sig2dat is a tool for using signatures (hashes) to share exact copies of a file with Morpheus 1.3.3, Kazaa, Grokster or iMesh.(Want to know more? - start with the primer).
Supports quicklinks now! (HTML format output)
  • Any questions? Please ask them in the ShareTheFiles Forum
    Attention: Do not use Uninstall, if you installed sig2dat in Kazaa Folder as it deletes all subfolders and thus may delete all your downloads
  • Download sig2dat for download, then unzip and run setup to install
    (zip) (History) (Source)
    • You can calculate signatures(hashes) from files you created or verified and publish them or mail to friends (It seems Grokster needs the exact filelength!).
    • You can make startfiles from given signatures (hashes).
    • For using quicklinks with Opera add the following line to the Opera6.ini under User Prefs:
      Only quicklinks with format sig2dat:/// work correctly, older quicklinks with format sig2dat:// have problems with cases.
    • Want to try it? The real important line is the one starting with UUHash ...
      Please, be carefull! Even if the hashes offer a rather safe way for sharing, they do NOT offer 100% protection against virus infected files. Always have a recently updated virusscan running, if you download files, which can transport virusses!
    • if you have installed the sig2dat protocol and stored sig2dat.exe you may try the quicklink: surprise.mp3 or use copy paste with the lines below
    • File: surprise.mp3
    Copy the lines above and use the 'Paste from Clipboard' function of sig2dat to create a startfile.
    Then restart your p2p client.
Try more UUHashes. Why not compute UUHashes from your own files and publish them in the forums?

  • Version 3.11.a - 25.August 2002
    - correction to quicklink generation
    actually replaces sig2dat:// by sig2dat:/// which prevents lower case conversion in Opera
  • Version 3.10.a - 2. June 2002
    - supports quicklinks with Opera now
    (actually replaces "%20" with " ")
  • Version 3.9.a - 27. May 2002
    - Bugfix: Possible Error when reading regiistry for "DownloadDir"
    (Thanks to PseudoTrack Support)
    - Supports Hybrid Quicklinks (after an ideea of BuzzB2k)
  • Version 3.8.a - 30. April 2002
    - Supports HTML/BB Code format quicklink ooutput
    - Supports Drag&Drop of files for hash callculation
  • Version 3.7.a - 22. April 2002
    - Supports Quicklinks:
    "sig2dat://|File: surprise.mp3|Length:5845871Bytes|UUHash:=1LDYkHDl65OprVz37xN1VSo9b00="
    if the proper sig2dat protocol was installed using the registry file.
    - The hash list is sorted now, if more theen 1 file were selected.
  • Version 3.6.a - 4. April 2002
    The dummy user a1234@MusicCity was replaced and the IP (I think it was an IP of old Musiccity) was replaced by
  • Version 3.5.a
    The first really working version
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