Classroom Procedures

Each Student is expected to:

prior to bell

  1. Place home learning assignments in the home learning box.
  2. Sharpen pencils before the ringing of the bell.
  3. Be in your assigned seats before the bell rings along with all necessary materials (pens, pencils, paper etc . . .).
  4. Begin Icebreaker

during class.

getting around in the classroom

  1. Ask permission to throw something in the garbage, get a tissue, go to the restroom or to sharpen  your pencil.  Please, use your common sense as to when you do ask for permission for these activities.  (i.e. not during a group presentation or class discussion.)
  2. If you do not have materials, ask prior to the ringing of the bell.  You need these materials to begin the Icebreaker.
  3. During the 15 minutes of silent reading, there should be no movement, or conversation.  You must bring reading material!

Announcements over the public address system (PA)

  1. No matter what is going on in class, you must be quiet when the PA system is on.
  2. Even if the announcement does not pertain directly to you, you must be quiet.

Hall Passes

  1. Hall Passes will only be given out for an extreme emergency.
  2. Hall Passes are to be used for the Restroom, for the office to speak with a councilor (only if they ask for you) or to call home.
  3. Passes do not transfer over to the next period.
  4. Sign the pass sheet with your name, location you are heading to, time you are leaving and upon your return write in the time once again.
  5. No passes will be given during the first 15 minutes or the last 15 minutes.


  1. When a guest enters the room, students are only to acknowledge the guest if the guest acknowledges them.
  2. Do not allow the entrance of a guest to prevent you from obtaining a good grade.
  3. Do not question their authority, if a contradictory command is given, do it, and explain later.


  1. Being on time means being in your seat when the bell rings (not running through the door!)
  2. Door will be shut after the bell rings.  If you come after the door is shut you will sign the tardy sheet.  If you sign the tardy sheet (3) times you will get a call home.


  1. If you know in advance that you will be absent, speak to me prior to your absence and get any assignments you may miss during that time.
  2. As long as you have an excused absence, you will be allowed to make up work you missed, while you were absent, for full credit.  You will have one full week to make up the work you missed, after that it is recorded as a zero (2 F's).
  3. Have an admit slip when you show up to class after an absence.  You must report to the cafeteria with a letter from your parents after an absence.

Heading of papers to be turned in

  1. All information should be on the upper right hand corner.
  2. First line: Your Name (Last name first)
  3. Second Line: Period (Example: "3rd Period", "P.3")
  4. Third Line: Date (Day of the week, month, day of the month and year) "Example: Thursday, September 11, 2004"

My desk, overhead projector, chair, computer or board.

  1. All are off limits to you unless I directly give you permission
  2. I do not like crowds, so do not crowd around my desk.  I particularly do not like students standing in my view of the class, or students attempting to listen to private conversations about grades.  Do not come to my desk, unless I tell you otherwise.

Prior to dismissal

  1. All paper should be picked up from the floor.
  2. All seats should be placed in their original order.
  3. Assignments designated for that day should be turned in.  If they are not turned in and no absence has been recorded, it will be marked as a zero (2 F's).
  4. The bell does not dismiss anyone, the teacher does, you are to remain seated until the teacher dismisses you.