2 Words
feeling really nice that you are
taking interest in my website. Heartily
welcome from me. I’ve made
this website to interact with those
people who know me and want to know
more about me.
name is Vaibhav Saran. I’m a student
of MCA 6th semester from Lucknow. MCA
is stands for 'Master of Computer Application'.
Its a 3 years degree course about software
applications and I'm pursuing final
I belong to HARDOI. It’s a small
city just 100 Kms. from LUCKNOW but
HARDOI is one of the biggest District
of Uttar Pradesh. Now I’ll tell
you about my family. I belong to a kayastha
family. We are two brothers and one
sister. I’m youngest member of
the family. My brother is the oldest
among us. His name is Vishal and he
is in government job. My father is retired
person. Mother is simple housewife.
all about me, my family and my education.
Proceed with my web site if you are
still taking interest in me.