If you're looking for an inexpensive gift to give your helpers at year end...then look no more.  Try some Hershey Kisses Rosebuds!  For each flower you will need 2 kisses, floral picks (any length, for the stem), 5"x5" square of saran wrap, 2 small leaves and green florists tape.  Lay kisses with flat ends together.  Put one of the points into the center of the plastic wrap; fold wrap around the kisses twist to tighten.  Place one end of the floral pick against one end of the kisses, then begin wrapping with the floral tape starting at the top of the pick.  Make a few wraps and add a left to each side and continue to wrap, moving the tape down in overlapping layers.  Tear off at the bottom, smoothing out the rough end with your fingers.  Try out different variations like a bouquet or a corsage!

If you liked the Mini Scrapbooks that were shown at the Service Unit meeting, click here for the instructions!

Do you like doing crafts?  How about inexpensive crafts that cost next to nothing to do?  Then you want Crafts on a Dime!  Just click on the link for the
Crafts on a Dime booklet that will give you several ideas as well as all the instructions for them.  Also available are some pictures of crafts on our Craft Scrapbook page, check it out!

Want a great craft to have the girls make for Mother's Day
? Then, check out the All Free Crafts website for Rice Hot/Cold Packs. What a great way to help Mom get through those tough days!
Make a Travel Tote - This tote is a really great idea for girls to make before going on an overnight! 
1. Fold bottom third of a 12" square washcloth up to form a pocket.  Pin at sides.  2.  Stitch around pocket edges with zigzag stitch.  3. Center a shoelace on back side of washcloth and pin or baste in place.  4. Machine-stitch down center of pocket, catching the shoelace.  5. Decide how many pockets you'd like (sample has 5) and stitch the pocket dividers.

Now the toothbrush and toiletries will be clean and easy-to-reach! 
Recipes for Homemade Fun!
Shiny Dough - Make 3 D pictures by squeesing this dough onto cardoard.  The salt makes it sparkle when it dries.
1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1 cup water, food coloring (optional)   Measure and mix the ingredients together.  If  using food coloring squeeze a few drops of food coloring into the water.  Pour the mixture into plastic squeeze bottles like ketchup or mustard bottles.

Goop - You can't make many things with this mixture, but kids really enjoy it's changeable, oozy feel.
1 cup cornstarch, 1 cup water, food coloring (optional)   Add food coloring to water and combine with cornstarch in a bowl. Play by squeezing, pulling, and letting it drip through your fingers.  Store in container and if it dries out, add a small amount of water.

Glarch - This recipe yields a stretchy, putty-like material
1 cup white glue, 1 cup liquid starch, food coloring (optional)
Put the glue in an old plastic container and add food coloring (optional).  Pour in liquid starch, a little bit at a time, stirring continually.  Keep stirring until the mixture holds together in a putty.  Test it with your fingers and if it's too sticky, add small amounts of starch and stir until a smooth, rubbery consistency.  Store in a plastic bag without refrigeration.
Ideas from....
A Craft A Day for Kids
All Free Crafts
Aunt Annie's Crafts
Family Fun
Girl Scout Council of the Catawba Valley Area
Kid's Crafts
Kid's Domain
Kid's Turn Central
Lariats, Knots, Gimp, Etc.
Make Stuff
Making Friends
Scouting Web Arts & Crafts
Tammy Yee's Origami
Craft Recipes...
Just Kid's Recipes
Beaded "Green Angel"
Denim Pocket Purse
Friendship Stick
For lots of different Arts & Crafts links, just click on this great website that has lots and lots of links to check out.....something for everyone!

Looking for some crafts that aren't time consuming?  Check out these websites below.......

No-SEW, 10 minute BACKPACKS made out of BLUE-JEANS.
Fold 'em in half (legs up to zipper part... bent at the knees...) Take your twine.  Tie the left leg ankle closed (with whatever handy dandy knot you know) and tie this to the left front belt loop. Do the SAME THING to the right leg. Now take your TWINE and sort of tie each leg closed down near the knee bend. You will note that the LEGS are now the straps of the backpack. NOW... take your twine and loop it through all the belt loops of the jeans... this has instantly created a DRAWSTRING closure to your creation. AND NOW… fill the tush and partial legs and back pockets of the jeans and go on a hike! I'm sure you can embellish this for a more permanent pack. ALSO -- IMPORTANT NOTE:  Apparently it's important that the old blue jeans have RECENTLY fit whomever is going to use the backpack... it SIZES the pack correctly.  Go figure.
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  Charm bracelets have come back in fashion and are used through the new Studio 2B program for older girls. Should your girls like to make charms for a bracelet of their own,  making charms could be tied to: the brownie Art to Wear try-it; the junior Art to Wear or Jeweler badges; or the Cad/Sr Just Jewelry IP award.
  Simple charms can also be made from shrinky dink plastic. With sand paper lightly sand the plastic.  Trace the design, color it, cut out the shape, punch a hole in the top and then bake. When finished put a ring through the hole.  There is also another shrink special plastic that you can run through your color printer. The regular shrinky dink plastic DOES NOT hold printer ink.  This is great for making keychains, swaps, etc. Two brands are Avery and Transfer Magic
Girl Scout Bead Doll
Supplies: 1˝ green pipe cleaners, safety pin, flower shaped bead, head bead, heart shaped bead, 4 beige beads, 4 light blue beads, 4 teal beads, 3 royal blue beads, 3 white beads
1. Fold pipe cleaner in half.  Slip the pin into the fold.
2. Slip up the flower shaped bead.  The flower bead represents the leader.
3. The head bead is slipped on under the flower bead.  It represents Lord Baden-Powell and the wonderful idea he had to create the scouting movement.
4. Wrap the smaller pipe cleaner firmly around the other pipe cleaner, below the head.
5. Insert a heart shaped bead over the two pipe cleaner pieces that hold the head. The heart represents the heart of Girl Scouting, which is the Promise and Law that all Girl Scouts make.
6. Take 4 beige beads and slip two of them on each arm pipe cleaner.  These beads represent Brownies.
7. Take 4 light blue beads and slip two of them onto each arm.  Twist the ends of the arms into hands.  The light blue beads represent Daisies.  There are now 10 beads to represent the 10 parts of the Girl Scout Law.
8. Add 4 teal beads, two to each leg.  These beads represent Junior Girl Scouts.
9. Add 3 royal blue beads to one leg.  These beads represent Cadette Girl Scouts.  Twist the end of the leg into a foot.
10. Add 3 white beads to the other leg.  These beads represent Senior Girl Scouts.  Twist the end of the leg into a foot.