I started my Fortier family research in 1980 but after a year, I stopped my research. At the time, I just couldn't find any Fortier in the Upper Gatineau, Maniwaki, Gracefield area. I knew from my family that my grandfather, Joseph Fortier, was born in Maniwaki, Quebec before he married my grandmother Marilda Sioui.

Last year, I found my grandfather's baptismal and to my surprise, saw that his name was written Joseph Calixe Forcier. From there, I found many generations of Forcier in Gracefield, Bouchette, Ste-Famille d'Aumond, East Aldfield, Lac Ste-Marie and Hull. To see the updated lineage, JEAN-BAPTISTE FORCIER (in PDF format)(updated Oct. 15, 2004

Being at a deadend, I decided to research, starting with the first Forcier who came to Canada from France, hoping that I would find the missing link. The first Forcier to come to Canada from France was Pierre Forcier and from him, I found 12 generations but still no link to Jean-Baptiste and Therese Fournier. This is the result of my research from the first Forcier that came to Canada from France, Pierre Forcier (PDF 262 Kb) in PDF format. (Updated Dec. 5, 2006)

Having doubts that maybe Jean-Baptiste was not really a Forcier but a Fortier, I made research in the Fortier lineage (PDF 38 Kb) also. So if some of you have information, corrections, or additions to these family lines, write me and I will make the necessary corrections or additions.


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