Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Arya Bhat Polytechnic, Delhi 1989

AMIE (Mechanical Engineering) from Institution of Engineers (India) 1992 (Equivalent to BE, Mechanical).

Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE) from National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India 1997 (Equivalent to M. Tech.)


PMP (Project Management Professional) from Project Management Institute (PMI) in January 2005




Brainbench certified in:  ( transcript id 1778805

·     Project Management

·     Operations Concepts

·     UML

·     Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

·     ASP.NET

·     C++

·     C

·     C#

·     OO Concepts

·     RDBMS Concepts

·     System Analysis

·     E-Commerce Concepts

·     Programming Concepts

·     Programmer/Analyst Aptitude

·     Change Management (U.S.)

·     Software Testing


8 years in software consulting

7 months in Finance Industry (including software development for Finance business)

6 years in Engineering Industry


IBM                              PC COMPATIBLES


Operating Systems:

Windows95/NT/2000/XP/2003, Unix

Database Management Systems:

Oracle 7.1, Interbase (Borland), SQL Server

Programming Languages:

ASP.NET, VB.NET, C, C++, C#, VC++ 6.0


ILOG Solver


Project Management

Problem definition, Requirements Analysis and Systems Study.

Software Development (designing, programming and testing) of software applications.

Technology Survey and Selection.

Algorithm Development


PROJECTs Summary

Project Title




Betting And Brokerage Application for Delta Index, Dublin, Ireland.

MS SQL Server, Visual Studio .net, ASP.Net

Technical Architect / Team Lead

3 months

Screening Information System Project, Genetic Disease Branch, California Department of Health Services

Windows 2003 Web Server, MS SQL Server, Visual Studio .net, VB.NET, ASP.Net

Technical Architect / Team Lead

25 months

Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA), UKOn-line KS3 ICT Tests System

Windows 2003 Web Server, MS SQL Server, Visual Studio .net, ASP.Net

Technical Architect, Team Lead

8 months

TaxMantra™, Tempe Project

Application and DB Server:

HP-UX 11.0, Orbix 2000, Oracle 8i, C++

Client: Win 98/XP/NT, VB

GIS: MapInfo, VB e-Tax Services: Java, Apache as Web Server,

Design: Rational Rose (UML)

Team Lead

9 months

“TaxMantra”: component-based configurable tax product. (‘Case Management Module’)


Team Member

4 months

Secured Message Switching System (Sanchar) for Indian Navy

C++, Interbase (RDBMS)

Team Member

17 months

Internal Email messaging system for United Airlines. (E-Notes)

C on Unisys mainframe

Team Leader

4 months

Product Development XMLIT for TIL, SEEPZ, Mumbai, India

C, C++

Team Member

2 month

Y2K Contingency planning for TIL, India


Team Member

3 months

Generic Resource Allocator- product by ATG, Tata Infotech Ltd., SEEPZ, Mumbai, India


Team Leader

4 months

Call Center Simulation for Call Center Group, Tata Infotech Ltd. (TIL), SEEPZ, Mumbai, India.

C++/VC++ Windows NT

Team Leader

2 months

Staff Planning Prototype for DHL Worldwide Express, Mumbai, India.

C++ using ILOG Solver on Windows 95

Team Leader

6 months

DCM Financial Services Ltd., New Delhi, India


Management Trainee

7 months

Central Public Works Department, Govt. OF India, New Delhi, India


Junior Engineer

4 years

Thermax Limited, Pune, India (Projects)


Service Engineer

2 years




Delta Index is a financial spread betting company. Delta Index is a privately owned company and was founded in 2001.   Delta Index allows investors to trade, both online and by phone, on the world's financial markets. Clients can spread bet on the major stock market indices, currencies, commodities and interest rates as well as on individual Irish, UK and US shares. Financial spread betting gives Investors access the markets in a way that is easy to understand, cost effective and tax efficient. Financial Spread Betting (FSB) can produce positive returns from rising and falling markets; investors can speculate on a share price falling as well as rising.  Delta Index is a licensed bookmaker in the Republic of Ireland and is regulated by the Customs and Excise Department of the Revenue Commissioners.

The code functional activities performed by BABA are:

·         Allows clients to place online bets (FSB) and online trading (CFD – Contract For Difference)

·         Risk Management

·         Order Matching System

·         Real-time Market data broadcast

·         Client-dealer handshake

·         Market Management

The entire system interacts through Intranet (Windows based interface) and Internet (web-browser based interface).  The Windows web servers and application servers of the BABA run in net environment with SQL server as its backend database.  The application would run in a ‘Web-farm’ to provide scalability.

Vineet’s activities as Team Lead include:

·     Requirement collection

·     Interface Control, Architecture design.

·     Design and review.



Genetic Disease Branch, GDB, works to protect and improve the health of all Californians by running the largest screening program in the world and setting the standards in delivering high-quality, cost-effective genetic services to all Californians. 

Screening Information System, SIS, application aims at providing a solution that is tightly integrated, functionally robust, easy to use, and provides automation of screening process.  The SIS application will serve to improve the GDB’s administration of service delivery.

The code functional activities performed by SIS are:

·         Acquisition of patient and provider data

·         Evaluation of cases

·         Coordination of cases

·         Follow-up on individual patients

·         Analysis of data

·         SIS support

When expectant mothers or parents of infants agree to have their child screened for genetic abnormalities, they undergo a test that is processed by GDB at various labs.  The results of the tests are automatically loaded onto the SIS database through well-defined interfaces.  The data, once uploaded, is processed by SIS to maintain a link between initial and subsequent tests. 

The entire system interacts through Intranet and Internet.  The Windows 2003 web servers and application servers of the SIS run in .net environment with SQL server as its backend database.  The application runs in a ‘Web-farm’ to provide high scalability to the solution.

Vineet’s activities as Team Lead include:

·     Requirement collection

·     Interface Control, Architecture design.

·     Design and review.

·     Client and team coordination

·     Development/Coding of Framework components application running on the Windows 2003 Web-Servers using VB.Net and ASP.Net. 

·     Microsoft Application Blocks use for Asynchronous processing (of data access and exception handling).

·     Design and development of ‘work-flow’ component.


QUALIFICATION AND CURRICULUM AUTHORITY (QCA), UK.  ON-LINE KS3 ICT TEST SYSTEM                                                                                                                                                  (04/2003 – 11/2003)

QCA is an authority for conducting examinations in the UK. QCA’s key objective is to develop online tests and support familiarization and practice materials of the online test. These tests will be used to assess pupils’ performance against the national curriculum level descriptions for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in secondary schools in England at the end of key stage3.

Tata Infotech is involved in the design and development of the Administration Point System, Central Point System and the Security Shell. The entire system interacts through Intranet and Internet kind of connectivity.  The web servers and application servers of the QCA run in .net environment.  The servers at the schools are spread over a variety of platforms (Windows and Linux). The Admin Point System, installed as school system, is developed on Struts (Model2) architecture. The pupils connect to the school server on an Intranet.

Central Point System is centrally managed at some central location. The Central Point System creates test and the test window in which all eligible schools are allowed to take the test. All the results of the pupil are received at the Central Point System. The results undergo sampling and moderation process in order to arrive at the best result received by the pupil. The results are published for the schools. All the reports that are applicable to the management are produced at the Central Point System. All the test packages get uploaded at Central Point System.

Schools download the test package set and upload the result package set to the Central Point System. All the packages are fully encrypted. The process of downloading and uploading takes place over a secure HTTP link.

The security solution for this system includes usage of PKI, a Certificate Server and a cryptographic library. In addition to this the system has a Security Shell that is responsible for generation and maintenance of cryptographic key material.

Vineet’s activities as Team Lead included:

·     High Level Design and review.

·     Interface Control, Architecture design.

·     Detailed design of CMS application.

·     Estimation of efforts against Change Control.

·     Development/Coding of CMS application running on the Windows 2003 Web-Servers using C# and ASP.Net. 

·     Testing and review of design and code.

·     Microsoft Application Blocks use for Asynchronous processing (of long running processes).


TaxMantra TEMPE, TAX AND LICENSE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF TEMPE AT TEMPE, AZ, USA                                                                                                                                                  (06/2002 – 03/2003)

Tata Infotech has developed the TaxMantra™ product aimed at producing TAX business components through flexible and rapid assembly of software components. TaxMantra™ aims to consolidate TAX requirements and come up with fine-grained TAX software components. Tata Infotech Limited customized and configured its TaxMantra™ product to meet the City's Business License and Privilege Tax Software System requirements. TaxMantra™ uses Component Based Development (CBD) technology and is developed using VB for front-end, C++ and Orbix 2000 for CORBA enabled application/business logic and Oracle 8i as database server. Application and Database Server use HP-UX 11.0 as Operating System. TaxMantra™ is also be integrated with Crystal Reports for adhoc reporting, Geographical Information System (GIS) developed using Map Info and VB, and e-Tax Services, developed using MS IIS as Web Server, JDK & FrontPage.

Data conversion programs to convert the existing data from ASCII files (containing data extracted from Tempe's Legacy System) to TaxMantra™ Oracle 8i Database tables have also been developed. Tata Infotech Limited has installed the application based on TaxMantra™ Product at the central site in Tempe, AZ. Users and operations training of the TaxMantra™ application for the City staff were conducted during the Installation & Acceptance phase.

TaxMantra Product has been implemented at the Tax and License Division, City of Tempe, Tempe, AZ USA.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Design (using Rational Rose) of Case Management Module by taking TaxMantra design as base and then modifying the same to Tempe’s requirements.

·     Development/Coding of Case Management Module as per above design.

·     Testing and review of design and code.


DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF TaxMantra™ AT TATA INFOTECH LTD., NEPZ, INDIA                                                                                                                                       (02/2002 – 05/2002)

TaxMantra™ is a component-based object-oriented solution for TAX applications. It is aimed at producing TAX business components through a flexible and rapid assembly of software components. TAX Mantra TAX components are so generic that they can be easily configured for any requirement. Using TIL’s domain knowledge of TAX systems and Technical expertise in a diverse range of environments, has made it possible in developing the TaxMantra™ TAX components as an off the shelf product easily configurable to any TAX requirements.

TaxMantra™ provides a complete and integrated solution for various Tax types. Some of the modules covered are - Registration, Return Processing, Payment Processing, Refund Processing, Extension & Exoneration, Case Management and Security.

TaxMantra™ uses Rational Rose tool set for implementing object oriented software engineering. The TAX components are developed in C++ with CORBA encapsulation (Orbix2.3c), thus making the components interoperable. These TAX components are made Microsoft COM/DCOM compliant using static COM-CORBA bridging. The Tax system has three-tiered architecture. VC++(Ver 6.0) is used for developing Business Layer and Database Layer of three-tiered architecture and VB (ver 4.0) is used for developing GUI layer. Orbix (Ver 2.3c) is used for CORBA implementation.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Enhancement and Development of ‘Case Management Module’ for next version of the product.  This includes development of ‘Bankruptcy’, ‘Legal’, ‘Underpayment’, ‘Case Consolidation’ etc related ‘case-flows’ and functionality.  Development CORBA compliant interfaces using C++.

·     Enhancement in the Configuration Management Module.


AUTOMATED (SECURED) MESSAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM (SANCHAR) FOR INDIAN NAVY, INDIA                                                                                                                                                  (09/2000 – 01/2002)

"Sanchar AMSS" is a X.400 based message switching application that has been developed for the Indian Navy to facilitate exchange of naval messages over the Naval Intranet (called NEWN – Naval Enterprise Wide-area Network).  The software project is a part of the bigger System Integration project that involves supply, installation and commissioning of the hardware and network besides software.  The full network connects over 22 geographically spread nodes.  Each node further has client workstations, each designating a naval unit.  The number of workstations at present is around 750.  Each of these 22 nodes is a clustered Windows 2000 Advanced server.

The Application software provides for transmission of signal from end-to-end.  It allows creation of naval signals at various ‘naval units’, approval by competent authorities, encryption of messages, ‘real-time routing’ of messages in encrypted form between different Naval locations and ships, delivery of messages to the ‘addressees’ based on their location at that point in time (home/office/ship/mobile ground unit etc). 

The transmission to shore units is over the TCP/IP based network.  The transmission to a ship is through the naval transmitters (all in encrypted mode).  These encrypted signals, if meant for a ship or submarine, are delivered to a special software module that converts it from ASCII to Morse/Murray code for CW or RATT transmissions.  This converted signal is fed to the transmitter and thus relayed.  The module extensively uses TCP/IP sockets extensively in an inter-locked multi-threaded environment along with handling the communication (transmission/reception) over the COM ports.

Vineet was part of a 6-member application development team.  He was assigned the task of handling transmission/reception module to ships and other ‘afloat units’.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Requirement gathering for transmission of signals to ship.

·     Design and developing the ‘Transmission Module’ for the project. The application converts the messages into different codes (Morse or Murray/Baudot), and then sends them to the transmitters through Serial Port’s DTR pin (for Morse code since Morse code is variable length code) and TX pin (for Murray or Baudot code which is a 5-bit code).

·     Receiving application for receiving RATT code (5-bit) and converting into 8-bit ASCII code.

·     The application developed includes extensive use of Socket Programming, Serial Communication, use of STL and MFC’s Template library etc.

·     Software Testing for other modules.

·     Working with other team members for the overall flow of signals.



The internal email messaging system (called ‘E-notes’) of United Airlines runs on the Unisys Mainframe.  Since dependency on mainframe limits the utility of the application for the staff, which is often very mobile, and also adds a lot of load on the mainframe, it was decided to shift all the load related to email from the mainframe to an Internet site 

The Application software developed in C language (Unisys C) provides for connectivity of mail from any place in the Unisys network.  The application appears identical to the earlier system to the user, though all his information and data is stored in the website and the connectivity to that is done through a HP Unix server.  The communication to and from HP Unix server is done though Tuxedo calls.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Developing a ‘Roll-up/Roll-down’ program to be utilized by all other programs for viewing information that exceeds the size of one screen. (in C language –Unisys C).

·     Developing a ‘Address Note’ (ADRNOT) program that resolves addresses from the two different types of address book and based on three different criteria.  This criteria based addressing was the dynamic addressing feature of the email system.

·     Both the programs above needed to fetch data from the website server through a HP Unix server in between by making certain Tuxedo service calls.


PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT XMLIT FOR TATA INFOTECH LTD. (TIL), SEEPZ, MUMBAI, INDIA                                                                                                                                                   (01/2000 –02/2000)

XMLIT is a product for converting various kinds of documents into XML documents. The documents first need to be converted into a postscript format and later into XML using certain techniques with PERL and C.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Developing C code from PERL

·     Testing



The Generic Resource Allocator was a product proposed by the Resource Allocation and Scheduling Group of ATG.

The Generic Resource Allocator implements the basic engines for constraint-based optimization and provides all the functions needed to model and solve a very wide range of resource allocations and decision problems. The Resource Allocator can be configured to cater to up to five dimensions of the resource space and demand space.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Product conceptualization and feasibility analysis

·     Technology selection (AI and OR bases techniques)

·     Functional Design

·     Coding for the functional prototype in C++ using the iLog Solver Library.


CALL CENTER SIMULATION FOR CALL CENTER GROUP, TATA INFOTECH LTD. (TIL), SEEPZ, MUMBAI, INDIA                                                                                                                   (01/1999 – 03/1999)

Tata Infotech Ltd. proposed to set up a call center to cater to customer queries for a specific client. A system was conceptualized and developed in C++/VC++ to simulate the operations of the call center. Following parameters could be adjudged based on reports from the simulation:

q       The total number of workstations required meeting a specific service level.

q       The total number of agents required in a shift to meet a specific service level.

q       Scheduling of breaks of the agents.

Apart from the key business parameters above, statistics such as average utilization of workstations, average utilization of agents, average queue length of calls in waiting, maximum queue length of calls in waiting, average rest time between calls for an agent, service level, maximum number of unattended workstations, maximum number of agents on break, etc. could be collected for specific number of workstations and agents, as input.

Vineet’s activities included:

·     System Visualization

·     Problem Definition

·     Identification of events and system variables

·     System Design


STAFF PLANNING PROTOTYPE FOR DHL WORLD-WIDE EXPRESS, MUMBAI, AT TATA INFOTECH LTD. (TIL), SEEPZ, MUMBAI, INDIA                                                                               (07/1998 – 01/1999)

DHL Worldwide Express, an Airfreight Ltd. subsidiary, is a leader in the courier industry.

As part of providing good service to their customers, DHL runs a call center to cater to inquiries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This call center is meant to cater to any type query that a customer may come up with over the telephone. All the worldwide queries originating in Mumbai are answered by this call office located in Mumbai.

There is an "Automated Call Distribution System" in place which uniformly distributes the incoming calls to the Agents depending upon their availability / readiness at that instant of time.

The status of an Agent at any instant of time can be classified as:

Busy:                       In case the Agent is busy on the phone line.

Waiting:                   In case the Agent is free and waiting to receive the customer's call.

Hold:                        n case the Agent is temporarily unavailable.

Not-Available:            In case the agent is not on duty.

The objective of the prototype was to generate Agent Rosters on a monthly or quarterly basis for the call office complying with various constraints entered by the supervisor.

The System inputs:

q       The workload forecast for the planning horizon on a time window basis

q       Various constraints bearing on the allocation

q       Agent preferences/conveniences

q       Optimization criterion

Vineet’s activities included:

·     Conceptualizing the call center operations and drawing specifications for various activities

·     Requirements and System study

·     Functionality specifications

·     Object Oriented design of the allocator engine

·     Implementation of the allocator engine in C++ using ILOG Solver Componentware



DCM FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD., NEW DELHI, INDIA                                           (05/1997 – 11/1997)

DCM Financial Services is a Non-Banking Finance Company mainly into the business of financing for retail and corporate customers through leasing and hire-purchase schemes.

As Management Trainee the responsibilities included:

·     Treasury and Asset Management related activities

·     Software development for evaluation of proposal for car finance under lease/hire-purchase schemes. (Oracle based application).

·     Forecasting of business scenario for Non-Banking Finance Companies in India

·     Suggesting measures to improve the operational efficiency by organizational restructuring



CPWD is the only department of Govt. of India responsible for construction, installation, operation and maintenance of all government buildings and other important locations.

As Junior Engineer, the responsibilities included:

·     Budget preparation for new as well as ongoing construction and maintenance activities

·     Manpower planning for short and medium term

·     Operation and Maintenance of air-conditioning and Electrical installations at various key central government buildings at New Delhi


THERMAX LIMITED, PUNE (PROJECTS)                                                                     (07/1989 – 05/1991)

Thermax Ltd. is the leading company in Indian market for the industrial boilers, chemicals, water treatment plants and vapor absorption chillers.

As Service Engineer the responsibilities include:

·     Execution of various engineering projects.

·     Commissioning of all kind of industrial boilers and thermic fluid heaters.

·     Project planning and project scheduling.

·     Project management and execution of daily activities.

·     Liaison with contractors and vendors.



Training Undergone:

Course Description



Java (Fundamentals and Core)

2 weeks


A comprehensive training at TIL, Mumbai, on the Unisys A Series concepts, data communications using COMS, database concepts, developing application programs on Unisys A Series using COBOL, DMS II Database, LINC 4GL. Open system UNIX, C, C++ and ORACLE

3 months

1998 Mar – Jun


Training Conducted:

Course Description



C++ for the employees of TIL as a part of the advanced skill development program.

6 days

August 2001

VC++ for the employees of TIL.

6 days

January 2002

User On-site Training for the Naval Communication Staff for Automated Message Switching System developed.

30 days

September 2002



1.       Study of the Bill Payment System: modifying the design for Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mumbai, India.        (April 96-June)

HPCL is a public sector giant dealing in the refining and distribution of petroleum products across the country. Its annual sales exceed Rs. 15000 Crores (4 billion USD).

The project was undertaken to design an on-line bill processing system so as to cut down time of making such payments to the vendors. The work included Requirements Analysis and Designing of the system for achieving the goal. Annual saving potential as a result of such changes was to the tune of Rs. 4 Crores with a payback period of 3 months.

2. “Study of Indian car industry: Deriving a correlation model for valuation of various attributes of a car” for ICICI, Mumbai      (Sept 96 - Dec 96)

ICICI is the biggest financial institution of India. Its business activities also include the consulting for various foreign players wanting to start business in India

The project was carried out for a proposed car manufacturer so as to enable him to decide on the various issues relating to car industry such as what level of different car attributes to be maintained at various price levels for capturing significant market share. 

The model development was done using certain statistical techniques along with the special purposed prioritizing techniques such as AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process).  The model significantly helps an existing or new manufacturer in taking crucial strategic decisions relating to the car market in India.



·     Associate Member of Institution of Engineers (India)

·     Member Project Management Institute (PMI)