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December 2003 International Thinking Day February 22nd Internet Resources - Kim Zahour This web site organizes a database of troops wishing to exchange postcards All about SWAPS (Shared With A Pal or Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned) directions and photos submitted by troops from all over! It also has information about their mascots and patch collecting This site has kits for making swaps and other crafts Swaps from recycled items and film canister crafts This site has a lot of information about swaps mascots and patches including their history etiquette and links to exchange networks This site is called Mascots 101 Did you know the CEO of Build-a-Bear is a former Girl Scout and is now a member of the National Advisory Board? Find out about scouting parties and check out the sashes available on the accessories page under “message sashes” Council patch trading Patch trading blankets online collections pin museum (Some bad links) but this page offers links to “World fact books” regional information Girl Scout tradition by region also shows flags Thinking Day e-cards available through Blue Mountain This is the official web site of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Just for girls- world thinking day ideas *also available on paper copy! Historical Girl Scout time line *also available on paper copy! *Please request a paper copy of this information. |
November 2004 Getting Organized - Kim Cosentino Chore Chart More information about The De-Clutter Box Kim did a wonderful job in teaching us how to get better organized! Here's a Daily Morning Routine - Get moving! 1. Are you dressed from makeup to shoes and eaten something? 2. Have you checked your calendar for appointments and moved one manageable "to do" over to today? (Remember to schedule things that need to be done this week on a day, NOT on the "to do" list.) 3. Have you filed, not piled your paperwork and weeded your active paperwork box into their designated category file or acted on paperwork that takes 5 minutes or less? Remember we only want to handle paper twice, at most. Once when received (and get rid of the envelope and commercial breaks) and once when we act on it and then pitch or file for reference purposes. 4. Have you de-cluttered for 15 minutes, by going thru the house with a laundry basket, collecting items out of place, and putting them where they belong? Do this either before going to bed last night or this morning, the areas that tend to clutter up daily. (Remember every shelf/drawer in your home should have a specific theme. You want to keep similar items together, like everyday wrapping paper, bows and gift cards, and store them close to where you generally use them/it.) 5. Have you moved the laundry process along? Another load in the washer, dryer, delivered or put away. Dishes too?!! ****A habit takes 21 days so give this plan 21 days, stay focused on today and what you need to accomplish. Keep your calendar close by to write down future "to do's", appointments and the like. Keep your "I can attitude", a glass of water near by and realize that with each baby step, you are getting closer to be ORGANIZED for life. |