Meerut City is known for many things: Mangal Pandey and the Mutiny of 1857, gazak and revaries (sweets), scissors, Cricket bats, sports gear and communal violence (Unfortunately). But Meerut is especially famous for one thing. Due to that it has got its name in History books. That's the Mutiny of 1857. Which was started by Mangal pandey in May, 1857.
If you want to know more details about the mutiny. Get some details from here.
The First Freedom fighter - Mangal Pandey:
The first freedom fighter and martyr Mangal Pandey was born in village Nagwa District Ballia. He was famous for bravery amongst his colleagues. An english scholar "Fisher" has written that Mangal Pandey was having all qualities of a good soldier. He was so brave and capable to embrace his death peacefully
According to the records available in Jabalpur museum ( general order books) Shri Mangal Pandey was due to be executed on 18th April but he was hanged ten days before i.e. 8th April and it was kept secret. Because english rules were well aware of the fact that if Mangal Pandey remains alive it will endanger British rule.
Thus Mangal Pandey became the first freedom fighter & and martyr of 1857. The name of Mangal Pandey became an emblem of revolt against British rule.Mangal Pandey - The Rising:
A Movie is also being made on Mangal Pandey. It's name is "Mangal Pandey - The Rising". Director of the movie is Ketan Mehta. And the role of Mangel pandey is being played by the legendry Bollywood actor "Amir Khan".
Other casts include :
Rani Mukerji - Rani
Amisha Patel - Jwala
Toby Stephens - William Gordon Coral Beed - Emily
This Movie will portray the life of freedom fighter Mangal Pandey and the incidents of starting the mutiny of 1857 in the history of India.
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If you want to know the Local News of Meerut City only. These Newspaper sites will help you to check out :
1. Amar ujala 2. Dainik JagranSOME FACTS :
- MEERUT, a city, district and division of British India, in the United Provinces.
- The city is half-way between the Ganges and the Jamuna, and has two stations on the NorthWestern railway. It is 37 m. N.E. from Delhi.
- Meerut owes its modern importance to its selection by the British government as the site of a great military station.
- The cantonment was established in 1806, and the population rose to 29,014 1847, and 82,035 in 1853.
- The town is an important centre of the cotton-trade.
- It was here that the first outbreak of the Mutiny of 1857 took place.
- The Burh Ganga, or ancient bed of the Ganges, lies at some distance from the modern stream; and on its bank stood the abandoned city of Hastinapur, the legendary capital of the Pandavas at the period of the Mahabharata.
Historical things about meerut:
The above ABSTRACT information is taken from the site : (Read the full article here)
- The autl-en tic history of the district begins with the Moslem invasions.
- The first undoubted Mahommedan invasion was that of Kutbeddin iii 1191, when Meerut town was taken and all the Hindu temples turned into mosques.
- In 1398 Timr captured the fort of Loni after a desperate resistance, and put all his Hindu prisoners to death.
- He then proceeded, to Delhi, and after his memorable sack of that city returned to Meerut, captured the town, razed all the fortifications and houses of the Hindus, and put the male inhabitants to the sword.
- The establishment of the great Mogul dynasty in the 16th century, under Baber and his successors, gave Meerut a period of internal tranquillity and royal favor.
- After the death of Aurangzeb, however, it was exposed to alternate Sikh and Mahratt invasions.
- From 1707 till 1775 the country was the scene of perpetual strife, and was only rescued from anarchy by the exertions of the military adventurer Walter Reinhardt, afterwards the husband of the celebrated Begum Samru, who established himself at Sardhana in the north, and ruled a large estate.
- The southern tract, however, remained in its anarchic condition under Mahratt exactions until the fall of Delhi in 1803, when the whole of the country between.
- The Jumna and the Ganges was ceded by Sindbia to the British.
- It was formed into a separate district in 1818.
- In the British period it has become memorable for its connection with the Mutiny of 1857.
- Meerut, city, northern India, in Uttar Pradesh State, near Delhi. Manufactures include chemicals, soap, and clothing. In 1857 the Sepoy Rebellion broke out in Meerut. Meerut University (1966)(now Chaudhry Charan Singh) is here. The Population of Meerut (1991) is 753,778.
Some Intresting Things about Meerut: Military History : Meerut Mutiny 1857, a little known viewpoint
1. Meerut perhaps has the largest number of gun shops in India ( P.L. Sharma Road ). Until a few years back you could still purchase gunpowder and gunshot for use in muzzle loaders. Perhaps even now.
2. Having 14 Bus stand. (Which is a very large no in comparison to Area of Meerut)
I wanted to make a good site regarding my native place Meerut but These sites are totally dedicated to Meerut and they are good enough to stop me making a new one. Enough information is there. These sites are
On http://meerut.nic.in/ You can have the official knowledge of all the things related to Meerut.
Like :- Administration, History, Education, Health, Elections,Tourist Places, Agriculture, Entertainment, Industry, Treasury, Photo Gallery, Statistical Info etc.On http://meerutup.tripod.com site You can have a lot of information on various things related to Meerut.
Even there are some old photos here like Ghanta ghar Mustafa Castle, Ashoka Pillar etc.
This site is made by a lot of efforts. That is appreciable indeed!!
Tourist places in Meerut District. You will love to know about them.
For the map of Meerut , check this Link. A very clear Map.
History Behind the Origin of Name "MEERUT" :
The district of Meerut is named after its headquarters city and is said to be associated with earliest traditions of the Hindus according to which Maya, the father-in-law of Ravana, founded this place which has, therefore, been call Maidant-ka-Khera. According to another version Maya, a distinguished architect, got from king Yudhishther the land on which the city of Meerut now stands and he called this place Mayrashtra, a name which in course of time became shortened to Meerut. Tradition are so has it that the district formed part of the dominions of Mahipal, king of Indraprashta and the word Meerut is associated with his name.
According to Census 1991, the area of Meerut district is 3911 Sq.Km, where rural area is 3665.73 Sq. km and Urban Area is 245.27 Sq. Km.
Female Total Urban
681209 595348 1276557 Rural
1180533 990822 2171355 Total District
1861742 1586170 3447912
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