa de Santa Cecília (St Cecilia´s Mass), Associação de Canto Coral, conducted by Edoardo de Guarnieri, with soprano Zilda Lourenço, mezzo Lucile Boy Sandra, tenor Isauro Camino, and bass Juan Carlor Ortiz (2 CDs). | 113 |
FUNARTE | Matinas de Finados (Matins for the Dead) Associação de Canto Coral, conducted by Cleofe Person de Mattos, with Betty Antunes at the organ. | 191 |
Missa de Santa Cecília, and
Matinas de Finados
Associação de Canto Coral, with the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (mass), conducted by
Edoardo de Guarnieri and Betty Antunes playing the organ at the matins (2 CDs).
This is a reprint of the three CDs above, with digital remixing made in St Cecilia´s Mass recording. |
113, 191 |
Methodo de Pianoforte,
by Ruth Serrão, piano.
This recording includes the Peça para Piano (Piano piece). |
235, 236 |
JADE (France) |
Brazilian Baroque - Terra de Santa Cruz
Featured are the Mass of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, and the Christmas Matins sung by Associação de Canto Coral, conducted by Henrique Morelenbaum. |
110, 170 (bis) |
Viagem Pelo Brasil (A trip through Brazil),
Ana Maria Kieffer, alto; Gisela Nogueira e Edelton Gloeden,
steel guitar;
It has featured the modinha Beijo a Mão que me Condena (I kiss the hand that condemns me). |
226 |
Música portuguesa e brasileira do século XVIII para cravo
(18th century portuguese and brazilian pieces for harpsichord),
performed by Marcelo Fagerlande.
Featured are three pieces from the Methodo de Pianoforte: Fantasy no 2 in F Major, Part One, Lesson 11 in D Major, and Part One, Lesson 12 In D Flat |
236 | |
Seminários de Música Pro-Arte |
José Maurício Nunes Garcia,
with Coro de Câmara Pro-Arte, conducted by Carlos Alberto Figueiredo,
and Carol McDavit, Clarice Szajnbrun, Deina Melgaço, José
Paulo Bernardes, Inácio de Nonno, soloists and Rosana
Lanzelotte (organ).
Recorded: Matinas de Natal (Christmas Matins), and the works for Holy Week: Miserere, Popule Meus, Judas Mercator Pessimus, Domine tu Mihi Lavas Pedes. |
170, 194, 198, 199, 222 |
Centro Cultural Pró-Música |
VI Festival de Música Colonial Brasileira e Música Antiga
(6th Festival of Brazilian Colonial and Ancient Music)
(various performers). It has featured: Matinas de N.S. da Conceição, and the motets for Holy Week Judas Mercator Pessimus, Gradual para o Domingo de Ramos (Gradual for Palms Sunday), and In Monte Oliveti. |
174, 199, 218 |
Claves (Switzerland) |
Sacred Music from 18th Century Brazil,
with Ensemble Turicum, conducted by Luiz Alves da Silva.
It includes José Mauricio´s works for Holy Week: Popule Meus, Tenuisti Manum Dexteram Meam, Crux Fidelis, In Monte Oliveti, Sepulto Domino, Inter Vestibulum, Immutemur Habitu and Judas Mercator Pessimus. |
61, 62, 199, 218(2), 218(7), 222, 223 |
Sonhos & Sons |
Ninguém Morra de Ciúmes (Let Nobody be Full of Jealousy),
with Collegium Musicum de Minas.
It has featured the score redings (1 to 4) from his Method for the Pianoforte. |
236 |
Seminários de Música Pro-Arte |
Missa de São Pedro de Alcântara,
with Coro de Câmara Pro-Arte, conducted by Carlos Alberto Figueiredo,
and Carol McDavit, Katya Kazzaz, José Paulo Bernardes, Inácio
de Nonno, soloists and Rosana Lanzelotte, organ.
It includes the Credo em Si Bemol (Credo in B flat), and the works a capella for Holy Week: Christus Factus Est, In Monte Oliveti, Sepulto Domino. |
105, 121, 204, 218(2), 223 |
Fundação Cultural Avatar |
Comte de Saint Germain - 6 Arias and Hymn, and José Mauricio Nunes Garcia - Motet
with Tommaso Traetta Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Roberto Duarte, and
Gilda Ferrara, Soprano
The motet included is Te Christe Solum Novimus, for Soprano and Chamber Orchestra. |
52 |
PAULUS | Ofício dos Defuntos de 1816 (Funeral Office of 1816), premiere world recording, with Camerata Novo Horizonte de São Paulo, conducted by Graham Griffiths. | 186 |
História da Música Brasileira
Vols I e II - Período Colonial,
(A History of Brazilian Music
Disks One and Two - Colonial Period)
with choir Vox Brasiliensis, conducted by Ricardo Kanji.
In disk one is featured the antiphon Tota Pulchra Est Maria, and the graduals: Dies Sanctificatus, and Justus Cum Ceciderit (Gradual de são Sebastião) Disk two features the modinha - Beijo a Mão Que Me Condena, two of the lessons of the Método de Pianoforte, and the Ouvertures Zemira and Abertura em Ré (Ouverture in D). |
Disk One: 1, 130, 143;
Disk Two: 226, 231, 232, 236(I-12), 236(II-5) |
K 617 (France) |
Música Sacra do Brasil,
(Sacred Music from Brazil) with choir Vox Brasiliensis, conducted by Ricardo Kanji. This CD is a reprint of some works recorded in the two above CDs. It includes the antiphon Tota Pulchra Est Maria, the graduals Dies Sanctificatus and Justus Cum Ceciderit (Gradual de são Sebastião). and the ouvertures Zemira and Ouverture in D. |
1, 130, 143, 231, 232 |
conducted by Júlio Moretzsohn.
This features the motets for Holy Week: Popule Meus, Gradual para o Domingo de Ramos, In Monte Oliveti, Judas Mercator Pessimus, and Domine tu Mihi Lavas Pedes. |
198, 199, 218(2), 222 |
K 617 (France) |
Missa Pastoril,
with Ensemble Turicum, conducted by Luiz Alves da Silva and Mathias Weibel.
The recording features the graduals: Dies Sanctificatus, and Justus Cum Ceciderit (Gradual de são Sebastião). and the two Psalms Laudate Dominum and Laudate Pueri. |
76,77, 108, 230, 243 |
CD+ |
conducted by Ernani Aguiar, with Porto Alegre Choir and Orchestra (choir preparation: Gisa Volkmann), and Ana Luisa Vargas, Márcia Fonseca,
Marcos Liesemberg, Pedro Sphor (soloists), and Diego Grendene de Souza (clarinet).
Featured in this recording are the Novena do Santíssimo Sacramento (of the Holy Sacrament), do Apóstolo São Pedro (of St Peter the Apostle) and of Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Our Lady of Carmel). |
66, 68, 72 |
Centro Cultural Pró-Música |
10º Festival de Música Colonial Brasileira e Música Antiga -
José Mauricio Nunes Garcia - Obras Profanas,
(10th Festival of Brazilian Colonial and Ancient Music - José Mauricio Nunes Garcia - Secular Works) The following works are recorded: Sinfonia Fúnebre (Funeral Symphony), Abertura em Ré (Ouverture in D); the Coro para o Entremês (Choir for the Intermezzo ) performed by Pró Música Choir and Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Nelson Nilo Hack; the music for stage opens with Zemira, ouverture for the play O Triunfo da América (The Triumph of America), that follws, and Ulissea, Drama Eroico, with the Festival´s Choir and Orchestra, conducted by Sérgio Dias, and last (but not least) Modinha, with Pedro Couri Neto (contertenor), and Claudio Ribeiro (harpsichord). |
226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 |
Sonhos e Sons |
with harpsichordist Antonio Carlos de Magalhães
the included recording is the Fantasy no 6 of the Method for the Pianoforte. |
236 |
Museu de Música de Mariana |
Projeto Restauração e Difusão de Partituras Vol II - Missa
(Project for Score Restoration and Diffusion, Vol II - Mass)
with São Paulo Chamber Choir and Engenho Barroco Orchestra, conducted by Naomi Munakata. the included recording is the Mass in E flat. |
118 |
Museu de Música de Mariana |
Projeto Restauração e Difusão de Partituras Vol IX - Música Fúnebre
(Project for Score Restoration and Diffusion, Vol IX - Funeral Music)
with Calíope Ensemble and Santa Teresa Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Julio Moretzsohn. the included recordings are Matins for The Dead, a Memento Mei Deus and a Libera Me not catalogued yet. |
183 |