What Psychologist Say ?
    Psychologist from the American Psychologist Association have conducted a numerous amount of studies to see wheather or not violent lyrics affect peoples thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The results of their experiments came out positive. Proving that, yes, aggressive words can provoke aggressive thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors.

     To show that violent lyrics can cause aggression, researchers from Iowa State University and from the Texas Department of Human Services performed a series of five experiments involving over 500 college students.The researchers in this experiment examined the effects of seven violent songs by seven artist along with eight nonviolent songs by seven artist. The nonviolent and violent songs were sung by the same artist in the same musical style to control for those factors not related to the lyrical content.The students listened to these songs and then were given different psychological tasks that would measure aggressive thoughts and feelings.This was done in three of the five experiments. In the other two experiments, the researchers tested the arousal properties of each song to clarify that the violent -lyric effects were not caused by differences in arousal. The personlity differences  connected to hostility of the individual was also controlled and assessed.
    Psychologist from the American Psychologist Association have conducted a numerous amount of studies to see wheather or not violent lyrics affect peoples thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The results of their experiments came out positive. Proving that, yes, aggressive words can provoke aggressive thoughts, and feelings .
     To show that violent lyrics can cause aggression, researchers from Iowa State University and from the Texas Department of Human Services performed a series of five experiments involving over 500 college students.The researchers in this experiment examined the effects of seven violent songs by seven artist along with eight nonviolent songs by seven artist. The nonviolent and violent songs were sung by the same artist in the same musical style to control for those factors not related to the lyrical content.The students listened to these songs and then were given different psychological tasks which  would measure aggressive thoughts and feelings.This was done in three of the five experiments. In the other two experiments, the researchers tested the arousal properties of each song to clarify that the violent-lyric effects were not caused by differences in arousal. The personlity differences  connected to hostility of the individual was also controlled and assessed.
     The study conducted by the researchers from Iowa State University and the Department of Human Services, shows that violent songs can increase aggression. Violent songs also increase hostile feelings which is not a result of any particular style of music. This study shows that any type of violent music can increase aggression.
