This tube has a gain  of 60, as compared to the higher gain 12AX7 with a gain of 100, and the 12AU7, with a gain of only 20. The 12AT7 is found in many hi fi and also in line and microphone preamplifiers, recording equipment. They are a low noise tube and this is why there great for these pieces of gear.In fact I recently bought a vocal pre amp that had one 12ax7 and two 12at7s.The 12at7s were in the compressor and eq stages of the pre amp.Needless to say when I pulled the crap tubes out and replaced the compressor section with a Amperex 12at7,and the eq section with a RCA 12at7 the unit was singing.Some guitar players prefer the lower gain of this tube to cut down on noise and distortion.Allot of new amps these days can run hi distortion levels that you may never use.The nice thing about the 12at7s is they sound great when there driven harder and thats the whole idea.Replace it with the 12ax7 and you can run it harder with less noise and mush.
Again the most popular brand for these are the Telefunken, Mullard, Amperex, and RCA.
This is a military version of this tube, and may also be listed as a 6201.This tube is usually very low in microphonics due to it's rugged construction.
This tube has a slighltly lower gain than an origanal 12at7.12at7 being at 60% the 5965 is around 45%.It is kind of like using a 5751 in place of a 12AX7.
Most of these tubes were made for Military use.Very sturdy ,low noise,low microphonics
This tube has lower gain than the typical 12AT7.Again the lower gain can mellow out a screechy guitar amp or shrill stereo amp.
Another industrial 12AT7.A step up in quality from the standard 12AT7.But not very common.
Industrial tube. Again a little lower gain than a standard 12at7.About 47%. GE made these in their 5-star and military line.A  rugged  long lasting tube.
This was a quality industrial tube .Very nice and very rare.
E81CC or ECC801S:
Telefunken or Siemens made these tubes.Very hi quality tube.Rated for long hours and sweet sound.
These are a British military tube from the 1960s and early 1970s.Very nice British tube.Well worth the money when available.
12AT7s Available