The Principles of Economics
by Alfred Marshall
Book III
On Wants and Their Satisfaction
Chapter 1
    1. The older definitions of economics described it as the
science which is concerned with the production, the distribution,
the exchange, and the consumption of wealth. Later experience has
shown that the problems of distribution and exchange are so
closely connected, that it is doubtful whether anything is to be
gained by the attempt to keep them separate. There is however a
good deal of general reasoning with regard to the relation of
demand and supply which is required as a basis for the practical
problems of value, and which acts as an underlying backbone,
giving unity and consistency to the main body of economic
reasoning. Its very breadth and generality mark it off from the
more concrete problems of distribution and exchange to which it
is subservient; and therefore it is put together in Book V on
"The General Theory of Demand and Supply" which prepares the way
for "Distribution and Exchange, or Value."
    But first comes the present Book III, a study of Wants and
their satisfaction, i.e. of demand and consumption: and then Book
IV, a study of the agents of production, that is, the agents by
whose means wants are satisfied, including man himself, the chief
agent and the sole aim of production. Book IV corresponds in
general character to that discussion of production to which a
large place has been given in nearly all English treatises on
general economics during the last two generations; although its
relation to the problems of demand and supply has not been made
sufficiently clear.
    2. Until recently the subject of demand or consumption has
been somewhat neglected. For important as is the inquiry how to
turn our resources to the best account, it is not one which lends
itself, so far as the expenditure of private individuals is
concerned, to the methods of economics. The common sense of a
person who has had a large experience of life will give him more
guidance in such a matter than he can gain from subtle economic
analyses; and until recently economists said little on the
subject, because they really had not much to say that was not the
common property of all sensible people. But recently several
causes have combined to give the subject a greater prominence in
economic discussions.
    The first of these is the growing belief that harm was done
by Ricardo's habit of laying disproportionate stress on the side
of cost of production, when analysing the causes that determine
exchange value. For although he and his chief followers were
aware that the conditions of demand played as important a part as
those of supply in determining value, yet they did not express
their meaning with sufficient clearness, and they have been
misunderstood by all but the most careful readers.
    Secondly, the growth of exact habits of thought in economics
is making people more careful to state distinctly the premises on
which they reason. This increased care is partly due to the
application by some writers of mathematical language and
mathematical habits of thought. It is indeed doubtful whether
much has been gained by the use of complex mathematical formulae.
But the application of mathematical habits of thought has been of
great service; for it has led people to refuse to consider a
problem until they are quite sure what the problem is; and to
insist on knowing what is, and what is not intended to be assumed
before proceeding further.
    This has in its turn compelled a more careful analysis of all
the leading conceptions of economics, and especially of demand;
for the mere attempt to state clearly how the demand for a thing
is to be measured opens up new aspects of the main problems of
economics. And though the theory of demand is yet in its infancy,
we can already see that it may be possible to collect and arrange
statistics of consumption in such a way as to throw light on
difficult questions of great importance to public wellbeing.
    Lastly, the spirit of the age induces a closer attention to
the question whether our increasing wealth may not be made to go
further than it does in promoting the general wellbeing; and this
again compels us to examine how far the exchange value of any
element of wealth, whether in collective or individual use,
represents accurately the addition which it makes to happiness
and wellbeing.
    We will begin this Book with a short study of the variety of
human wants, considered in their relation to human efforts and
activities. For the progressive nature of man is one whole. It is
only temporarily and provisionally that we can with profit
isolate for study the economic side of his life; and we ought to
be careful to take together in one view the whole of that side.
There is a special need to insist on this just now, because the
reaction against the comparative neglect of the study of wants by
Ricardo and his followers shows signs of being carried to the
opposite extreme. It is important still to assert the great truth
on which they dwelt somewhat too exclusively; viz. that while
wants are the rulers of life among the lower animals, it is to
changes in the forms of efforts and activities that we must turn
when in search for the keynotes of the history of mankind.
Chapter 2
Wants in Relation to Activities
    1. Human wants and desires are countless in number and very
various in kind: but they are generally limited and capable of
being satisfied. The uncivilized man indeed has not many more
than the brute animal; but every step in his progress upwards
increases the variety of his needs together with the variety in
his methods of satisfying them. He desires not merely larger
quantities of the things he has been accustomed to consume, but
better qualities of those things; he desires a greater choice of
things, and things that will satisfy new wants growing up in him.
    Thus though the brute and the savage alike have their
preferences for choice morsels, neither of them cares much for
variety for its own sake. As, however, man rises in civilization,
as his mind becomes developed, and even his animal passions begin
to associate themselves with mental activities, his wants become
rapidly more subtle and more various; and in the minor details of
life he begins to desire change for the sake of change, long
before he has consciously escaped from the yoke of custom. The
first great step in this direction comes with the art of making a
fire: gradually he gets to accustom himself to many different
kinds of food and drink cooked in many different ways; and before
long monotony begins to become irksome to him, and he finds it a
great hardship when accident compels him to live for a long time
exclusively on one or two kinds of food.
    As a man's riches increase, his food and drink become more
various and costly; but his appetite is limited by nature, and
when his expenditure on food is extravagant it is more often to
gratify the desires of hospitality and display than to indulge
his own senses.
    This brings us to remark with Senior that "Strong as is the
desire for variety, it is weak compared with the desire for
distinction: a feeling which if we consider its universality, and
its constancy, that it affects all men and at all times, that it
comes with us from the cradle and never leaves us till we go into
the grave, may be pronounced to be the most powerful of human
passions." This great half-truth is well illustrated by a
comparison of the desire for choice and various food with that
for choice and various dress.
    2. That need for dress which is the result of natural causes
varies with the climate and the season of year, and a little with
the nature of a person's occupations. But in dress conventional
wants overshadow those which are natural. Thus in many of the
earlier stages of civilization the sumptuary mandates of Law and
Custom have rigidly prescribed to the members of each caste or
industrial grade, the style and the standard of expense up to
which their dress must reach and beyond which they may not go;
and part of the substance of these mandates remains now, though
subject to rapid change. In Scotland, for instance, in Adam
Smith's time many persons were allowed by custom to go abroad
without shoes and stockings who may not do so now; and many may
still do it in Scotland who might not in England. Again, in
England now a well-to-do labourer is expected to appear on Sunday
in a black coat and, in some places, in a silk hat; though these
would have subjected him to ridicule but a short time ago. There
is a constant increase both in that variety and expensiveness
which custom requires as a minimum, and in that which it
tolerates as a maximum; and the efforts to obtain distinction by
dress are extending themselves throughout the lower grades of
English society.
    But in the upper grades, though the dress of women is still
various and costly, that of men is simple and inexpensive as
compared with what it was in Europe not long ago, and is to-day
in the East. For those men who are most truly distinguished on
their own account, have a natural dislike to seem to claim
attention by their dress; and they have set the fashion.(1*)
    3. House room satisfies the imperative need for shelter from
the weather: but that need plays very little part in the
effective demand for house room. For though a small but
well-built cabin gives excellent shelter, its stifling
atmosphere, its necessary uncleanliness, and its want of the
decencies and the quiet of life are great evils. It is not so
much that they cause physical discomfort as that they tend to
stunt the faculties, and limit people's higher activities. With
every increase in these activities the demand for larger house
room becomes more urgent.(2*)
    And therefore relatively large and well-appointed house room
is, even in the lowest social ranks, at once a "necessary for
efficiency,"(3*) and the most convenient and obvious way of
advancing a material claim to social distinction. And even in
those grades in which everyone has house room sufficient for the
higher activities of himself and his family, a yet further and
almost unlimited increase is desired as a requisite for the
exercise of many of the higher social activities.
    4. It is, again, the desire for the exercise and development
of activities, spreading through every rank of society, which
leads not only to the pursuit of science, literature and art for
their own sake, but to the rapidly increasing demand for the work
of those who pursue them as professions. Leisure is used less and
less as an opportunity for mere stagnation; and there is a
growing desire for those amusements, such as athletic games and
travelling, which develop activities rather than indulge any
sensuous craving.(4*)
    For indeed the desire for excellence for its own sake, is
almost as wide in its range as the lower desire for distinction.
Just as the desire for distinction graduates down from the
ambition of those who may hope that their names will be in men's
mouths in distant lands and in distant times, to the hope of the
country lass that the new ribbon she puts on for Easter may not
pass unnoticed by her neighbours; so the desire for excellence
for its own sake graduates down from that of a Newton, or a
Stradivarius, to that of the fisherman who, even when no one is
looking and he is not in a hurry, delights in handling his craft
well, and in the fact that she is well built and responds
promptly to his guidance. Desires of this kind exert a great
influence on the supply of the highest faculties and the greatest
inventions; and they are not unimportant on the side of demand.
For a large part of the demand for the most highly skilled
professional services and the best work of the mechanical
artisan, arises from the delight that people have in the training
of their own faculties, and in exercising them by aid of the most
delicately adjusted and responsive implements.
    Speaking broadly therefore, although it is man's wants in the
earliest stages of his development that give rise to his
activities, yet afterwards each new step upwards is to be
regarded as the development of new activities giving rise to new
wants, rather than of new wants giving rise to new activities.
    We see this clearly if we look away from healthy conditions
of life, where new activities are constantly being developed; and
watch the West Indian negro, using his new freedom and wealth not
to get the means of satisfying new wants, but in idle stagnation
that is not rest; or again look at that rapidly lessening part of
the English working classes, who have no ambition and no pride or
delight in the growth of their faculties and activities, and
spend on drink whatever surplus their wages afford over the bare
necessaries of a squalid life.
    It is not true therefore that "the Theory of Consumption is
the scientific basis of economics."(5*) For much that is of chief
interest in the science of wants, is borrowed from the science of
efforts and activities. These two supplement one another; either
is incomplete without the other. But if either, more than the
other, may claim to be the interpreter of the history of man,
whether on the economic side or any other, it is the science of
activities and not that of wants; and McCulloch indicated their
true relations when, discussing "the progressive nature of
man"(6*) he said: - "The gratification of a want or a desire is
merely a step to some new pursuit. In every stage of his progress
he is destined to contrive and invent, to engage in new
undertakings; and when these are accomplished to enter with fresh
energy upon others."
    From this it follows that such a discussion of demand as is
possible at this stage of our work, must be confined to an
elementary analysis of an almost purely formal kind. The higher
study of consumption must come after, and not before, the main
body of economic analysis; and, though it may have its beginning
within the proper domain of economics, it cannot find its
conclusion there, but must extend far beyond.(7*)
1. A woman may display wealth, but she may not display only her
wealth, by her dress; or else she defeats her ends. She must also
suggest some distinction of character as well as of wealth; for
though her dress may owe more to her dressmaker than to herself,
yet there is a traditional assumption that, being less busy than
man with external affairs, she can give more time to taking
thought as to her dress. Even under the sway of modern fashions,
to be "well dressed" - not "expensively dressed" is a reasonable
minor aim for those who desire to be distinguished for their
faculties and abilities; and this will be still more the case if
the evil dominion of the wanton vagaries of fashion should pass
away. For to arrange costumes beautiful in themselves, various
and well-adapted to their purposes, is an object worthy of high
endeavour; it belongs to the same class, though not to the same
rank in that class, as the painting of a good picture.
2. It is true that many active-minded working men prefer cramped
lodgings in a town to a roomy cottage in the country; but that is
because they have a strong taste for those activities for which a
country life offers little scope.
3. See Book II, ch. III, sec. 3.
4. As a minor point it may be noticed that those drinks which
stimulate the mental activities are largely displacing those
which merely gratify the senses. The consumption of tea is
increasing very fast, while that of alcohol is stationary; and
there is in all ranks of society a diminishing demand for the
grosser and more immediately stupefying forms of alcohol.
5. This doctrine is laid down by Banfield, and adopted by Jevons
as the key of his position. It is unfortunate that here as
elsewhere Jevons' delight in stating his case strongly has led
him to a conclusion, which not only is inaccurate, but does
mischief by implying that the older economists were more at fault
than they really were. Banfield says "the first proposition of
the theory of consumption is that the satisfaction of every lower
want in the scale creates a desire of a higher character." And if
this were true, the above doctrine, which he bases on it, would
be true also. But, as Jevons points out (Theory, 2nd Ed. p. 59),
it is not true: and he substitutes for it the statement that the
satisfaction of a lower want permits a higher want to manifest
itself. That is a true and indeed an identical proposition: but
it affords no support to the claims of the Theory of Consumption
to supremacy.
6. Political Economy, ch. II.
7. The formal classification of Wants is a task not without
interest; but it is not needed for our purposes. The basis of
most modern work in this direction is to be found in Hermann's
Staatswirtschaftliche Untersuchungen, Ch. II, where wants are
classified as "absolute and relative, higher and lower, urgent
and capable of postponement, positive and negative, direct and
indirect, general and particular, constant and interrupted,
permanent and temporary, ordinary and extraordinary, present and
future, individual and collective, private and public." Some
analysis of wants and desires is to be found in the great
majority of French and other Continental treatises on economics
even of the last generation; but the rigid boundary which English
writers have ascribed to their science has excluded such
discussions. And it is a characteristic fact that there is no
allusion to them in Bentham's Manual of Political Economy,
although his profound analysis of them in the Principles of
Morals and legislation and in the Table of the Springs of Human
Action has exercised a wide-spread influence. Hermann had studied
Bentham; and on the other hand Banfield, whose lectures were
perhaps the first ever given in an English University that owed
much directly to German economic thought, acknowledges special
obligations to Hermann. In England the way was prepared for
Jevons' excellent work on the theory of wants, by Bentham
himself; by Senior, whose short remarks on the subject are
pregnant with far-reaching hints; by Banfield, and by the
Australian Hearn. Hearn's Plutology or Theory of the Efforts to
satisfy Human Wants is at once simple and profound: it affords an
admirable example of the way in which detailed analysis may be
applied to afford a training of a very high order for the young,
and to give them an intelligent acquaintance with the economic
conditions of life, without forcing upon them any particular
solution of those more difficult problems on which they are not
yet able to form an independent judgment. At about the same time
as Jevons' Theory appeared, Carl Menger gave a great impetus to
the subtle and interesting studies of wants and utilities by the
Austrian school of economists: they had already been initiated by
von Thunen, as is indicated in the Preface to this Volume.
Chapter 3
Gradations of Consumers' Demand
    1. When a trader or a manufacturer buys anything to be used
in production, or be sold again, his demand is based on his
anticipations of the profits which he can derive from it. These
profits depend at any time on speculative risks and on other
causes, which will need to be considered later on. But in the
long run the price which a trader or manufacturer can afford to
pay for a thing depends on the prices which consumers will pay
for it, or for the things made by aid of it. The ultimate
regulator of all demands is therefore consumers' demand. And it
is with that almost exclusively that we shall be concerned in the
present Book.
    Utility is taken to be correlative to Desire or Want. It has
been already argued that desires cannot be measured directly, but
only indirectly by the outward phenomena to which they give rise:
and that in those cases with which economics is chiefly concerned
the measure is found in the price which a person is willing to
pay for the fulfilment or satisfaction of his desire. He may have
desires and aspirations which are not consciously set for any
satisfaction: but for the present we are concerned chiefly with
those which do so aim; and we assume that the resulting
satisfaction corresponds in general fairly well to that which was
anticipated when the purchase was made.(1*)
    There is an endless variety of wants, but there is a limit to
each separate want. This familiar and fundamental tendency of
human nature may be stated in the law of satiable wants or of
diminishing utility thus:-The total utility of a thing to anyone
(that is, the total pleasure or other benefit it yields him)
increases with every increase in his stock of it, but not as fast
as his stock increases. If his stock of it increases at a uniform
rate the benefit derived from it increases at a diminishing rate.
In other words, the additional benefit which a person derives
from a given increase of his stock of a thing, diminishes with
every increase in the stock that he already has.
    That part of the thing which he is only just induced to
purchase may be called his marginal purchase, because he is on
the margin of doubt whether it is worth his while to incur the
outlay required to obtain it. And the utility of his marginal
purchase may be called the marginal utility of the thing to him.
Or, if instead of buying it, he makes the thing himself, then its
marginal utility is the utility of that part which he thinks it
only just worth his while to make. And thus the law just given
may be worded:-
    The marginal utility of a thing to anyone diminishes with
every increase in the amount of it he already has.(2*)
    There is however an implicit condition in this law which
should be made clear. It is that we do not suppose time to be
allowed for any alteration in the character or tastes of the man
himself. It is therefore no exception to the law that the more
good music a man hears, the stronger is his taste for it likely
to become; that avarice and ambition are often insatiable; or
that the virtue of cleanliness and the vice of drunkenness alike
grow on what they feed upon. For in such cases our observations
range over some period of time; and the man is not the same at
the beginning as at the end of it. If we take a man as he is,
without allowing time for any change in his character, the
marginal utility of a thing to him diminishes steadily with every
increase in his supply of it.(3*)
    2. Now let us translate this law of diminishing utility into
terms of price. Let us take an illustration from the case of a
commodity such as tea, which is in constant demand and which can
be purchased in small quantities. Suppose, for instance, that tea
of a certain quality is to be had at 2s. per lb. A person might
be willing to give 10s. for a single pound once a year rather
than go without it altogether; while if he could have any amount
of it for nothing he would perhaps not care to use more than 30
lbs. in the year. But as it is, he buys perhaps 10 lbs. in the
year; that is to say, the difference between the satisfaction
which he gets from buying 9 lbs. and I 0 lbs. is enough for him
to be willing to pay 2s. for it: while the fact that he does not
buy an eleventh pound, shows that he does not think that it would
be worth an extra 2s. to him. That is, 2s. a pound measures the
utility to him of the tea which lies at the margin or terminus or
end of his purchases; it measures the marginal utility to him. If
the price which he is just willing to pay for any pound be called
his demand price, then 2s. is his marginal demand price. And our
law may be worded:-
    The larger the amount of a thing that a person has the less,
other things being equal (i.e. the purchasing power of money, and
the amount of money at his command being equal), will be the
price which he will pay for a little more of it: or in other
words his marginal demand price for it diminishes.
    His demand becomes efficient, only when the price which he is
willing to offer reaches that at which others are willing to
    This last sentence reminds us that we have as yet taken no
account of changes in the marginal utility of money, or general
purchasing power. At one and the same time, a person's material
resources being unchanged, the marginal utility of money to him
is a fixed quantity, so that the prices he is just willing to pay
for two commodities are to one another in the same ratio as the
utility of those two commodities.
    3. A greater utility will be required to induce him to buy a
thing if he is poor than if he is rich. We have seen how the
clerk with Rs100 a year will walk to business in a heavier rain
than the clerk with Rs300 a year.(4*) But although the utility, or
the benefit, that is measured in the poorer man's mind by
twopence is greater than that measured by it in the richer man's
mind; yet if the richer man rides a hundred times in the year and
the poorer man twenty times, then the utility of the hundredth
ride which the richer man is only just induced to take is
measured to him by twopence; and the utility of the twentieth
ride which the poorer man is only just induced to take is
measured to him by twopence. For each of them the marginal
utility is measured by twopence; but this marginal utility is
greater in the case of the poorer man than in that of the richer.
    In other words, the richer a man becomes the less is the
marginal utility of money to him; every increase in his resources
increases the price which he is willing to pay for any given
benefit. And in the same way every diminution of his resources
increases the marginal utility of money to him, and diminishes
the price that he is willing to pay for any benefit.(5*)
    4. To obtain complete knowledge of demand for anything, we
should have to ascertain how much of it he would be willing to
purchase at each of the prices at which it is likely to be
offered; and the circumstance of his demand for, say, tea can be
best expressed by a list of the prices which he is willing to
pay; that is, by his several demand prices for different amounts
of it. (This list may be called his demand schedule.)
    Thus for instance we may find that he would buy
 6 lbs. at 50d. per lb.         10 lbs. at 24d. per lb.
 7 "       40 "                 11 "       21 "
 8 "       33 "                 12 "       19 "
 9 "       28 "                 13 "       17 "
    If corresponding prices were filled in for all intermediate
amounts we should have an exact statement of his demand.(6*) We
cannot express a person's demand for a thing by the "amount he is
willing to buy" or by the "intensity of his eagerness to buy a
certain amount," without reference to the prices at which he
would buy that amount and other amounts. We can represent it
exactly only by lists of the prices at which he is willing to buy
different amounts.(7*)
    When we say that a person's demand for anything increases, we
mean that he will buy more of it than he would before at the same
price, and that he will buy as much of it as before at a higher
price. A general increase in his demand is an increase throughout
the whole list of prices at which he is willing to purchase
different amounts of it, and not merely that he is willing to buy
more of it at the current prices.(8*)
    5. So far we have looked at the demand of a single
individual. And in the particular case of such a thing as tea,
the demand of a single person is fairly representative of the
general demand of a whole market: for the demand for tea is a
constant one; and, since it can be purchased in small quantities,
every variation in its price is likely to affect the amount which
he will buy. But even among those things which are in constant
use, there are many for which the demand on the part of any
single individual cannot vary continuously with every small
change in price, but can move only by great leaps. For instance,
a small fall in the price of hats or watches will not affect the
action of every one; but it will induce a few persons, who were
in doubt whether or not to get a new hat or a new watch, to
decide in favour of doing so.
    There are many classes of things the need for which on the
part of any individual is inconstant, fitful, and irregular.
There can be no list of individual demand prices for
wedding-cakes, or the services of an expert surgeon. But the
economist has little concern with particular incidents in the
lives of individuals. He studies rather "the course of action
that may be expected under certain conditions from the members of
an industrial group," in so far as the motives of that action are
measurable by a money price; and in these broad results the
variety and the fickleness of individual action are merged in the
comparatively regular aggregate of the action of many.
    In large markets, then-where rich and poor, old and young,
men and women, persons of all varieties of tastes, temperaments
and occupations are mingled together,-the peculiarities in the
wants of individuals will compensate one another in a
comparatively regular gradation of total demand. Every fall,
however slight in the price of a commodity in general use, will,
other things being equal, increase the total sales of it; just as
an unhealthy autumn increases the mortality of a large town,
though many persons are uninjured by it. And therefore if we had
the requisite knowledge, we could make a list of prices at which
each amount of it could find purchasers in a given place during,
say, a year.
    The total demand in the place for, say, tea, is the sum of
the demands of all the individuals there. Some will be richer and
some poorer than the individual consumer whose demand we have
just written down; some will have a greater and others a smaller
liking for tea than he has. Let us suppose that there are in the
place a million purchasers of tea, and that their average
consumption is equal to his at each several price. Then the
demand of that place is represented by the same list of prices as
before, if we write a million pounds of tea instead of one
    There is then one general law of demand: -The greater the
amount to be sold, the smaller must be the price at which it is
offered in order that it may find purchasers; or, in other words,
the amount demanded increases with a fall in price, and
diminishes with a rise in price. There will not be any uniform
relation between the fall in price and the increase of demand. A
fall of one-tenth in the price may increase the sales by a
twentieth or by a quarter, or it may double them. But as the
numbers in the left-hand column of the demand schedule increase,
those in the right-hand column will always diminish.(10*)
    The price will measure the marginal utility of the commodity
to each purchaser individually: we cannot speak of price as
measuring marginal utility in general, because the wants and
circumstances of different people are different.
    6. The demand prices in our list are those at which various
quantities of a thing can be sold in a market during a given time
and under given conditions. If the conditions vary in any respect
the prices will probably require to be changed; and this has
constantly to be done when the desire for anything is materially
altered by a variation of custom, or by a cheapening of the
supply of a rival commodity, or by the invention of a new one.
For instance, the list of demand prices for tea is drawn out on
the assumption that the price of coffee is known; but a failure
of the coffee harvest would raise the prices for tea. The demand
for gas is liable to be reduced by an improvement in electric
lighting; and in the same way a fall in the price of a particular
kind of tea may cause it to be substituted for an inferior but
cheaper variety.(11*)
    Our next step will be to consider the general character of
demand in the cases of some important commodities ready for
immediate consumption. We shall thus be continuing the inquiry
made in the preceding chapter as to the variety and satiability
of wants; but we shall be treating it from a rather different
point of view, viz. that of price statistics.(12*)
1. It cannot be too much insisted that to measure directly, or
per se, either desires or the satisfaction which results from
their fulfilment is impossible, if not inconceivable. If we
could, we should have two accounts to make up, one of desires,
and the other of realized satisfactions. And the two might differ
considerably. For, to say nothing of higher aspirations, some of
those desires with which economics is chiefly concerned, and
especially those connected with emulation, are impulsive; many
result from the force of habit; some are morbid and lead only to
hurt; and many are based on expectations that are never
fulfilled. (See above I, II, sections 3, 4) Of course many
satisfactions are not common pleasures, but belong to the
development of man's higher nature, or to use a good old word, to
his beatification; and some may even partly result from self
abnegation. (See I, II, sec. 1) The two direct measurements then
might differ. But as neither of them is possible, we fall back on
the measurement which economics supplies, of the motive or moving
force to action: and we make it serve, with all its faults, both
for the desires which prompt activities and for the satisfactions
that result from them. (Compare "Some remarks on Utility" by
Prof. Pigou in the Economic Journal for March, 1903.)
2. See Note I in the Mathematical Appendix at the end of the
Volume. This law holds a priority of position to the law of
diminishing return from land; which however has the priority in
time; since it was the first to be subjected to a rigid analysis
of a semi-mathematical character. And if by anticipation we
borrow some of its terms, we may say that the return of pleasure
which a person gets from each additional dose of a commodity
diminishes till at last a margin is reached at which it is no
longer worth his while to acquire any more of it.
    The term marginal utility (Grenz-nutz) was first used in this
connection by the Austrian Wieser. It has been adopted by Prof.
Wicksteed. It corresponds to the term Final used by Jevons, to
whom Wieser makes his acknowledgments in the Preface (p. xxiii of
the English edition). His list of anticipators of his doctrine is
headed by Gossen, 1854.
3. It may be noticed here, though the fact is of but little
practical importance, that a small quantity of a commodity may be
insufficient to meet a certain special want; and then there will
be a more than proportionate increase of pleasure when the
consumer gets enough of it to enable him to attain the desired
end. Thus, for instance, anyone would derive less pleasure in
proportion from ten pieces of wall paper than from twelve, if the
latter would, and the former would not, cover the whole of the
walls of his room. Or again a very short concert or a holiday may
fail of its purpose of soothing and recreating: and one of double
length might be of more than double total utility. This case
corresponds to the fact, which we shall have to study in
connection with the tendency to diminishing return, that the
capital and labour already applied to any piece of land may be so
inadequate for the development of its full powers, that some
further expenditure on it even with the existing arts of
agriculture would give a more than proportionate return; and in
the fact that an improvement in the arts of agriculture may
resist that tendency, we shall find an analogy to the condition
just mentioned in the text as implied in the law of diminishing
4. See I, II, sec. 2.
5. See Note II in the Mathematical Appendix.
6. Such a demand schedule may be translated, on a plan now coming
into familiar use, into a curve that may be called his demand
curve. Let Ox and Oy be drawn the one horizontally, the other
vertically. Let an inch measured along Ox represent 1o lbs. of
tea, and an inch measured along Oy represent 40d.
        tenths of       fortieths of
        an inch.        an inch.
 take   Om1 = 6, and draw m1p1 = 50
        Om2 = 7   "    "  m2p2 = 40
        Om3 = 8   "    "  m3p3 = 33
        Om4 = 9   "    "  m4p4 = 28
        Om5 = 10  "    "  m5p5 = 24
        Om6 = 11  "    "  m6p6 = 21
        Om7 = 12  "    "  m7p7 = 19
        Om8 = 13  "    "  m8p8 = 17
m1 being on Ox and m1p1 being drawn vertically from m1; and so
for the others. Then p1 p2... p8 are points on his demand curve
for tea; or as we may say demand points. If we could find demand
points in the same manner for every possible quantity of tea, we
should get the whole continuous curve DD' as shown in the figure.
This account of the demand schedule and curve is provisional;
several difficulties connected with it are deferred to chapter v.
7. Thus Mill says that we must " mean by the word demand, the
quantity demanded, and remember that this is not a fixed
quantity, but in general varies according to the value."
(Principles, III, II, sec. 4) This account is scientific in
substance; but it is not clearly expressed and it has been much
misunderstood. Cairnes prefers to represent "demand as the desire
for commodities and services, seeking its end by an offer of
general purchasing power, and supply as the desire for general
purchasing power, seeking its end by an offer of specific
commodities or services." He does this in order that he may be
able to speak of a ratio, or equality, of demand and supply. But
the quantities of two desires on the part of two different
persons cannot be compared directly; their measures may be
compared, but not they themselves. And in fact Cairnes is himself
driven to speak of supply as "limited by the quantity of specific
commodities offered for sale, and demand by the quantity of
purchasing power offered for their purchase." But sellers have
not a fixed quantity of commodities which they offer for sale
unconditionally at whatever price they can get: buyers have not a
fixed quantity of purchasing power which they are ready to spend
on the specific commodities, however much they pay for them.
Account must then be taken in either case of the relation between
quantity and price, in order to complete Cairnes' account, and
when this is done it is brought back to the lines followed by
Mill. He says, indeed, that "Demand, as defined by Mill, is to be
understood as measured, not, as my definition would require, by
the quantity of purchasing power offered in support of the desire
for commodities, but by the quantity of commodities for which
such purchasing power is offered." It is true that there is a
great difference between the statements, "I will buy twelve
eggs," and "I will buy a shilling's Worth of eggs." But there is
no substantive difference between the statement, "I will buy
twelve eggs at a penny each, but only six at three halfpence
each," and the statement, "I will spend a shilling on eggs at a
penny each, but if they cost three halfpence each I will spend
ninepence on them." But while Cairnes' account when completed
becomes substantially the same as Mill's, its present form is
even more misleading. (See an article by the present writer on
Mill's Theory of Value in the Fortnightly Review for April, 1876)
8. We may sometimes find it convenient to speak of this as a
raising of his demand schedule. Geometrically it is represented
by raising his demand curve, or, what comes to the same thing,
moving it to the right, with perhaps some modification of its
9. The demand is represented by the same curve as before, only an
inch measured along Ox now represents ten million pounds instead
of ten pounds. And a formal definition of the demand curve for a
market may be given thus:-The demand curve for any commodity in a
market during any given unit of time is the locus of demand
points for it. That is to say, it is a curve such that if from
any point P on it, a straight line PM be drawn perpendicular to
Ox, PM represents the price at which purchasers will be
forthcoming for an amount of the commodity represented by OM.
10. That is, if a point moves along the curve away from Oy it
will constantly approach Ox. Therefore if a straight line PT be
drawn touching the curve at P and meeting Ox in T, the angle PTx
is an obtuse angle. It will be found convenient to have a short
way of expressing this fact; which may be done by saying that PT
is inclined negatively. Thus the one universal rule to which the
demand curve conforms is that it is inclined negatively
throughout the whole of its length.
    It will of course be understood that "the law of demand" does
not apply to the demand in a campaign between groups of
speculators. A group, which desires to unload a great quantity of
a thing on to the market, often begins by buying some of it
openly. When it has thus raised the price of the thing, it
arranges to sell a great deal quietly, and through unaccustomed
channels. See an article by Professor Taussig in the Quarterly
Journal of Economics (May, 1921, p. 402).
11. It is even conceivable, though not probable, that a
simultaneous and proportionate fall in the price of all teas may
diminish the demand for some particular kind of it; if it happens
that those whom the increased cheapness of tea leads to
substitute a superior kind for it are more numerous than those
who are led to take it in the place of an inferior kind. The
question where the lines of division between different
commodities should be drawn must be settled by convenience of the
particular discussion. For some purposes it may be best to regard
Chinese and Indian teas, or even Souchong and Pekoe teas, as
different commodities; and to have a separate demand schedule for
each of them. While for other purposes it may be best to group
together commodities as distinct as beef and mutton, or even as
tea and coffee, and to have a single list to represent the demand
for the two combined; but in such a case of course some
convention must be made as to the number of ounces of tea which
are taken as equivalent to a pound of coffee.
    Again, a commodity may be simultaneously demanded for several
uses (for instance there may be a "composite demand" for leather
for making shoes and portmanteaus); the demand for a thing may be
conditional on there being a supply of some other thing without
which it would not be of much service (thus there may be a "joint
demand" for raw cotton and cotton-spinners' labour). Again, the
demand for a commodity on the part of dealers who buy it only
with the purpose of selling it again, though governed by the
demand of the ultimate consumers in the background, has some
peculiarities of its own. But all such points may best be
discussed at a later stage.
12. A great change in the manner of economic thought has been
brought about during the present generation by the general
adoption of semi-mathematical language for expressing the
relation between small increments of a commodity on the one hand,
and on the other hand small increments in the aggregate price
that will be paid for it: and by formally describing these small
increments of price as measuring corresponding small increments
of pleasure. The former, and by far the more important, step was
taken by Cournot (Recherches sur les Principes Mathematiques de
la Theorie des Richesses, 1838); the latter by Dupuit (De la
Mesure d'utiiite des travaux publics in the Annales des Ponts et
Chaussees, 1844), and by Gossen (Entwickelung der Gesetze des
menschlichen Verkehrs, 1854). But their work was forgotten; part
of it was done over again, developed and published almost
simultaneously by Jevons and by Carl Menger in 1871, and by
Walras a little later. Jevons almost at once arrested public
attention by his brilliant lucidity and interesting style. He
applied the new name final utility so ingeniously as to enable
people who knew nothing of mathematical science to get clear
ideas of the general relations between the small increments of
two things that are gradually changing in causal connection with
one another. His success was aided even by his faults. For under
the honest belief that Ricardo and his followers had rendered
their account of the causes that determine value hopelessly wrong
by omitting to lay stress on the law of satiable wants, he led
many to think he was correcting great errors; whereas he was
really only adding very important explanations. He did excellent
work in insisting on a fact which is none the less important,
because his predecessors, and even Cournot, thought it too
obvious to be explicitly mentioned, viz. that the diminution in
the amount of a thing demanded in a market indicates a diminution
in the intensity of the desire for it on the part of individual
consumers, whose wants are becoming satiated. But he has led many
of his readers into a confusion between the provinces of Hedonics
and Economics, by exaggerating the applications of his favourite
phrases, and speaking (Theory, 2nd Edn, p. 105) without
qualification of the price of a thing as measuring its final
utility not only to an individual, which it can do, but also to
"a trading body," which it cannot do. These points are developed
later on in Appendix I on Ricardo's Theory of value. It should be
added that Prof. Seligman has shown (Economic Journal, 1903, pp.
356-63) that a long-forgotten Lecture, delivered by Prof. W.F.
Lloyd at Oxford in 1833, anticipated many of the central ideas of
the present doctrine of utility.
    An excellent bibliography of Mathematical Economics is given
by Prof. Fisher as an appendix to Bacon's translation of
Cournot's Researches, to which the reader may be referred for a
more detailed account of the earlier mathematical writings on
economics, as well as of those by Edgeworth, Pareto, Wicksteed,
Auspitz, Lieben and others. Pantaleoni's Pure Economics, amid
much excellent matter, makes generally accessible for the first
time the profoundly original and vigorous, if somewhat abstract,
reasonings of Gossen.
Chapter 4
The Elasticity of Wants
    1. We have seen that the only universal law as to a person's
desire for a commodity is that it diminishes, other things being
equal, with every increase in his supply of that commodity. But
this diminution may be slow or rapid. If it is slow the price
that he will give for the commodity will not fall much in
consequence of a considerable increase in his supply of it; and a
small fall in price will cause a comparatively large increase in
his purchases. But if it is rapid, a small fall in price will
cause only a very small increase in his purchases. In the former
case his willingness to purchase the thing stretches itself out a
great deal under the action of a small inducement: the elasticity
of his wants, we may say, is great. In the latter case the extra
inducement given by the fall in price causes hardly any extension
of his desire to purchase: the elasticity of his demand is small.
If a fall in price from say 16d. to 15d. per lb. of tea would
much increase his purchases, then a rise in price from 15 d. to
16d. would much diminish them. That is, when the demand is
elastic for a fall in price, it is elastic also for a rise.
    And as with the demand of one person so with that of a whole
market. And we may say generally: - The elasticity (or
responsiveness) of demand in a market is great or small according
as the amount demanded increases much or little for a given fall
in price, and diminishes much or little for a given rise in
    2. The price which is so high relatively to the poor man as
to be almost prohibitive, may be scarcely felt by the rich; the
poor man, for instance, never tastes wine, but the very rich man
may drink as much of it as he has a fancy for, without giving
himself a thought of its cost. We shall therefore get the
clearest notion of the law of the elasticity of demand by
considering one class of society at a time. Of course there are
many degrees of richness among the rich, and of poverty among the
poor; but for the present we may neglect these minor
    When the price of a thing is very high relatively to any
class, they will buy but little of it; and in some cases custom
and habit may prevent them from using it freely even after its
price has fallen a good deal. It may still remain set apart for a
limited number of special occasions, or for use in extreme
illness, etc. But such cases, though not infrequent, do not form
the general rule; and anyhow as soon as it has been taken into
common use, any considerable fall in its price causes a great
increase in the demand for it. The elasticity of demand is great
for high prices, and great, or at least considerable, for medium
prices; but it declines as the price falls; and gradually fades
away if the fall goes so far that satiety level is reached.
    This rule appears to hold with regard to nearly all
commodities and with regard to the demand of every class; save
only that the level at which high prices end and low prices
begin, is different for different classes; and so again is the
level at which low prices end and very low prices begin. There
are however many varieties in detail; arising chiefly from the
fact that there are some commodities with which people are easily
satiated, and others-chiefly things used for display-for which
their desire is almost unlimited. For the latter the elasticity
of demand remains considerable, however low the price may fall,
while for the former the demand loses nearly all its elasticity
as soon as a low price has once been reached.(2*)
    3. There are some things the current prices of which in this
country are very low relatively even to the poorer classes; such
are for instance salt, and many kinds of savours and flavours,
and also cheap medicines. It is doubtful whether any fall in
price would induce a considerable increase in the consumption of
    The current prices of meat, milk and butter, wool, tobacco,
imported fruits, and of ordinary medical attendance, are such
that every variation in price makes a great change in the
consumption of them by the working classes, and the lower half of
the middle classes; but the rich would not much increase their
own personal consumption of them however cheaply they were to be
had. In other words, the direct demand for these commodities is
very elastic on the part of the working and lower middle classes,
though not on the part of the rich. But the working class is so
numerous that their consumption of such things as are well within
their reach is much greater than that of the rich; and therefore
the aggregate demand for all things of the kind is very elastic.
A little while ago sugar belonged to this group of commodities:
but its price in England has now fallen so far as to be low
relatively even to the working classes, and the demand for it is
therefore not elastic.(3*)
    The current prices of wall-fruit, of the better kinds of
fish, and other moderately expensive luxuries are such as to make
the consumption of them by the middle class increase much with
every fall in price; in other words, the middle class demand for
them is very elastic: while the demand on the part of the rich
and on the part of the working class is much less elastic, the
former because it is already nearly satiated, the latter because
the price is still too high.
    The current prices of such things as rare wines, fruit out of
season, highly skilled medical and legal assistance, are so high
that there is but little demand for them except from the rich:
but what demand there is, often has considerable elasticity. Part
of the demand for the more expensive kinds of food is really a
demand for the means of obtaining social distinction, and is
almost insatiable.(4*)
    4. The case of necessaries is exceptional. When the price of
wheat is very high, and again when it is very low, the demand has
very little elasticity: at all events if we assume that wheat,
even when scarce, is the cheapest food for man; and that, even
when most plentiful, it is not consumed in any other way. We know
that a fall in the price of the quartern loaf from 6d. to 4d. has
scarcely any effect in increasing the consumption of bread. With
regard to the other end of the scale it is more difficult to
speak with certainty, because there has been no approach to a
scarcity in England since the repeal of the corn laws. But,
availing ourselves of the experience of a less happy time, we may
suppose that deficits in the supply of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 tenths
would cause a rise in price of 3, 8, 16, 28, or 45 tenths
respectively.(5*) Much greater variations in prices indeed than
this have not been uncommon. Thus wheat sold in London for ten
shillings a bushel in 1335, but in the following year it sold for
ten pence.(6*)
    There may be even more violent changes than this in the price
of a thing which is not necessary, if it is perishable and the
demand for it is inelastic: thus fish may be very dear one day,
and sold for manure two or three days later.
    Water is one of the few things the consumption of which we
are able to observe at all prices, from the very highest down to
nothing at all. At moderate prices the demand for it is very
elastic. But the uses to which it can be put are capable of being
completely filled: and as its price sinks towards zero the demand
for it loses its elasticity. Nearly the same may be said of salt.
Its price in England is so low that the demand for it as an
article of food is very inelastic: but in India the price is
comparatively high and the demand is comparatively elastic.
    The price of house-room, on the other hand, has never fallen
very low except when a locality is being deserted by its
inhabitants. Where the condition of society is healthy, and there
is no check to general prosperity, there seems always to be an
elastic demand for house-room, on account both of the real
conveniences and the social distinction which it affords. The
desire for those kinds of clothing which are not used for the
purpose of display, is satiable: when their price is low the
demand for them has scarcely any elasticity.
    The demand for things of a higher quality depends much on
sensibility. some people care little for a refined flavour in
their wine provided they can get plenty of it: others crave a
high quality, but are easily satiated. In the ordinary working
class districts the inferior and the better joints are sold at
nearly the same price: but some well-paid artisans in the north
of England have developed a liking for the best meat, and will
pay for it nearly as high a price as can be got in the west end
of London, where the price is kept artificially high by the
necessity of sending the inferior joints away for sale elsewhere.
U se also gives rise to acquired distastes as well as to acquired
tastes. Illustrations which make a book attractive to many
readers, will repel those whose familiarity with better work has
rendered them fastidious. A person of high musical sensibility in
a large town will avoid bad concerts: though he might go to. them
gladly if he lived in a small town, where no good concerts are to
be heard, because there are not enough persons willing to pay the
high price required to cover their expenses. The effective demand
for first-rate music is elastic only in large towns; for
second-rate music it is elastic both in large and small towns.
    Generally speaking those things have the most elastic demand,
which are capable of being applied to many different uses. Water
for instance is needed first as food, then for cooking, then for
washing of various kinds and so on. When there is no special
drought, but water is sold by the pailful, the price may be low
enough to enable even the poorer classes to drink as much of it
as they are inclined, while for cooking they sometimes use the
same water twice over, and they apply it very scantily in
washing. The middle classes will perhaps not use any of it twice
for cooking; but they will make a pail of water go a good deal
further for washing purposes than if they had an unlimited supply
at command. When water is supplied by pipes, and charged at a
very low rate by meter, many people use as much of it even for
washing as they feel at all inclined to do; and when the water is
supplied not by meter but at a fixed annual charge, and is laid
on in every place where it is wanted, the use of it for every
purpose is carried to the full satiety limit.(7*)
    On the other hand, demand is, generally speaking, very
inelastic, firstly, for absolute necessaries (as distinguished
from conventional necessaries and necessaries for efficiency);
and secondly, for some of those luxuries of the rich which do not
absorb much of their income.
    5. So far we have taken no account of the difficulties of
getting exact lists of demand prices, and interpreting them
correctly. The first which we have to consider arises from the
element of time, the source of many of the greatest difficulties
in economics.
    Thus while a list of demand prices represents the changes in
the price at which a commodity can be sold consequent on changes
in the amount offered for sale, other things being, yet other
things seldom are equal in fact over equal; periods of time
sufficiently long for the collection of full and trustworthy
statistics. There are always occurring disturbing causes whose
effects are commingled with, and cannot easily be separated from,
the effects of that particular cause which we desire to isolate.
This difficulty is aggravated by the fact that in economics the
full effects of a cause seldom come at once, but often spread
themselves out after it has ceased to exist.
    To begin with, the purchasing power of money is continually
changing, and rendering necessary a correction of the results
obtained on our assumption that money retains a uniform value.
This difficulty can however be overcome fairly well, since we can
ascertain with tolerable accuracy the broader changes in the
purchasing power of money.
    Next come the changes in the general prosperity and in the
total purchasing power at the disposal of the community at large.
The influence of these changes is important, but perhaps less so
than is generally supposed. For when the wave of prosperity is
descending, prices fall, and this increases the resources of
those with fixed incomes at the expense of those whose incomes
depend on the profits of business. The downward fluctuation of
prosperity is popularly measured almost entirely by the
conspicuous losses of this last class; but the statistics of the
total consumption of such commodities as tea, sugar, butter,
wool, etc. prove that the total purchasing power of the people
does not meanwhile fall very fast. Still there is a fall, and the
allowance to be made for it must be ascertained by comparing the
prices and the consumption of as many things as possible.
    Next come the changes due to the gradual growth of population
and wealth. For these an easy numerical correction can be made
when the facts are known.(8*)
    6. Next, allowance must be made for changes in fashion, and
taste and habit,(9*) for the opening out of new uses of a
commodity, for the discovery or improvement or cheapening of
other things that can be applied to the same uses with it. In all
these cases there is great difficulty in allowing for the time
that elapses between the economic cause and its effect. For time
is required to enable a rise in the price of a commodity to exert
its full influence on consumption. Time is required for consumers
to become familiar with substitutes that can be used instead of
it, and perhaps for producers to get into the habit of producing
them in sufficient quantities. Time may be also wanted for the
growth of habits of familiarity with the new commodities and the
discovery of methods of economizing them.
    For instance when wood and charcoal became dear in England,
familiarity with coal as a fuel grew slowly, fireplaces were but
slowly adapted to its use, and an organized traffic in it did not
spring up quickly even to places to which it could be easily
carried by water.. the invention of processes by which it could
be used as a substitute for charcoal in manufacture went even
more slowly, and is indeed hardly yet complete. Again, when in
recent years the price of coal became very high, a great stimulus
was given to the invention of economies in its use, especially in
the production of iron and steam; but few of these inventions
bore much practical fruit till after the high price had passed
away. Again, when a new tramway or suburban railway is opened,
even those who live near the line do not get into the habit of
making the most of its assistance at once; and a good deal more
time elapses before many of those whose places of business are
near one end of the line change their homes so as to live near
the other end. Again, when petroleum first became plentiful few
people were ready to use it freely; gradually petroleum and
petroleum lamps have become familiar to all classes of society:
too much influence would therefore be attributed to the fall in
price which has occurred since then, if it were credited with all
the increase of consumption.
    Another difficulty of the same kind arises from the fact that
there are many purchases which can easily be put off for a short
time, but not for a long time. This is often the case with regard
to clothes and other things which are worn out gradually, and
which can be made to serve a little longer than usual under the
pressure of high prices. For instance, at the beginning of the
cotton famine the recorded consumption of cotton in England was
very small. This was partly because retail dealers reduced their
stock, but chiefly because people generally made shift to do as
long as they could without buying new cotton goods. In 1864
however many found themselves unable to wait longer; and a good
deal more cotton was entered for home consumption in that year,
though the price was then much higher, than in either of the
preceding years. For commodities of this kind then a sudden
scarcity does not immediately raise the price fully up to the
level, which properly corresponds to the reduced supply.
Similarly after the great commercial depression in the United
States in 1873 it was noticed that the boot trade revived before
the general clothing trade; because there is a great deal of
reserve wear in the coats and hats that are thrown aside in
prosperous times as worn out, but not so much in the boots.
    7. The above difficulties are fundamental: but there are
others which do not lie deeper than the more or less inevitable
faults of our statistical returns.
    We desire to obtain, if possible, a series of prices at which
different amounts of a commodity can find purchasers during a
given time in a market. A perfect market is a district, small or
large, in which there are many buyers and many sellers all so
keenly on the alert and so well acquainted with one another's
affairs that the price of a commodity is always practically the
same for the whole of the district. But independently of the fact
that those who buy for their own consumption, and not for the
purposes of trade, are not always on the look out for every
change in the market, there is no means of ascertaining exactly
what prices are paid in many transactions. Again, the
geographical limits of a market are seldom clearly drawn, except
when they are marked out by the sea or by custom-house barriers;
and no country has accurate statistics of commodities produced in
it for home consumption.
    Again, there is generally some ambiguity even in such
statistics as are to be had. They commonly show goods as entered
for consumption as soon as they pass into the hands of dealers;
and consequently an increase of dealers' stocks cannot easily be
distinguished from an increase of consumption. But the two are
governed by different causes. A rise of prices tends to check
consumption; but if the rise is expected to continue, it will
probably, as has already been noticed, lead dealers to increase
their stocks.(10*)
    Next it is difficult to insure that the commodities referred
to are always of the same quality. After a dry summer what wheat
there is, is exceptionally good; and the prices for the next
harvest year appear to be higher than they really are. It is
possible to make allowance for this, particularly now that dry
Californian wheat affords a standard. But it is almost impossible
to allow properly for the changes in quality of many kinds of
manufactured goods. This difficulty occurs even in the case of
such a thing as tea: the substitution in recent years of the
stronger Indian tea for the weaker Chinese tea has made the real
increase of consumption greater than that which is shown by the
    8. General Statistics of consumption are published by many
Governments with regard to certain classes of commodities. But
partly for the reasons just indicated they are of very little
service in helping us to trace either a causal connection between
variations in prices and variations in the amounts which people
will buy, or in the distribution of different kinds of
consumption among the different classes of the community.
    As regards the first of these objects, viz. the discovery of
the laws connecting variations in consumption consequent on
variations in price, there seems much to be gained by working out
a hint given by Jevons (Theory, pp. 11, 12) with regard to
shopkeepers' books. A shopkeeper, or the manager of a
co-operative store, in the working man's quarter of a
manufacturing town has often the means of ascertaining with
tolerable accuracy the financial position of the great body of
his customers. He can find out how many factories are at work,
and for how many hours in the week, and he can hear about all the
important changes in the rate of wages: in fact he makes it his
business to do so. And as a rule his customers are quick in
finding out changes in the price of things which they commonly
use. He will therefore often find cases in which an increased
consumption of a commodity is brought about by a fall in its
price, the cause acting quickly, and acting alone without any
admixture of disturbing causes. Even where disturbing causes are
present, he will often be able to allow for their influence. For
instance, he will know that as the winter comes on, the prices of
butter and vegetables rise; but the cold weather makes people
desire butter more and vegetables less than before: and therefore
when the prices of both vegetables and butter rise towards the
winter, he will expect a greater falling off of consumption in
the case of vegetables than should properly be attributed to the
rise in price taken alone, but a less falling off in the case of
butter. If however in two neighbouring winters his customers have
been about equally numerous, and in receipt of about the same
rate of wages; and if in the one the price of butter was a good
deal higher than in the other, then a comparison of his books for
the two winters will afford a very accurate indication of the
influence of changes in price on consumption. Shopkeepers who
supply other classes of society must occasionally be in a
position to furnish similar facts relating to the consumption of
their customers.
    If a sufficient number of tables of demand by different
sections of society could be obtained, they would afford the
means of estimating indirectly the variations in total demand
that would result from extreme variations in price, and thus
attaining an end which is inaccessible by any other route. For,
as a general rule, the price of a commodity fluctuates within but
narrow limits; and therefore statistics afford us no direct means
of guessing what the consumption of it would be, if its price
were either fivefold or a fifth part of what it actually is. But
we know that its consumption would be confined almost entirely to
the rich if its price were very high; and that, if its price were
very low, the great body of its consumption would in most cases
be among the working classes. If then the present price is very
high relatively to the middle or to the working classes, we may
be able to infer from the laws of their demand at the present
prices what would be the demand of the rich if the price were so
raised so as to be very high relatively even to their means. On
the other hand, if the present price is moderate relatively to
the means of the rich, we may be able to infer from their demand
what would be the demand of the working classes if the price were
to fall to a level which is moderate relatively to their means.
It is only by thus piecing together fragmentary laws of demand
that we can hope to get any approach to an accurate law relating
to widely different prices. (That is to say, the general demand
curve for a commodity cannot be drawn with confidence except in
the immediate neighbourhood of the current price, until we are
able to piece it together out of the fragmentary demand curves of
different classes of society. Compare the second section of this
     When some progress has been made in reducing to definite law
the demand for commodities that are destined for immediate
consumption, then, but not till then, will there be use in
attempting a similar task with regard to those secondary demands
which are dependent on these -the demands namely for the labour
of artisans and others who take part in the production of things
for sale; and again the demand for machines, factories, railway
material and other instruments of production. The demand for the
work of medical men, of domestic servants and of all those whose
services are rendered direct to the consumer is similar in
character to the demand for commodities for immediate
consumption, and its laws may be investigated in the same manner.
    It is a very important, but also difficult task to ascertain
the proportions in which the different classes of society
distribute their expenditure between necessaries, comforts and
luxuries; between things that provide only present pleasure, and
those that build up stores of physical and moral strength; and
lastly between those which gratify the lower wants and those
which stimulate and educate the higher wants. Several endeavours
have been made in this direction on the Continent during the last
fifty years; and latterly the subject has been investigated with
increasing vigour not only there but also in America and in
1. We may say that the elasticity of demand is one, if a small
fall in price will cause an equal proportionate increase in the
amount demanded: or as we may say roughly, if a fall of one per
cent. in price will increase the sales by one per cent; that it
is two or a hal, if a fall of one per cent in price makes an
increase of two or one half per cent respectively in the amount
demanded; and so on. (This statement is rough; because 98 does
not bear exactly the same proportion to 100 that 100 does to
102.) The elasticity of demand can be best traced in the demand
curve with the aid of the following rule. Let a straight line
touching the curve at any point P meet Ox in T and Oy in t, then
the measure of the elasticity at the point P is the ratio of PT
to Pt.
     If PT were twice Pt, a fall of 1 per cent in price would
cause an increase of 2 per cent, in the amount demanded; the
elasticity of demand would be two. If PT were one-third of Pt, a
fall of 1 per cent in price would cause an increase of 1/3 per
cent. in the amount demanded; the elasticity of demand would be
one-third; and so on. Another way of looking at the same result
is this: the elasticity at the point P is measured by the ratio
of PT to Pt, that is of MT to MO (PM being drawn perpendicular to
Om); and therefore the elasticity is equal to one when the angle
TPM is equal to the angle OPM; and it always increases when the
angle TPM increases relatively to the angle OPM, and vice versa.
See Note III in the Mathematical Appendix.
2. Let us illustrate by the case of the demand for, say, green
peas in a town in which all vegetables are bought and sold in one
market. Early in the season perhaps 100 lb. a day will be brought
to market and sold at 1s. per lb., later on 500 lb. will be
brought and sold at 6d., later on 1,000 lb. at 4d., later still
5,000 at 2d., and later still 10,000 at 1 1/2d. Thus demand is
represented in fig. (4), an inch along Ox representing 5,000 lb.
and an inch along Oy representing 10d. Then a curve through p1,
p2,..., p5, found as shown above, will be the total demand curve.
But this total demand will be made up of the demands of the rich,
the middle class and the poor. The amounts that they will
severally demand may perhaps be represented by the following
schedules: --
At price in         Number of lbs. bought by
 pence per lb.  rich    middle class   poor      Total
 12             100         0           0            100
  6             300       200           0            500
  4             500       400         100          1,000
  2             800     2,500       1,700          5,000
  1 1/2       1,000     4,000       5,000         10,000
These schedules are translated into curves figs. (5), (6), (7),
showing the demands of the rich, the middle class and the poor
represented on the same scale as fig. (4). Thus for instance AH,
BK and CL each represents a price of 2d. and is.2 inches in
length;  OH =.16 in. representing 800 lb., OK =.5 in.
representing 2,500 lb. and OL =.34 in. representing 1,700 lb.,
while OH + OK + OL = 1 inch, i.e. = Om4 in fig. (4) as they
should do. This may serve as an example of the way in which
several partial demand curves, drawn to the same scale, can be
superimposed horizontally on one another to make the total demand
curve representing the aggregate of the partial demands.
3. We must however remember that the character of the demand
schedule for any commodity depends in a great measure on whether
the prices of its rivals are taken to be fixed or to alter with
it. If we separated the demand for beef from that for mutton, and
supposed the price of mutton to be held fixed while that for beef
was raised, then the demand for beef would become extremely
elastic. For any slight fall in the price of beef would cause it
to be used largely in the place of mutton and thus lead to a very
great increase of its consumption: while on the other hand even a
small rise in price would cause many people to eat mutton to the
almost entire exclusion of beef. But the demand schedule for all
kinds of fresh meat taken together, their prices being supposed
to retain always about the same relation to one another, and to
be not very different from those now prevail ing in England,
shows only a moderate elasticity. And similar remarks apply to
beet-root and cane-sugar. Compare the note on p. 100.
4. See above ch. II, sec. 1. In April 1894, for instance, six
plovers' eggs, the first of the season, were sold in London at
10s. 6d each. The following day there were more, and the price
fell to 5s.; the next day to 3s. each; and a week later to 4d.
5. This estimate is commonly attributed to Gregory King. Its
bearing on the law of demand is admirably discussed by Lord
Lauderdale (Inquiry, pp. 51-3). It is represented in fig. (8) by
the curve DD', the point A corresponding to the ordinary price.
If we take account of the fact that where the price of wheat is
very low, it may be used, as it was for instance in 1834, for
feeding cattle and sheep and pigs and for brewing and distilling,
the lower part of the curve would take a shape somewhat like that
of the dotted line in the figure. And if we assume that when the
price is very high, cheaper substitutes can be got for it, the
upper part of the curve would take a shape similar to that of the
upper dotted line.
6. Chronicon Preciosum (A.D. 1745) says that the price of wheat
in London was as low as 2s. a quarter in 1336: and that at
Leicester it sold at 40s. on a Saturday, and at 14s. on the
following Friday.
7. Thus the general demand of any one person for such a thing as
water is the aggregate (or compound, see V, VI, 3) of his demand
for it for each use; in the same way as the demand of a group of
people of different orders of wealth for a commodity, which is
serviceable in only one use, is the aggregate of the demands of
each member of the group. Again, just as the demand of the rich
for peas is considerable even at a very high price, but loses all
elasticity at a price that is still high relatively to the
consumption of the poor; so the demand of the individual for
water to drink is considerable even at a very high price, but
loses all elasticity at a price that is still high relatively to
his demand for it for the purpose of cleaning up the house. And
as the aggregate of a number of demands on the part of different
classes of people for peas retains elasticity over a larger range
of price than will that of any one individual, so the demand of
an individual for water for many uses retains elasticity over a
larger range of prices than his demand for it for any one use.
Compare an article by J.B. Clark on A Universal Law of Economic
Variation in the Harvard Journal of Economics, Vol. VIII.
8. When a statistical table shows the gradual growth of the
consumption of a commodity over a long series of years, we may
want to compare the percentage by which it increases in different
years. This can be done pretty easily with a little practice. But
when the figures are expressed in the form of a statistical
diagram, it cannot easily be done, without translating the
diagram back into figures; and this is a cause of the disfavour
in which many statisticians hold the graphic method. But by the
knowledge of one simple rule the balance can be turned, so far as
this point goes, in favour of the graphic method. The rule is as
follows: - Let the quantity of a commodity consumed (or of trade
carried, or of tax levied etc.) be measured by horizontal lines
parallel to Ox, fig. (9), while the corresponding years are in
the usual manner ticked off in descending order at equal
distances along Oy. To measure the rate of growth at any point P,
put a ruler to touch the curve at P. Let it meet Oy in t, and let
N be the point on Oy at the same vertical height as P: then the
number of years marked off along Oy by the distance Nt is the
inverse of the fraction by which the amount is increasing
annually. That is, if Nt is 20 years, the amount is increasing at
the rate of 1/20, i.e. of 5 per cent, annually. if Nt is 25
years, the increase is 1/25 or 4 per cent annually; and so on.
See a paper by the present writer in the Jubilee number of the
Journal of the London Statistical Society, June 1885; also Note
IV in the Mathematical Appendix.
9. For illustrations of the influence of fashion see articles by
Miss Foley in the Economic Journal, Vol. III, and Miss Heather
Bigg in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. XXIII.
10. In examining the effects of taxation, it is customary to
compare the amounts entered for consumption just before and just
after the imposition of the tax. But this is untrustworthy. For
dealers anticipating the tax lay in large stocks just before it
is imposed, and need to buy very little for some time afterwards.
And vice versa when a tax is lowered. Again, high taxes lead to
false returns. For instance, the nominal importation of molasses
into Boston increased fifty-fold in consequence of the tax being
lowered by the Rockingham Ministry in 1766, from 6d. to 1d. per
gallon. But this was chiefly due to the fact that with the tax at
1d., it was cheaper to pay the duty than to smuggle.
11. A single table made out by the great statistician Engel for
the consumption of the lower, middle and working classes in
Saxony in 1857, may be quoted here; because it has acted as a
guide and a standard of comparison to later inquiries. It is as
Proportions of the Expenditure of the Family of:
Items of Expenditure    I.          II          III
1. Food only          62.0%       25.0%        50.0%
2. Clothing           16.0        18.0         18.0
3. Lodging            12.0        12.0         12.0
4. Light and Fuel      5.0         5.0          5.0
5. Education           2.0         3.8          5.5
6. Legal Protection    1.0         2.0          3.0
7. Care of Health      1.0         2.0          3.0
8. Comfort and
    recreation         1.0         2.5          3.5
TOTALS               100.0       100.0        100.0
I. Workmen with an income of 45 l. to 60 l. a Year.
II. Workmen with an income of 90 l. to 120 l. a Year.
III. Workmen with an income of 150 l. to 200 l. a Year.
    Working men's budgets have often been collected and compared.
But like all other figures of the kind they suffer from the facts
that those who will take the trouble to make such returns
voluntarily are not average men, that those who keep careful
accounts are not average men; and that when accounts have to be
supplemented by the memory, the memory is apt to be biassed by
notions as to how the money ought to have been spent, especially
when the accounts are put together specially for another's eye.
This border-ground between the provinces of domestic and public
economy is one in which excellent work may be done by many who
are disinclined for more general and abstract speculations.
    Information bearing on the subject was collected long ago by
Harrison, Petty, Cantillon (whose lost Supplement seems to have
contained some workmen's budgets), Arthur Young, Malthus and
others. Working-men's budgets were collected by Eden at the end
of the last century; and there is much miscellaneous information
on the expenditure of the working classes in subsequent Reports
of Commissions on Poor-relief, Factories, etc. Indeed almost
every year sees some important addition from public or private
sources to our information on these subjects.
    It may be noted that the method of le Play's monumental Les
Ouvriers Europeens is the intensive study of all the details of
the domestic life of a few carefully chosen families. To work it
well requires a rare combination of judgment in selecting cases,
and of insight and sympathy in interpreting them. At its best, it
is the best of all: but in ordinary hands it is likely to suggest
more untrustworthy general conclusions, than those obtained by
the extensive method of collecting more rapidly very numerous
observations, reducing them as far as possible to statistical
form, and obtaining broad averages in which inaccuracies and
idiosyncrasies may be trusted to counteract one another to some
Chapter 5
Choice between Different Uses of the Same Thing. Immediate and
Deferred Uses.
    1. The primitive housewife finding that she has a limited
number of hanks of yarn from the year's shearing, considers all
the domestic wants for clothing and tries to distribute the yarn
between them in such a way as to contribute as much as possible
to the family wellbeing. She will think she has failed if, when
it is done, she has reason to regret that she did not apply more
to making, say, socks, and less to vests. That would mean that
she had miscalculated the points at which to suspend the making
of socks and vests respectively; that she had gone too far in the
case of vests, and not far enough in that of socks; and that
therefore at the points at which she actually did stop, the
utility of yarn turned into socks was greater than that of yarn
turned into vests. But if, on the other hand, she hit on the
right points to stop at, then she made just so many socks and
vests that she got an equal amount of good out of the last bundle
of yarn that she applied to socks, and the last she applied to
vests. This illustrates a general principle, which may be
expressed thus: --
    If a person has a thing which he can put to several uses, he
will distribute it among these uses in such a way that it has the
same marginal utility in all. For if it had a greater marginal
utility in one use than another, he would gain by taking away
some of it from the second use and applying it to the first.(1*)
    One great disadvantage of a primitive economy, in which there
is but little free exchange, is that a person may easily have so
much of one thing, say wool, that when he has applied it to every
possible use, its marginal utility in each use is low: and at the
same time he may have so little of some other thing, say wood,
that its marginal utility for him is very high. Meanwhile some of
his neighbours may be in great need of wool, and have more wood
than they can turn to good account. If each gives up that which
has for him the lower utility and receives that which has the
higher, each will gain by the exchange. But to make such an
adjustment by barter, would be tedious and difficult.
    The difficulty of barter is indeed not so very great where
there are but a few simple commodities each capable of being
adapted by domestic work to several uses; the weaving wife and
the spinster daughters adjusting rightly the marginal utilities
of the different uses of the wool, while the husband and the sons
do the same for the wood.
    2. But when commodities have become very numerous and highly
specialized, there is an urgent need for the free use of money,
or general purchasing power; for that alone can be applied easily
in an unlimited variety of purchases. And in a money-economy,
good management is shown by so adjusting the margins of suspense
on each line of expenditure that the marginal utility of a
shilling's worth of goods on each line shall be the same. And
this result each one will attain by constantly watching to see
whether there is anything on which he is spending so much that he
would gain by taking a little away from that line of expenditure
and putting it on some other line.
    Thus, for instance, the clerk who is in doubt whether to ride
to town, or to walk and have some little extra indulgence at his
lunch, is weighing against one another the (marginal) utilities
of two different modes of spending his money. And when an
experienced housekeeper urges on a young couple the importance of
keeping accounts carefully., a chief motive of the advice is that
they may avoid spending impulsively a great deal of money on
furniture and other things; for, though some quantity of these is
really needful, yet when bought lavishly they do not give high
(marginal) utilities in proportion to their cost. And when the
young pair look over their year's budget at the end of the year,
and find perhaps that it is necessary to curtail their
expenditure somewhere, they compare the (marginal) utilities of
different items, weighing the loss of utility that would result
from taking away a pound's expenditure here, with that which they
would lose by taking it away there: they strive to adjust their
parings down so that the aggregate loss of utility may be a
minimum, and the aggregate of utility that remains to them may be
a maximum.(2*)
    3. The different uses between which a commodity is
distributed need not all be present uses; some may be present and
some future. A prudent person will endeavour to distribute his
means between all their several uses, present and future, in such
a way that they will have in each the same marginal utility. But
in estimating the present marginal utility of a distant source of
pleasure a twofold allowance must be made; firstly, for its
uncertainty (this is an objective property which all
well-informed persons would estimate in the same way); and
secondly, for the difference in the value to them of a distant as
compared with a present pleasure (this is a subjective property
which different people would estimate in different ways according
to their individual characters, and their circumstances at the
    If people regarded future benefits as equally desirable with
similar benefits at the present time, they would probably
endeavour to distribute their pleasures and other satisfactions
evenly throughout their lives. They would therefore generally be
willing to give up a present pleasure for the sake of an equal
pleasure in the future, provided they could be certain of having
it. But in fact human nature is so constituted that in estimating
the "present value" of a future benefit most people generally
make a second deduction from its future value, in the form of
what we may call a "discount," that increases with the period for
which the benefit is deferred. One will reckon a distant benefit
at nearly the same value which it would have for him if it were
present; while another who has less power of realizing the
future, less patience and self-control, will care comparatively
little for any benefit that is not near at hand. And the same
person will vary in his mood, being at one time impatient, and
greedy for present enjoyment; while at another his mind dwells on
the future, and he is willing to postpone all enjoyments that can
conveniently be made to wait. Sometimes he is in a mood to care
little for anything else: sometimes he is like the children who
pick the plums out of their pudding to eat them at once,
sometimes like those who put them aside to be eaten last. And, in
any case, when calculating the rate at which a future benefit is
discounted, we must be careful to make allowance for the
pleasures of expectation.
    The rates at which different people discount the future
affect not only their tendency to save, as the term is ordinarily
understood, but also their tendency to buy things which will be a
lasting source of pleasure rather than those which give a
stronger but more transient enjoyment; to buy a new coat rather
than to indulge in a drinking bout, or to choose simple furniture
that will wear well, rather than showy furniture that will soon
fall to pieces.
    It is in regard to these things especially that the pleasure
of possession makes itself felt. Many people derive from the mere
feeling of ownership a stronger satisfaction than they derive
from ordinary pleasures in the narrower sense of the term: for
example, the delight in the possession of land will often induce
people to pay for it so high a price that it yields them but a
very poor return on their investment. There is a delight in
ownership for its own sake; and there is a delight in ownership
on account of the distinction it yields. Sometimes the latter is
stronger than the former, sometimes weaker; and perhaps no one
knows himself or other people well enough to be able to draw the
line quite certainly between the two.
    4. As has already been urged, we cannot compare the
quantities of two benefits, which are enjoyed at different times
even by the same person. When a person postpones a
pleasure-giving event he does not postpone the pleasure; but he
gives up a present pleasure and takes in its place another, or an
expectation of getting another at a future date: and we cannot
tell whether he expects the future pleasure to be greater than
the one which he is giving up, unless we know all the
circumstances of the case. And therefore, even though we know the
rate at which he discounts future pleasurable events, such as
spending Rs1 on immediate gratifications, we yet do not know the
rate at which he discounts future pleasures.(3*)
    We can however get an artificial measure of the rate at which
he discounts future benefits by making two assumptions. These
are, firstly, that he expects to be about as rich at the future
date as he is now; and secondly, that his capacity for deriving
benefit from the things which money will buy will on the whole
remain unchanged, though it may have increased in some directions
and diminished in others. On these assumptions, if he is willing,
but only just willing, to spare a pound from his expenditure now
with the certainty of having (for the disposal of himself or his
heirs) a guinea one year hence, we may fairly say that he
discounts future benefits that are perfectly secure (subject only
to the conditions of human mortality) at the rate of five per
cent per annum. And on these assumptions the rate at which he
discounts future (certain) benefits, will be the rate at which he
can discount money in the money market.(4*)
    So far we have considered each pleasure singly; but a great
many of the things which people buy are durable, i.e. are not
consumed in a single use; a durable good, such as a piano, is the
probable source of many pleasures, more or less remote; and its
value to a purchaser is the aggregate of the usance, or worth to
him of all these pleasures, allowance being made for their
uncertainty and for their distance.(5*)
1. Our illustration belongs indeed properly to domestic
production rather than to domestic consumption. But that was
almost inevitable; for there are very few things ready for
immediate consumption which are available for many different
uses. And the doctrine of the distribution of means between
different uses has less important and less interesting
applications in the science of demand than in that of supply. See
e.g. V, III, sec. 3.
2. The working-class budgets which were mentioned in Ch. IV, sec.
8 may render most important services in helping people to
distribute their resources wisely between different uses, so that
the marginal utility for each purpose shall be the same. But the
vital problems of domestic economy relate as much to wise action
as to wise spending. The English and the American housewife make
limited means go a less way towards satisfying wants than the
French housewife does, not because they do not know how to buy,
but because they cannot produce as good finished commodities out
of the raw material of inexpensive joints, vegetables etc., as
she can. Domestic economy is often spoken of as belonging to the
science of consumption: but that is only half true. The greatest
faults in domestic economy, among the sober portion of the
Anglo-Saxon working classes at all events, are faults of
production rather than of consumption.
3. In classifying some pleasures as more urgent than others, it
is often forgotten that the postponement of a pleasurable event
may alter the circumstances under which it occurs, and therefore
alter the character of the pleasure itself. For instance it may
be said that a young man discounts at a very high rate the
pleasure of the Alpine tours which he hopes to be able to afford
himself when he has made his fortune. He would much rather have
them now, partly because they would give him much greater
pleasure now.
    Again, it may happen that the postponement of a pleasurable
event involves an unequal distribution in Time of a certain good,
and that the Law of Diminution of Marginal Utility acts strongly
in the case of this particular good. For instance, it is
sometimes said that the pleasures of eating are specially urgent;
and it is undoubtedly true that if a man goes dinnerless for six
days in the week and eats seven dinners on the seventh, he loses
very much; because when postponing six dinners, he does not
postpone the pleasures of eating six separate dinners, but
substitutes for them the pleasure of one day's excessive eating.
Again, when a person puts away eggs for the winter he does not
expect that they will be better flavoured then than now; he
expects that they will be scarce, and that therefore their
utility will be higher than now. This shows the importance of
drawing a clear distinction between discounting a future
pleasure, and discounting the pleasure derived from the future
enjoyment of a certain amount of a commodity. For in the latter
case we must make separate allowance for differences between the
marginal utilities of the commodity at the two times: but in the
former this has been allowed for once in estimating the amount of
the pleasure; and it must not be allowed for again.
4. It is important to remember that, except on these assumptions
there is no direct connection between the rate of discount on the
loan of money, and the rate at which future pleasures are
discounted. A man may be so impatient of delay that a certain
promise of a pleasure ten years hence will not induce him to give
up one close at hand which he regards as a quarter as great. And
yet if he should fear that ten years hence money may be so scarce
with him (and its marginal utility therefore so high) that
half-a-crown then may give him more pleasure or save him more
pain than a pound now, he will save something for the future even
though he have to hoard it, on the same principle that he might
store eggs for the winter. But we are here straying into
questions that are more closely connected with Supply than with
Demand. We shall have to consider them again from different
points of view in connection with the Accumulation of Wealth, and
later again in connection with the causes that determine the Rate
of Interest.
    We may however consider here how to measure numerically the
present value of a future pleasure, on the supposition that we
know, (i) its amount, (ii) the date at which it will come, if it
comes at all, (iii) the chance that it will come, and (iv) the
rate at which the person in question discounts future pleasures.
    If the probability that a pleasure will be enjoyed is three
to one, so that three chances out of four are in its favour, the
value of its expectation is three-fourths of what it would be if
it were certain: if the probability that it will be enjoyed were
only seven to five, so that only seven chances out of twelve are
in its favour, the value of its expectation is only seven
twelfths of what it would be if the event were certain, and so
on. [This is its actuarial value: but further allowance may have
to be made for the fact that the true value to anyone of an
uncertain gain is generally less than its actuarial value (see
the note on p. 135).] If the anticipated pleasure is both
uncertain and distant, we have a twofold deduction to make from
its full value. We will suppose, for instance, that a person
would give 10s. for a gratification if it were present and
certain, but that it is due a year hence, and the probability of
its happening then is three to one. Suppose also that he
discounts the future at the rate of twenty per cent per annum.
Then the value to him of the anticipation of it is 3/4 x 80/100 x
10s. i.e. 6s. Compare the Introductory chapter of Jevons, Theory
of Practical Economy.
5. Of course this estimate is formed by a rough instinct; and in
any attempt to reduce it to numerical accuracy (see Note V in the
Mathematical Appendix), we must recollect what has been said, in
this and the preceding Section, as to the impossibility of
comparing accurately pleasures or other satisfactions that do not
occur at the same time; and also as to the assumption of
uniformity involved in supposing the discount of future pleasures
to obey the exponential law.
Chapter 6
Value and Utility
    1. We may now turn to consider how far the price which is
actually paid for a thing represents the benefit that arises from
its possession. This is a wide subject on which economic science
has very little to say, but that little is of some importance.
    We have already seen that the price which a person pays for a
thing can never exceed, and seldom comes up to that which he
would be willing to pay rather than go without it: so that the
satisfaction which he gets from its purchase generally exceeds
that which he gives up in paying away its price; and he thus
derives from the purchase a surplus of satisfaction. The excess
of the price which he would be willing to pay rather than go
without the thing, over that which he actually does pay, is the
economic measure of this surplus satisfaction. It may be called
consumer's surplus.
    It is obvious that the consumer's surpluses derived from some
commodities are much greater than from others. There are many
comforts and luxuries of which the prices are very much below
those which many people would pay rather than go entirely without
them; and which therefore afford a very great consumer's surplus.
Good instances are matches, salt, a penny newspaper, or a
    This benefit, which he gets from purchasing at a low price
things for which he would rather pay a high price than go without
them, may be called the benefit which he derives from his
opportunities, or from his environment. or, to recur to a word
that was in common use a few generations ago, from his
conjuncture. Our aim in the present chapter is to apply the
notion of consumer's surplus as an aid in estimating roughly some
of the benefits which a person derives from his environment or
his conjuncture.(1*)
    2. In order to give definiteness to our notions, let us
consider the case of tea purchased for domestic consumption. Let
us take the case of a man, who, if the price of tea were 20s. a
pound, would just be induced to buy one pound annually; who would
just be induced to buy two pounds if the price were 14s., three
pounds if the price were 10s., four pounds if the price were 6s.,
five pounds if the price were 4s., six pounds if the price were
3s., and who, the price being actually 2s., does purchase seven
pounds. We have to investigate the consumer's surplus which he
derives from his power of purchasing tea at 2s. a pound.
    The fact that he would just be induced to purchase one pound
if the price were 20s., proves that the total enjoyment or
satisfaction which he derives from that pound is as great as that
which he could obtain by spending 20s. on other things. When the
price falls to 14s., he could, if he chose, continue to buy only
one pound. He would then get for 14s. what was worth to him at
least 20s.; and he will obtain a surplus satisfaction worth to
him at least 6s., or in other words a consumer' s surplus of at
least 6s. But in fact he buys a second pound of his own free
choice, thus showing that he regards it as worth to him at least
14s., and that this represents the additional utility of the
second pound to him. He obtains for 28s. what is worth to him at
least 20s. + 14s.; i.e. 34s. His surplus satisfaction is at all
events not diminished by buying it, but remains worth at least
6s. to him. The total utility of the two pounds is worth at least
34s., his consumer's surplus is at least 6s.(2*) The fact that
each additional purchase reacts upon the utility of the purchases
which he had previously decided to make has already been allowed
for in making out the schedule and must not be counted a second
    When the price falls to 10s., he might, if he chose, continue
to buy only two pounds; and obtain for 20s. what was worth to him
at least 34s., and derive a surplus satisfaction worth at least
14s. But in fact he prefers to buy a third pound: and as he does
this freely, we know that he does not diminish his surplus
satisfaction by doing it. He now gets for 30s. three pounds; of
which the first is worth to him at least 20s., the second at
least 14s., and the third at least 10s. The total utility of the
three is worth at least 44s., his consumer's surplus is at least
14s., and so on.
    When at last the price has fallen to 2s. he buys seven
pounds, which are severally worth to him not less than 20, 14,
10, 6, 4, 3, and 2s. or 59s. in all. This sum measures their
total utility to him, and his consumer's surplus is (at least)
the excess of this sum over the 14s. he actually does pay for
them, i.e. 45s. This is the excess value of the satisfaction he
gets from buying the tea over that which he could have got by
spending the 14s. in extending a little his purchase of other
commodities, of which he had just not thought it worth while to
buy more at their current prices; and any further purchases of
which at those prices would not yield him any consumer's surplus.
In other words, he derives this 45s. worth of surplus enjoyment
from his conjuncture, from the adaptation of the environment to
his wants in the particular matter of tea. If that adaptation
ceased, and tea could not be had at any price, he would have
incurred a loss of satisfaction at least equal to that which he
could have got by spending 45s. more on extra supplies of things
that were worth to him only just what he paid for them.(3*)
    3. In the same way if we were to neglect for the moment the
fact that the same sum of money represents different amounts of
pleasure to different people, we might measure the surplus
satisfaction which the sale of tea affords, say, in the London
market, by the aggregate of the sums by which the prices shown in
a complete list of demand prices for tea exceeds its selling
    This analysis, with its new names and elaborate machinery,
appears at first sight laboured and unreal. On closer study it
will be found to introduce no new difficulties and to make no new
assumptions; but only to bring to light difficulties and
assumptions that are latent in the common language of the
market-place. For in this, as in other cases, the apparent
simplicity of popular phrases veils a real complexity, and it is
the duty of science to bring out that latent complexity; to face
it; and to reduce it as far as possible: so that in later stages
we may handle firmly difficulties that could not be grasped with
a good grip by the vague thought and language of ordinary life.
    It is a common saying in ordinary life that the real worth of
things to a man is not gauged by the price he pays for them:
that, though he spends for instance much more on tea than on
salt, yet salt is of greater real worth to him; and that this
would be clearly seen if he were entirely deprived of it. This
line of argument is but thrown into precise technical form when
it is said that we cannot trust the marginal utility of a
commodity to indicate its total utility. If some shipwrecked men,
expecting to wait a year before they were rescued, had a few
pounds of tea and the same number of pounds of salt to divide
between them, the salt would be the more highly prized; because
the marginal utility of an ounce of salt, when a person expects
to get only a few of them in the year is greater than that of tea
under like circumstances. But, under ordinary circumstances, the
price of salt being low, every one buys so much of it that an
additional pound would bring him little additional satisfaction:
the total utility of salt to him is very great indeed, and yet
its marginal utility is low. On the other hand, since tea is
costly, most people use less of it and let the water stay on it
rather longer than they would, if it could be got at nearly as
low a price as salt can. Their desire for it is far from being
satiated: its marginal utility remains high, and they may be
willing to pay as much for an additional ounce of it as they
would for an additional pound of salt. The common saying of
ordinary life with which we began suggests all this: but not in
an exact and definite form, such as is needed for a statement
which will often be applied in later work. The use of technical
terms at starting adds nothing to knowledge: but it puts familiar
knowledge in a firm compact shape, ready to serve as the basis
for further study.(5*)
    Or the real worth of a thing might be discussed with:
reference not to a single person but to people in general; and
thus it would naturally be assumed that a shilling's worth of
gratification to one Englishman might be taken as equivalent with
a shilling's worth to another, " to start with," and " until
cause to the contrary were shown." But everyone would know that
this was a reasonable course only on the supposition that the
consumers of tea and those of salt belonged to the same classes
of people; and included people of every variety of
    This involves the consideration that a pound's worth of
satisfaction to an ordinary poor man is a much greater thing than
a pound's worth of satisfaction to an ordinary rich man: and if
instead of comparing tea and salt, which are both used largely by
all classes, we compared either of them with champagne or
pineapples, the correction to be made on this account would be
more than important: it would change the whole character of the
estimate. In earlier generations many statesmen, and even some
economists, neglected to make adequate allowance for
considerations of this class, especially when constructing
schemes of taxation; and their words or deeds seemed to imply a
want of sympathy with the sufferings of the poor; though more
often they were due simply to want of thought.
    On the whole however it happens that by far the greater
number of the events with which economics deals, affect in about
equal proportions all the different classes of society; so that
if the money measures of the happiness caused by two events are
equal, there is not in general any very great difference between
the amounts of the happiness in the two cases. And it is on
account of this fact that the exact measurement of the consumers'
surplus in a market has already much theoretical interest, and
may become of high practical importance.
    It will be noted however that the demand prices of each
commodity, on which our estimates of its total utility and
consumers, surplus are based, assume that other things remain
equal, while its price rises to scarcity value: and when the
total utilities of two commodities which contribute to the same
purpose are calculated on this plan, we cannot say that the total
utility of the two together is equal to the sum of the total
utilities of each separately.(7*)
    4. The substance of our argument would not be affected if we
took account of the fact that, the more a person spends on
anything the less power he retains of purchasing more of it or of
other things, and the greater is the value of money to him (in
the technical language every fresh expenditure increases the
marginal value of money to him). But though its substance would
not be altered, its form would be made more intricate without any
corresponding gain; for there are very few practical problems, in
which the corrections to be made under this head would be of any
    There are however some exceptions. For instance, as Sir R.
Giffen has pointed out, a rise in the price of bread makes so
large a drain on the resources of the poorer labouring families
and raises so much the marginal utility of money to them, that
they are forced to curtail their consumption of meat and the more
expensive farinaceous foods: and, bread being still the cheapest
food which they can get and will take, they consume more, and not
less of it. But such cases are rare; when they are met with, each
must be treated on its own merits.
    It has already been remarked that we cannot guess at all
accurately how much of anything people would buy at prices very
different from those which they are accustomed to pay for it: or
in other words, what the demand prices for it would be for
amounts very different from those which are commonly sold. Our
list of demand prices is therefore highly conjectural except in
the neighbourhood of the customary price; and the best estimates
we can form of the whole amount of the utility of anything are
liable to large error. But this difficulty is not important
practically. For the chief applications of the doctrine of
consumers' surplus are concerned with such changes in it as would
accompany changes in the price of the commodity in question in
the neighbourhood of the customary price: that is, they require
us to use only that information with which we are fairly well
supplied. These remarks apply with special force to
    5. There remains another class of considerations which are
apt to be overlooked in estimating the dependence of wellbeing
upon material wealth. Not only does a person's happiness often
depend more on his own physical, mental and moral health than on
his external conditions: but even among these conditions many
that are of chief importance for his real happiness are apt to be
omitted from an inventory of his wealth. Some are free gifts of
nature; and these might indeed be neglected without great harm if
they were always the same for everybody; but in fact they vary
much from place to place. More of them however are elements of
collective wealth which are often omitted from the reckoning of
individual wealth; but which become important when we compare
different parts of the modern civilized world, and even more
important when we compare our own age with earlier times.
    Collective action for the purposes of securing common
wellbeing, as for instance in lighting and watering the streets,
will occupy us much towards the end of our inquiries.
Co-operative associations for the purchase of things for personal
consumption have made more progress in England than elsewhere:
but those for purchasing the things wanted for trade purposes by
farmers and others, have until lately been backward in England.
Both kinds are sometimes described as Consumers' associations;
but they are really associations for economizing effort in
certain branches of business, and belong to the subject of
Production rather than Consumption.
    6. When we speak of the dependence of wellbeing on material
wealth, we refer to the flow or stream of wellbeing as measured
by the flow or stream of incoming wealth an d the consequent
power of using and consuming it. A person's stock of wealth
yields by its usance and in other ways an income of happiness,
among which of course are to be counted the pleasures of
possession: but there is little direct connection between the
aggregate amount of that stock and his aggregate happiness. And
it is for that reason that we have throughout this and preceding
chapters spoken of the rich, the middle classes and the poor as
having respectively large, medium and small incomes - not
    In accordance with a suggestion made by Daniel Bernoulli, we
may regard the satisfaction which a person derives from his
income as commencing when he has enough to support life, and
afterwards as increasing by equal amounts with every equal
successive percentage that is added to his income; and vice versa
for loss of income.(11*)
    But after a time new riches often lose a great part of their
charms. Partly this is the result of familiarity; which makes
people cease to derive much pleasure from accustomed comforts and
luxuries, though they suffer greater pain from their loss. Partly
it is due to the fact that with increased riches there often
comes either the weariness of age, or at least an increase of
nervous strain; and perhaps even habits of living that lower
physical vitality, and diminish the capacity for pleasure.
    In every civilized country there have been some followers of
the Buddhist doctrine that a placid serenity is the highest ideal
of life; that it is the part of the wise man to root out of his
nature as many wants and desires as he can; that real riches
consist not in the abundance of goods but in the paucity of
wants. At the other extreme are those who maintain that the
growth of new wants and desires is always beneficial because it
stimulates people to increased exertions. They seem to have made
the mistake, as Herbert Spencer says, of supposing that life is
for working, instead of working for life.(12*)
    The truth seems to be that as human nature is constituted,
man rapidly degenerates unless he has some hard work to do, some
difficulties to overcome; and that some strenuous exertion is
necessary for physical and moral health. The fulness of life lies
in the development and activity of as many and as high faculties
as possible. There is intense pleasure in the ardent pursuit of
any aim, whether it be success in business, the advancement of
art and science, or the improvement of the condition of one's
fellow-beings. The highest constructive work of all kinds must
often alternate between periods of over-strain and periods of
lassitude and stagnation; but for ordinary people, for those who
have no strong ambitions, whether of a lower or a higher kind, a
moderate income earned by moderate and fairly steady work offers
the best opportunity for the growth of those habits of body,
mind, and spirit in which alone there is true happiness.
    There is some misuse of wealth in all ranks of society. And
though, speaking generally, we may say that every increase in the
wealth of the working classes adds to the fulness and nobility of
human life because it is used chiefly in the satisfaction of real
wants; yet even among the artisans in England, and perhaps still
more in new countries, there are signs of the growth of that
unwholesome desire for wealth as a means of display which has
been the chief bane of the well-to-do classes in every civilized
country. Laws against luxury have been futile; but it would be a
gain if the moral sentiment of the community could induce people
to avoid all sorts of display of individual wealth. There are
indeed true and worthy pleasures to be got from wisely ordered
magnificence: but they are at their best when free from any taint
of personal vanity on the one side and envy on the other; as they
are when they centre round public buildings, public parks, public
collections of the fine arts, and public games and amusements. So
long as wealth is applied to provide for every family the
necessaries of life and culture, and an abundance of the higher
forms of enjoyment for collective use, so long the pursuit of
wealth is a noble aim; and the pleasures which it brings are
likely to increase with the growth of those higher activities
which it is used to promote.
    When the necessaries of life are once provided, everyone
should seek to increase the beauty of things in his possession
rather than their number or their magnificence. An improvement in
the artistic character of furniture and clothing trains the
higher faculties of those who make them, and is a source of
growing happiness to those who use them. But if instead of
seeking for a higher standard of beauty, we spend our growing
resources on increasing the complexity and intricacy of our
domestic goods, we gain thereby no true benefit, no lasting
happiness. The world would go much better if everyone would buy
fewer and simpler things, and would take trouble in selecting
them for their real beauty; being careful of course to get good
value in return for his outlay, but preferring to buy a few
things made well by highly paid labour rather than many made
badly by low paid labour.
    But we are exceeding the proper scope of the present Book;
the discussion of the influence on general wellbeing which is
exerted by the mode in which each individual spends his income is
one of the more important of those applications of economic
science to the art of living.
1. This term is a familiar one in German economics, and meets a
need which is much felt in English economics. For "opportunity"
and "environment," the only available substitutes for it, are
sometimes rather misleading. By Konjunktur, says Wagner
(Grundlegung, Ed. III, p. 387), "we understand the sum total of
the technical, economic, social and legal conditions; which, in a
mode of national life (Volkswirtschaft) resting upon division of
labour and private property,especially private property in land
and other material means of production determine the demand for
and supply of goods, and therefore their exchange value: this
determination being as a rule, or at least in the main,
independent of the will of the owner, of his activity and his
2. Some further explanations may be given of this statement;
though in fact they do little more than repeat in other words
what has already been said. The significance of the condition in
the text that he buys the second pound of his own free choice is
shown by the consideration that if the price of 14s. had been
offered to him on the condition that he took two pounds, he would
then have to elect between taking one pound for 20s. or two
pounds for 28s. : and then his taking two pounds would not have
proved that he thought the second pound worth more than 8s. to
him. But as it is, he takes a second pound paying 14s.
unconditionally for it; and that proves that it is worth at least
14s. to him. (If he can get buns at a penny each, but seven for
sixpence; and he elects to buy seven, we know that he is willing
to give up his sixth penny for the sake of the sixth and the
seventh buns: but we cannot tell how much he would pay rather
than go without the seventh bun only.) It is sometimes objected
that as he increases his purchases, the urgency of his need for
his earlier purchases is diminished, and their utility falls;
therefore we ought to continually redraw the earlier parts of our
list of demand prices at a lower level, as we pass along it
towards lower prices (i.e. to redraw at a lower level our demand
curve as we pass along it to the right). But this misconceives
the plan on which the list of prices is made out. The objection
would have been valid, if the demand price set against each
number of pounds of tea represented the average utility of that
number. For it is true that, if he would pay just 20s. for one
pound, and just 14s. for a second, then he would pay just 34s.
for the two; i.e. 17s. each on the average. And if our list had
had reference to the average prices he would pay, and had set
17s. against the second pound; then no doubt we should have had
to redraw the list as we passed on. For when he has bought a
third pound the average utility to him of each of the three will
be less than that of 17s.; being in fact 14s. 8d. if, as we go on
to assume, he would pay just 10s. for a third pound. But this
difficulty is entirely avoided on the plan of making out demand
prices which is here adopted; according to which his second pound
is credited, not with the 17s. which represents the average value
per pound of the two pounds; but with the 14s., which represents
the additional utility which a second pound has for him. For that
remains unchanged when he has bought a third pound, of which the
additional utility is measured by 10s.
    The first pound was probably worth to him more than 20s. All
that we know is that it was not worth less to him. He probably
got some small surplus even on that. Again, the second pound was
probably worth more than 14s. to him. All that we know is that it
was worth at least 14s. and not worth 20s. to him. He would get
therefore at this stage a surplus satisfaction of at least 6s.,
probably a little more. A ragged edge of this kind, as
mathematicians are aware, always exists when we watch the effects
of considerable changes, as that from 20s. to 14s. a pound. If we
had begun with a very high price, had descended by practically
infinitesimal changes of a farthing per pound, and watched
infinitesimal variations in his consumption of a small fraction
of a pound at a time, this ragged edge would have disappeared.
3. Prof. Nicholson (Principles of Political Economy, Vol. I and
Economic Journal, Vol. IV) has raised objections to the notion of
consumers' surplus, which have been answered by Prof. Edgeworth
in the same Journal. Prof. Nicholson says: - "Of what avail is it
to say that the utility of an income of (say) Rs100 a year is
worth (say) Rs1000 a year?" There would be no avail in saying
that. But there might be use, when comparing life in Central
Africa with life in England, in saying that, though the things
which money will buy in Central Africa may on the average be as
cheap there as here, yet there are so many things which cannot be
bought there at all, that a person with a thousand a year there
is not so well off as a person with three or four hundred a year
here. If a man pays 1d. toll on a bridge, which saves him an
additional drive that would cost a shilling, we do not say that
the penny is worth a shilling, but that the penny together with
the advantage offered him by the bridge (the part it plays in his
conjuncture) is worth a shilling for that day. Were the bridge
swept away on a day on which he needed it, he would be in at
least as bad a position as if he had been deprived of eleven
4. Let us then consider the demand curve DD' for tea in any large
market. Let OH be the amount which is sold there at the price HA
annually, a year being taken as our unit of time. Taking any
point M in OH let us draw MP vertically upwards to meet the curve
in P and cut a horizontal line through A in R. We will suppose
the several lb. numbered in the order of the eagerness of the
several purchasers : the eagerness of the purchaser of any lb.
being measured by the price he is just willing to pay for that
lb. The figure informs us that OM can be sold at the price PM;
but that at any higher price not quite so many lbs. can be sold.
There must be then some individual who will buy more at the price
PM, than he will at any higher price; and we are to regard the
OMth lb. as sold to this individual. Suppose for instance that PM
represents 4s., and that OM represents a million lbs. The
purchaser described in the text is just willing to buy his fifth
lb. of tea at the price 4s., and the OMth or millionth lb. may be
said to be sold to him. If AH and therefore RM represent 2s., the
consumers' surplus derived from the OMth lb. is the excess of PM
or 4s. which the purchaser of that lb. would have been willing to
pay for it over RM the 2s. which he actually does pay for it. Let
us suppose that a very thin vertical parallelogram is drawn of
which the height is PM and of which the base is the distance
along Ox that measures the single unit or lb. of tea. It will be
convenient henceforward to regard price as measured not by a
mathematical straight line without thickness, as PM; but by a
very thin parallelogram, or as it may be called a thick straight
line, of which the breadth is in every case equal to the distance
along Ox which measures a unit or lb. of tea. Thus we should say
that the total satisfaction derived from the OMth lb. of tea is
represented (or, on the assumption made in the last paragraph of
the text is measured) by the thick straight line MP; that the
price paid for this lb. is represented by the thick straight line
MR and the consumers' surplus derived from this lb. by the thick
straight line RP. Now let us suppose that such thin
parallelograms, or thick straight lines, are drawn from all
positions of M between O and H, one for each lb. of tea. The
thick straight lines thus drawn, as MP is, from Ox up to the
demand curve will each represent the aggregate of the
satisfaction derived from a lb. of tea; and taken together thus
occupy and exactly fill up the whole area DOHA. Therefore we may
say that the area DOHA represents the aggregate of the
satisfaction derived from the consumption of tea. Again, each of
the straight lines drawn, as MR is, from Ox upwards as far as AC
represents the price that actually is paid for a lb. of tea.
These straight lines together make up the area COHA; and
therefore this area represents the total price paid for tea.
Finally each of the straight lines drawn as RP is from AC upwards
as far as the demand curve, represents the consumers' surplus
derived from the corresponding lb. of tea. These straight lines
together make up the area DCA; and therefore this area represents
the total consumers' surplus that is derived from tea when the
price is AH. But it must be repeated that this geometrical
measurement is only an aggregate of the measures of benefits
which are not all measured on the same scale except on the
assumption just made in the text. Unless that assumption is made
the area only represents an aggregate of satisfactions, the
several amounts of which are not exactly measured. On that
assumption only, its area measures the volume of the total net
satisfaction derived from the tea by its various purchasers.
5. Harris On Coins 1757, says "Things in general are valued, not
according to their real uses in supplying the necessities of men;
but rather in proportion to the land, labour and skill that are
requisite to produce them. It is according to this proportion
nearly, that things or commodities are exchanged one for another;
and it is by the said scale, that the intrinsic values of most
things are chiefly estimated. Water is of great use, and yet
ordinarily of little or no value; because in most places, water
flows spontaneously in such great plenty, as not to be withheld
within the limits of private property; but all may have enough,
without other expense than that of bringing or conducting it,
when the case so requires. On the other hand, diamonds being very
scarce, have upon that account a great value, though they are but
little use."
6. There might conceivably be persons of high sensibility who
would suffer specially from the want of either salt or tea: or
who were generally sensitive, and would suffer more from the loss
of a certain part of their income than others in the same station
of life. But it would be assumed that such differences between
individuals might be neglected, since we were considering in
either case the average of large numbers of people; though of
course it might be necessary to consider whether there were some
special reason for believing, say, that those who laid most store
by tea were a specially sensitive class of people. If it could,
then a separaTe allowance for this would have to be made before
applying the results of economic analysis to practical problems
of ethics or politics.
7. Some ambiguous phrases in earlier editions appear to have
suggested to some readers the opposite opinion. But the task of
adding together the total utilities of all commodities, so as to
obtain the aggregate of the total utility of all wealth, is
beyond the range of any but the most elaborate mathematical
formulae. An attempt to treat it by them some years ago convinced
the present writer that even if the task be theoretically
feasible, the result would be encumbered by so many hypotheses as
to be practically useless.
    Attention has already (pp. 100, 105) been called to the fact
that for some purposes such things as tea and coffee must be
grouped together as one commodity: and it is obvious that, if tea
were inaccessible, people would increase their consumption of
coffee, and vice versa. The loss that people would suffer from
being deprived both of tea and coffee would be greater than the
sum of their losses from being deprived of either alone: and
therefore the total utility of tea and coffee is greater than The
sum of the total utility of tea calculated on the supposition
that people can have recourse to coffee, and that of coffee
calculated on a like supposition as to tea. This difficulty can
be theoretically evaded by grouping the two "rival" commodities
together under a common demand schedule. On the other hand, if we
have calculated the total utility of fuel with reference to the
fact that without it we could not obtain hot water to obtain the
beverage tea from tea leaves, we should count something twice
over if we added to that utility the total utility of tea leaves,
reckoned on a similar plan. Again the total utility of
agricultural produce includes that of ploughs; and the two may
not be added together; though the total utility of ploughs may be
discussed in connection with one problem, and that of wheat in
connection with another. Other aspects of these two difficulties
are examined in V, VI.
    Prof. Patten has insisted on the latter of them in some able
and suggestive writings. But his attempt to express the aggregate
utility of all forms of wealth seems to overlook many
8. In mathematical language the neglected elements would
generally belong to the second order of small quantities; and the
legitimacy of the familiar scientific method by which they are
neglected would have seemed beyond question, had not Prof.
Nicholson challenged it. A short reply to him has been given by
Prof. Edgeworth in the Economic Journal for March 1894; and a
fuller reply by Prof. Barone in the Giornale degli Economisti for
Sept. 1894; of which some account is given by Mr Sanger in the
Economic Journal for March 1995.
    As is indicated in Note VI in the Mathematical Appendix,
formal account could be taken of changes in the marginal utility
of money, if it were desired to do so. If we attempted to add
together the total utilities of all commodities, we should be
bound to do so: that task is however impracticable.
9. The notion of consumers' surplus may help us a little now;
and, when our statistical knowledge is further advanced, it may
help us a great deal to decide how much injury would be done to
the public by an additional tax of 6d. a pound on tea, or by an
addition of ten per cent. to the freight charges of a railway:
and the value of the notion is but little diminished by the fact
that it would not help us much to estimate the loss that would be
caused by a tax of 30s. a pound on tea, or a tenfold rise in
freight charges.
    Reverting to our last diagram, we may express this by saying
that, if A is the point on the curve corresponding to the amount
that is wont to be sold in the market, data can be obtained
sufficient for drawing the curve with tolerable correctness for
some distance on either side of A; though the curve can seldom be
drawn with any approach to accuracy right up to D. But this is
practically unimportant, because in the chief practical
applications of the theory of value we should seldom make any use
of a knowledge of the whole shape of the demand curve if we had
it. We need just what we can get, that is, a fairly correct
knowledge of its shape in the neighbourhood of A. We seldom
require to ascertain the total area DCA; it is sufficient for
most of our purposes to know the changes in this area that would
be occasioned by moving A through small distances along the curve
in either direction. Nevertheless it will save trouble to assume
provisionally, as in pure theory we are at liberty to do, that
the curve is completely drawn.
    There is however a special difficulty in estimating the whole
of the utility of commodities some supply of which is necessary
for life. If any attempt is made to do it, the best plan is
perhaps to take that necessary supply for granted, and estimate
the total utility only of that part of the commodity which is in
excess of this amount. But we must recollect that the desire for
anything is much dependent on the difficulty of getting
substitutes for it. (See Note VI in the Mathematical Appendix.)
10. See Note VII in the Mathematical Appendix.
11. That is to say, if Rs30 represent necessaries, a person's
satisfaction from his income will begin at that point; and when
it has reached Rs40, an additional Rs1 will add a tenth to the Rs10
which represents its happiness-yielding power. But if his income
were Rs100, that is Rs70 above the level of necessaries, an
additional Rs7 would be required to add as much to his happiness
as Rs1 if his income were Rs40: while if his income were Rs10,000,
an additional Rs1000 would be needed to produce an equal effect
(compare Note VIII in the Mathematical Appendix). Of course such
estimates are very much at random, and unable to adapt themselves
to the varying circumstances of individual life. As we shall see
later, the systems of taxation which are now most widely
prevalent follow generally on the lines of Bernoulli's
suggestion. Earlier systems took from the poor very much more
than would be in accordance with that plan; while the systems of
graduated taxation, which are being foreshadowed in several
countries, are in some measure based on the assumption that the
addition of one per cent to a very large income adds less to the
wellbeing of its owner than an addition of one per cent to
smaller incomes would, even after Bernoulli's correction for
necessaries has been made.
    It may be mentioned in passing that from the general law that
the utility to anyone of an additional Rs1 diminishes with the
number of pounds he already has, there follow two important
practical principles. The first is that gambling involves an
economic loss, even when conducted on perfectly fair and even
terms. For instance, a man who having Rs600 makes a fair even bet
of Rs100, has now an expectation of happiness equal to half that
derived from Rs700, and half that derived from Rs500; and this is
less than the certain expectation of the happiness derived from
Rs600, because by hypothesis the difference between the happiness
got from Rs600 and Rs500 is greater than the difference between the
happiness got from Rs700 and Rs600. (Compare Note IX in the
Mathematical Appendix and Jevons, l.c. Ch. IV) The second
principle, the direct converse of the first, is that a
theoretically fair insurance against risks is always an economic
gain. But of course insurance office, after calculating what is a
theoretically fair premium, every has to share in addition to it
enough to pay profits on its own capital, and to cover its own
expenses of working, among which are often to be reckoned very
heavy items for advertising and for losses by fraud. The question
whether it is advisable to pay the premium which insurance
offices practically do charge, is one that must be decided for
each case on its own merits.
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