To help Daisies gain a greater understanding of the Promise and Law, have them act out each part. As a leader, you can help them make up scenarios where these principles would be applied. You can use a "what would you do if?" approach. Activities to encourage team building (it's never too early to start) - Design or purchase a large piece puzzle. Make sure there are enough pieces for each member of the troop. Give each girl one piece and instruct the participants to find the person with the interlocking piece. Once they find their match, those two girls can find the third person and proceed around the room until the whole puzzle is complete. Suggestions for Daisy Girl Scout Troop meetings - Meet on a regular basis, but not necessarily every week. Keep things moving. Always have something lined up for the girls who finish quickly. Alternate quiet, sit-down time with the busier activities. Have fun! Talk about what if means to make the world a better place. Have some more fun! Leader Tips Staying Organized - My first year as a leader, I had paperwork all over my house & craft supplies on every table. When meeting day came I rushed around the house trying to find everything I needed. This isn't very helpful and actually very stressful. Over time you realize that organization is a key element. I will share some idea's I have found helpful to me. Girl Folder's - Each girl in the troop has a green folder. This folder serves mainly for a means of communication. I produce a monthly newsletter, which goes into the folder. The parents may leave notes for me & permission slips are taken home and brought back this way. When they first received it they decorated it with stickers. The center prongs hold song sheets of the girls’ favorite songs. Monthly Newsletter - The first meeting of each month the girls take home a newsletter. It contains any information needed about field trips, permission slip deadlines, badges we are working on, product sale information, and just for fun a girls & adult's section where we take submissions for stories, poems and the like. The meeting they are passed out I also read them aloud so the girls are aware of what we are doing. Binders - *One binder contains all information from council. We receive a Fall Start Up Packet that has punched holes. Each is separated and any updates council sends goes in the pocket. *I have another binder I call "The Big Green Book" that contains all information I collect. It so happens the binder is green There is a section for Songs, Games, Ceremonies, Camping, Swaps, Crafts and anything else I print up. These are mostly resources from the internet. * I have a red binder that stays with Safety Wise. It contains the registration papers, permission slips, troop roster, emergency procedures, and when going on a trip the troop itinerary. This is always with the troop. * Another binder contains training information. I keep any handout received at training inside, blank paper for notes, and my record of what training's I have received. * I need to keep forms on hand so I have a plastic expandable file folder that holds all blank council forms. Folders - I also delegate some responsibilities to co-leaders and parents in which they also receive a folder, these jobs are noted as such. The contents are as follows: * Treasurer: Attendance Record, Due's Record, Bank Statements, Receipts, Finance Record and blank paper. * Service Projects Parent: A printout of service project idea's along with contact information and blank paper. * Special Projects Parent: Holiday Idea's and blank paper. This mom helps with any holidays and field trips. * Girl/Adult Records: It contains all Individual Girl Records so that I always know where to find them when they have completed a badge. I also keep adult training records inside. A new idea I am trying is badge cards. I used card stock and printed up badge cards very similar to the ones that come in the patch book that is sold. As the girls earn badge's I put their name, the year, the badge earned and where it goes. Then I staple the badge to the card. This will make it easier when Court of Awards comes. * Flyers/Permission Slips: This folder contains anything I need to send home to girls on one side and the other side has items girls have turned in to me. * Meeting: This folder contains anything I need for the meeting, printout sheets for an activity, my meeting plan typed, kaper chart. Crafts: * I have two boxes of craft supplies at home that I store in a cupboard. What makes things easy however is making up bags for the girls ahead of time. I buy Glad type bags or 4x5 ones at the craft store. Each bag is made up of the supplies that each girl would need. If there is a supply they must all share that is just placed on the table. I also make up bulk pack baggies for swaps. The girls choose what swaps they want to do and I make up bags of 10 for them. Everything they would need to make the swap is included, except the glue of course. |
For more Daisy Petal ideas check out these sites: Daisy Idea Exchange Daisy Petal Helps |
Girls and Leaders! If you have links for this page, or if you are looking for information, please click on the e-mail above and let us know. |
Ages 5-6 (Grades Kindergarten - 1) |
Visit the Daisy Girl Scout packets & helps site for information on Troop Government, Investiture Ceremony, fun things such as Pen Pal letters and planning your first four Daisy meetings plus many, many more. Look below for more great links just for Daisies! Have you tried to figure out what goes on the uniform and then where it goes? Look no further, thanks to the North Iowa Girl Scout Council, it's done for us. Daisy Uniform or printable version Daisy Uniform New Leader? Remember you have 6 months to get your training in after you've had New Leader Orientation. You will need to take the 110 Basic Leadership training, which is also available as a homestudy and then the specific level training. Questions? Contact your Consultant. If you don't know who you're Consultant is, check your team roster. |
Brownie Cadette/Senior Cookies Council Forms Crafts Events Fall Product Field Trips Games Junior Leader Tips Patches Scrapbook Service Projects Songs, Poems & Graces Workshops |
Looking for a lot of great ideas just for Daisy Leaders? Check out this special issue of Scouting Links just for Daisies! Also includes Daisy Petal Idea Projects and for more Petal ideas visit the links to the left. |
Do you like to reward the girls for a job well done? For an inexpensive way to do that just go to Troop #565's website where they carry all kinds of certificates that you can print out! They carry ones just for your level, troop awards, camping awards, special girl awards and many more. So take a peek and remember how one certificate can mean so much to just one girl! |