Just a little bit about Me

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Name: BabyGirl
Birthday: November 2, 1991
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Blond-Light Brown

Hiyas, Yup..it's me BabyGirl. Just thought you
might be a bit curious about who I am.
Well, I live in Canada in a big city. I used
to go to a French school but now I go to an
English one and am in grade 4.
I speak both French and English.
I love to swim and dance. I really like
the Spice Girls, NSYNC, Aaron Carter and Destiny's Child.
I tried Soccer a few years ago but didn't like it very
much. That's my brother's sport. He's really
good at it. You'll find out more about him if
he ever gets off the computer so Mom can update his page.

I come from a big family. I have 2 sisters and
2 brothers. You'll meet them all and see what
I have to put up with!! :0) Just joking. I love
my brothers and sisters very much, but I love
them more when they don't take off with my
Barbies and cut the hair off.

One of my hobbies is beadwork. I make colourful
braclets and keychains with them.
My favorite colors are baby blue, purple
and banana yellow. I tried really hard to
convince my Mom to paint my room Banana
yellow but for some reason she keeps putting
it off.

I'm also a "couch potato". Well...that's what Mom
calls me. I watch a lot of Disney movies
that we have. My little brother Steven likes
to watch his movies all the time.
That usually causes problems and we end up
screaming at each other...which drives everyone
else nutty. He usually wins tho.

So that's about it for now about "moi".
Please come back soon.