

"Once upon a time, there were two friends. The will of God was not with their friendship, and grievous accident caused them to part from each other's company. They went their separte ways, and found their respective destinies. One became a great leader, working for the good of his people. The other, a commoner, with nothing to work for but the happiness of his family."

"but what if . . . what if it'd been the other way around?"

"And he stood on the sand of the seashore. . . "
- Rev. 13:1

Nanashimanga presents
A Completely Ignored fanfic

Sailormoon [Impact]
A Sailormoon / Eva crossover
Chapter One:
" . . . please . . . help me."

Antartic Sea
(previously known as Antartica)
unknown date, 2002

"Who's she?"

"Apparently, she's the sole survivor of the expedition came out here aat around 2000. We don't know what her name is though. Doesn't seem to be in any of the files."

"Didn't Tsukino bring a daughter along with him on the trip?"

"Um, yes, but . . . You see, the daughter was a college freshman. This girl is a sixteen-year-old."

"Have you asked for her name?"

"The girl hasn't spoken in two years."

"Poor girl."

"I can't blame her. She's literally seen hell."

(Tokyo-2 Metropolitan University)


"Yeah. I'm Tsukino Usagi. Nice to meet you."

The girl swept back her two long braids and smiled.

Hello, mother. I haven't talked to you in a while . . . I'd just like to say I've made a new friend. I met herjust a few days ago, during lunch break. She came over and asked me whether or not she could sit at my table.

It turned out that she was a freshman. Tsukino Usagi. Yeah. That's her name. One of those real air-head types. Not all that annoying, though. I kinda like her attitude.

I don't know why, but it looks as if she's the only other person on this campus willing to talk to my besides you. The others just tend to sort of observe me from afar. I guess it's because you're famous.

The girl's rather strange. She constantly blabs about gossip, but . . . whenever I ask her about herself, she changes the topic. It's as if . . . as as if she had something to hide . . .

I must be getting paranoid. What could the air-head have to hide?

I did get her to tell me just why she wanted to be friends with me, though. She says it's because I remind her of a classmate she had in highschool. So far, that's all she's revealed to me about her past.

Oh yeah. Forgot to mention that there's this pervert stuck on me in the last week or so. The name's Kaji, and I hate his guts. You know the type. Wandering eyes and wandering hands. Geez, I wish he would stay away from me.

Usagi's not helping all that much. I;m under the impression that she think's I should have a boyfriend, and that Kaji is the best choice. She wants to pair me up with him.

Classes are going as usual, and the professors are still dumb. I'm hoping to find out more about Usagi, so I'm gonna try get her drunk. That's all for now. Talk to you next week. Bye.

Tokyo-2 outskirts
(Old department complex)

Usagi walked into her unnaturally bright whitewashed froom and sank down onto the bed.

"I hate this room," she said to nobody in particular.

"Why do you live in it," asked a voice.

"Setsuna . . . have you not tortured me enough?"

"It was an unexpected change. I am powerless to prevent it. Even if I did have the power needed, the change I would cause might possibly lead to an even greater number of deaths."

"I know you've said before that nobody can change history, but. . . "

There was a moment of silence as Usagi let her mind wander into the memories . . . the memories that had died with the Impact.

Setsuna sighed.

"Princess . . . you have changed as well. Perhaps it is for the better. Neo-Queen Serenity could not match you in her best days."

"Yes, but . . . she's also much closer to the peace that she desires. I don't even know what I desire anymore," said Usagi. "Father . . . Mother . . . Mamoru . . . Rei, Minako, Makoto, Ami . . . Haruka and Michiry, the Starlights . . . Hotaru and Chibi-Usa . . . all gone."

Usagi held up her brooch. A white, perfect circle, with a gold star in the center. It was no longer something apart from her, that she needed. It was a part of her, something she could call upon at any time she wanted . . . it exsisted at the expense of her friends.

The irony wasn't even funny.

Setsuna left the room silently, ashamed of the pressure she felt in her chest.

From the desk, Luna raised her head slightly , and looked over to Usagi, whispering a word before falling back into her slumber.

13 klicks from Tokyo-3
Street-side phone booth

"Sorry. Due to the emergency situation, all normal phone service has been temporarily suspended."

Shinji hung up.

"I knew I shouldn't have come. Gotta get to the evacutation center soon."

He looked down the street. Nobody at all.

"How do I evacuate if I don't know where the bomb shelter --"

A car suddenlyfell from the sky, crashing into the building next to Shinji and sending large pieces of debris straight at him. Shinji closed his eyes and moved to block, too scared to consider that his arms might be shattered be the impact.

Nothing happened. There was just the sound of the debris hitting a piece of metal. Shinji opened his eyes slowly.

A woman with long blond hair tied into braids was looking at him from within the car.

"You must be Shinji," she said.

Shinji shook his head dumbly.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm Tsukino Usagi. Your father asked me to pick you up."

The woman smiled.

"Come on. Let's go."

Outskirts of Kyoto
(a mountain path)

"I've been to a lot of places, but the night sky is still the most beautiful here."

" . . . Why's that?"

"It's probably because there's light pollution elsewhere, but still . . . the wether here keeps the sky clear."

Fuyutsuki watched as Yui looked up into the night sky.

"I like the stars," she said, "But the true reason I love the sky here is the Moon. I can see it so clearly."

Fuyutsuki looked up, and sighed slowly.

" . . . and the Sage parted with His Maiden, not by will, but because Fate separated Them. In mourning, He tried to create a daughter with His flesh, to reming Himself of Her . . . have you read this story, Ikari?"

"No. What is it?"

"It's a perversion of the original Genesis text. I came over it in my research."

"Why'd you say it just now?"

"I saw the Moon, and it reminded me."

"The Moon?"

"Yes. See, in this text, the first lifeform, the one that would have been Adam inGenesis, was a sort of an androgynous entity, with both male and female characteristics. The being was incomplete and unstable, and this was what caused it to split in half. The male side became Adam, and the female side, Lilith."

"And that's the 'Sage' and the 'Maiden'? What does that have to do with the Moon?"

"It has to do with the moon because of the text's interpretation of the Eve. In this story, she's the daughter of Adam, and she's rejected by him because she doesn't live up to Lilith's standard. She left his garden, and took sanctuary on the Moon. She's the 'Moon Goddess'."

"Moon Goddess?"

"Yes. She alsoo falls under the category of the triple goddess archetype. That is, she has three aspects, the Maiden, her purity; the Mother, her singularity; and the Crone, her bearing of sins. There are elements here of both the original Eve and the concept of the archetypal moon goddess as having a dual nature."

Yui considered this for a moment.

"What was her sin?"


The moon hung in the sky, surrounded by the infinate darkness of the night, and what little light the stars could shine upon it.

"I feel sorry for her, " said Yui.

Tokyo-3 outskirts
(Usagi's apartment)

Luna sat on the chair, in human form, staring at PenPen.

"What are you looking at, penguin?"


"Not used to it? You will."


"What? Feed you? Usagi's not even comming home tonight. How's she going to feed you?"


"No, I'm not."


"As one of our roommates, you have responsibilities. There's not enough money for all three of us." She paused for a moment. "Four, tomorrow"


"What do you mean you can't get a job? Join the circus, damn it. It's not as if you're too dumb."


"I take that back. You are too dumb."

An explosion sounded.

"There's Usagi."



She floated in the darkness of the void, slowly awakening to the sounds of voices. She opened her eyes slowly.

*Usagi . . . *

"Rei? Is that you?"

A different voice, this time.

*Usagi . . . *

"Ami? Makoto? Who are you?"

And yet another. And another. Another . . .

*Usagi . . . * said the voices in unison.

"Who? Whos' talking?"

*We are.*

"What . . . am I dead?"

There was a shockwave. It wasn't a physical one. It was just . . . there. It was a wave of numbing emotion. A wave of . . . regret? Usagi couldn't tell. She felt as if she were drowning in it.

*We're sorry we couldn't be there for you.*

There was a blinding flash, and Usagi squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, she saw the farewell party . . . the tears . . .

*It's only half a year . . . not forever.* she heard herdelf say.

"No! What . . . "

*Accept our spirit. Live on for us, Usagi.*

"No! This isn't happening! This is not happening!"

Her brooch began glowing, as did the rest of her body. Glowing . . . until there was nothing to see except white.

An inhuman wail rang in the Anartic sky, over the sounds of the explosion, over the crash of the waves.

Tokyo-2 UN Headquarters
(Second Conference Room)

"We have been expecting you, Lieutenant Tsukino," said the monolith.

Usagi sweated and put an arm behind her head.

"Um, uh . . . have I done anything wrong?"

"No, Lieutenant. We merely wanted to interview a promising new recruit."

"Um, I've been in the JSDF for a little over two years now, so . . ."

"No, Lieutenant. A letter of transference should have been put into your mailbox yesterday. Have you recieved it yet?"

"Uh . . . actually, I haven't checked my mail for the past week or so."

Keel sweated. *Stupid girl.*

"You've just been transferred to NERV."

"Really? Ha! I knew I would make it eventually!"

Keel felt the invisible stares of the SEELE members.

"You are excused now, Lieutenant."


Usagi left the room.

"You are certain this is a good idea, Keel?"

"Yes, gentlemen. She is, after all, the successor of Eve."


It'd been a statue of an angel, but the bomb that had been dropped just several days earlier had blown off the head, and now it was an angel without a face. It was, in a way, kind of fitting, considering the sort of person the statue was made in tribute of had been. The men who had commissioned it had named it, "The Goddess".

There was another name.

The night had been somewhat rainy, and now there were several puddles on the ground near the statue. The head was sitting in one of them, and rain had gathered in the depression next to the right eye, making it liik as if the statue were crying.

The puddles didn't stop the woman from approaching the head, however. It was a relatively young-looking woman, probably a little older than thirty, though her eyes said that she was far older than that. The fact that they were red from crying didn't help much.

"Please help me," she said, slowly embracing the head as a young child would embrace a doll. She ignored the mud, ignored it completly. Nothing was more important . . .


(NERV Headquarters)

The words [First Children - Status: LOST] blinked to the sound of the alarm, but nobody paid any attention to it. All eyes weere on the main screen, watching as UNIT-01 convulsed in a fit, seemingly in complete pain.

There were other words blinking on screen, but these were ignored as well. They were words like [Synchronization Rate - (-437)%] and [Anti-AT-Field detected]. If anybody had been looking, they would have been more shocked than they already were.

One set of eyes was closed.

In a voice nobody could hear, a woman spoke.

"I'm sorry, Rei. This is for your own good."

(NERV Headquarters)

The elevator door slid open.

"Lost, Captain?"

"Ehh . . . hi, Ritsuko."

"Usagi. How many times have I told you to memorise the map?"

"But . . . but this place is so big!"

Ritsuko closed her eyes and sighed. She opened one and looked Shinji over.

"So . . . that's the Commander's son?"

"Uh, hello," said Shinji.

"Follow me," said Ritsuko as she turned and started down the hall.

Shinji looked to Usagi questioningly.

"She's kinda the head technician around here."


"We better follow her before we fet lost again."

They looked down the hall. There was no sign of Ritsuko. Bad sign. Usagi began sprinting, and Shinji followed suit.

(Juunban District)

Jupiter struggled uselessly as the angel held her abouve the burning city. The grip was a gripwith a single hand, enclosed around her throat, inhumanly strong, and totally immobile.

The angel smiled.

"You are the last of the daughters of Eve here," he said. "Once you are gone, she will have no one else to protect her."

"Who . . . who are . . . you?"

A wind blew the angel's grey hair away from his eyes, and Jupiter finally saw them.

The eyes were red. Red like the sunset. Red like the fires eating away at the buildings below. Red like . . .

There was a muffled sputtering sound, and then the sound of something heavy and soft hitting the ground. The angel licked the blood away from his hand.

"My name . . . is Adam."

(Tokyo University)

There was a biy sitting very still in front of his roommate's Machintosh Classic. He'd been typing away furiously the moment before, but now he was sitting still. And sniffing.

"Strange . . . What's that smell?"

After a few more moments of sniffing, he convinced himself that it'd been his imagination working overtime. He typed down the last sentance of his thesis essay and pushed open-apple-S.

The screen went dead. The top of the Mac began smoking.

"Shit! Stupid Mac! The deadline is fifteen minutes away!"

He clutched his head.

"What am I gonna tell Tsukino?!"

(Iwaaki Public Elementary School)

There was a window on one side of the hall, but it was the only one there was, a single light floating in the darkness of medicinal smells and wax. It was bright, much too bright in comparison with the reat of the place, and almost blinding if you'd been wandering around in the darkness for too long. It hurt to look at it.

An afternoon on a holiday. One wouldn't expect to find any students here. That was one of the reasons the main switch had been shut off. The temparature of the hall, however, wasn't affected. It was unnaturally cold, and the darkness didn't help. Considering that it felt like summer outside, the coldness would've been welcome by many.

It wouldn't be that way if you'd been stuck in here for more than twelve hours.

There was a boy, huddled against the wall just outside the light of the window, shivering. His eyes were closed, and there were streaks of dried salt across his cheeks.

In a cracked voice, he managed to repeat a line he'd been saying to nobody in particular for hours . .

" . . . please . . . help . . . me."

(NERV UNIT-01 Containment Chamber)

Shinji stood on the deck in frount of the EVA looking up into its eyes in a sort of horrified awe that left him trying to recover his train of thought. It stared back.

"It's . . . It's a robot . . . "

"Mankind's ultimate all-purpose humanoid weapon, the Evangelion."

"This . . . Is this what Father's created?"


"Father's . . . "

"He didn't tell you of this?"

The alarms began ringing.

"Haven't seen you in a long time," said a voice through the speakers.

Shinji instinctively looked up. A figure appeared in the window of the control room above UNIT-01.


A smile appeared on Gando's lips as the image of Shinji's face flickered to life on the wall of screens to his side. It wasn't a pleasent smile.

In two short words , Gendo summoned up Shinji's fears.

"Move out," he said, in a voice that was almost a whisper.

(Apartment in the outskirts)

Hitoshi pressed down the recording button of his SDAT.

"Log, six thirteen fifteen. Today, at one in the afternoon, I put the finishing touches onto system number CS-074(11). It's now complete, and functioning perfectly."

To Part Two

by SeventhOne

. . .