One of the greatest heroes of Viet-Nam, who is remembered around the world for his great skill and loyal determination is Tran Hung Dao. He ensured that when the vast hordes of Mongol warriors were conquering almost all of the known world, Viet-Nam would remain independent of foreign control and influence. Tran Hung Dao was born in Nam Dinh, and his uncle was the Emperor of Dai Viet, Tran Thai Ton. When the powerful forces of Kublai Kahn began to threaten the country from the north Tran Hung Dao was given the position of supreme commander of the Vietnamese military in 1283. The Tran Emperor had tried to make peace with the Mongols and ensure the safety of Dai Viet, but the Mongols were not satisfied and desired to conquer all of Indochina. Emperor Tran Nhan Tong could forsee the plan of the Mongols and called upon all of the princes and national leaders to decide how to react. Every single person decided to fight any attempt by the Mongols to occupy Vietnamese territory. Even the young Prince Quoc Toan, only 16-years-old, assembled 1,000 men to lead into battle. The Emperor ordered that all of the troops of all of the princes and generals be under the command of Tran Hung Dao. In 1284 the Mongols invaded Dai Viet through Lang Son with their commander Thoat Hoan. Tran Hung Dao called upon the Emperor and all Vietnamese people to unite in a national campaign to resist the invaders in his appeal "Hich Tuong Si". With only 200,000 men Tran Hung Dao was greatly outnumbered by the Mongol horde and even the capital was captured, but Tran Hung Dao continued to resist and fight the Mongols at every opportunity. Finally, the unconquerable spirit of Tran Hung Dao overpowered the Mongols and they retreated out of Dai Viet. The Mongols had already conquered China, Central Asia, most of Russia and even into the countries of Iraq and Poland. Certainly they did not expect Viet-Nam to be such trouble. In 1287 the Mongols returned with a massive army of 300,000 soldiers and a large fleet. Tran Hung Dao placed a trap in the Bach Dang river, bamboo spikes with steel tips that were invisible at high tide. Tran Hung Dao chose this perfect time to attack the Mongol fleet. He pretended to retreat to draw the Mongols into the trap. By now the tide had dropped and as the Mongols chased up the river their fleet was impaled on the bamboo spikes and Tran Hung Dao led a massive attack to overrun the ships. The entire invading force was destroyed and all of the ships taken or sunk. Tran Hung Dao had saved Dai Viet from the most feared conquerors in the world. After his death the Emperor Tran Anh Tong gave him the honored style of "Hung Dao Dai Vuong". His example remains an inspiration for all Vietnamese patriots and loyal nationalists still today. An International Assembly meeting in the United Kingdom unanimously declared Admiral-Marshal Tran Hung Dao to be the most talented general of the Middle Ages in the World, truly a figure of great pride for all Vietnamese. |