my own page!!!
hi this is a little about me...
well... my b-day is june 5 i have a dog cat fish hamster. BLINK 182 is thie koolest same with SIMPLE PLAN!!!!
the grade 8 of Gordon Price rule the school!!!!!!!! because we are the oldest.
I play baseball and lots of sports and you might no some of my friends. They are julie,sama,viki,rachel,roha,kyle,kristie and lots lots lots more.luv u all u should no what i mean as a friend!!!!!!!!
this is D12 every1!!!!!
puppies that are the cutest
i think simple plan ROCKS MY WORLD!!!!!!!1
hi well... this is the end of my web site hope u like it if u did plz contact me and everything like that. my email is and add me and tell me wat i can improve thanx lol