Homepage hosted by Yahoo!Geocities Welcome to our Homepage About Arron & Vince Please sign our Guest Book Pride Area Resources Area Beautiful Malaysia Please drop us an email      

Welcome to our homepage !!!  We have made lots of changes to our homepage since it was first hosted on 3rd August 1998.  These changes will provide you with better navigation and faster downloads from pages to pages.  We have also incorporated lots of Java scripts plus Java Applets to make your viewing more pleasurable.

We have to thank all visitors and friends from all over the world who have given us tremendous encouragement, in the form of emails and written comments in our Guest Book. We will continue to update our homepage as often as time permits and try to create new areas of interest that we both hope may contribute to the gay society.

We both wish you pleasant viewing and wish that you may visit our homepage regularly.

Please sign our New Guest Book before you leave... thanks.


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Please take note...


Our homepage contains gay materials as well as images of artistic semi-nude male body and are thought to be public domain. If you are offended by homosexuality or nudity, PLEASE LEAVE NOW !!!

All pictures and galleries have been gathered from freely available web sources and news groups. We do not claim copyright on any of the images in the homepage and galleries. We assume that they are in the public domain.

If you object to your picture being included in this homepage, please email us and we will remove it. 

We wish to thank YAHOO GEOCITIES for hosting our homepage, as well as any individual or group for the graphics animation, icons, background and picture images used in our homepage.


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