Hello dear guests!

www.vincentveneman.tk is history; I moved to various other places:

for music, concert dates and general info

weblog about my stay last academic year in the U.S.; studying jazz trombone with Conrad Herwig @ Mason Gross School of the Arts, New Brunswick, New Jersey (Rutgers University) - 50 min. away from downtown Manhattan, NYC. photos & stories.

photos of my Lego models, for all of you who are interested in my 1:15 and 1:24 photo-based models

is probably going to be my site for the future ;) "under construction"

If you wish to contact me; write an
email .
Since I'm back in the Netherlands again, you cannot reach me on my U.S. cell phone anymore. Thank you!
Vincent Veneman - trombonist, composer, arranger
Waltoren 42
3811 PC Amersfoort
the Netherlands
+31 6 1738 2953