What you never knew about the way racing is run
Over the past two years a series of events has given me an insight into the racing establishment which I never expected to see. During that period, I have had my time wasted, had my intelligence insulted and been ordered to pay one thousand five hundred dollars to the Judicial Control Authority (JCA) and New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR). In June 2001, a former Minister of Racing said in Parliament, “There is great distrust amongst people involved in the industry of their own governing bodies particularly amongst people in the thoroughbred side of the industry.” I think maybe he knew something. Decide for yourself if I am correct in what I say about Rules of Racing being conveniently overlooked, the law as decided in the Courts not being complied with, principles of natural justice not being followed and those responsible for the integrity of racing coming up with incredibly weak arguments as to why they can't do anything. I’m convinced no one can pursue these issues as an individual. However there are organisations with clout that could step in and force amendments to the Rules of Racing. The information I have provided here is intended primarily for their benefit. A few notes
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