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This is Lauren I've known her for like ages since I was little, she doesn't care about much. which is good.
This is Rebekah shes Lauren's twin (haven't you noticed). She isn't really like Lauren shes diferent. But cool.
This is Andy. He has curly hair and glasses. His gf is Kathrin.
This is Kathrin. Shes Andy's gf. Shes kinda quiet, and sweet.But we love her really.
This is Lizzi. Shes always hyper and has a funny laugh.
This is me and Ella. shes cool and I can talk to her loads.
This is Tom. Hes quite loud and a laugh. he like to fuck around with drugs and booze and shit.
I've only done this quickly so I've probably missed loads of people so if you aren't on here tell me and i'll put you on!