I am afraid that I have not been able to put most of my photographs in this section so far as the photographs are still to be scanned. Once I am able to scan the same (courtesy my colleague Pankaj Doke), I shall be adding those all to this site. Believe me I have a collection of over 200 photographs right from my childhood till date. It includes my friends, beautiful landscape, moods of life etc.
Till the time you get to see more of it, Please bear with me and enjoy these small number of them.
This is me with Mukesh Dasoondi
and SVS Nagesh
This is me with Mukesh, Kaddu and Gaurav Sharma
This is me with Arun Kadian (Kaddu) and Vikas
Sunkad (Airawat)
Please Click on each of the photograph to see it in full. I will later be putting many a photographs on one page but in order to have a proper sequence of the same, the same has not been done as of now. Inconvenience is deeply regretted.
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