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  • Home » Quotes » The New Governess


    Captain: Now, this is your new governess, Fraulein Maria.
    As I sound your signals, you will step forward and give your name. You fraulein, will listen carefully, learn their signals so you can call them when you want them.

    The captain began to blow his whistle:

    Liesl: Liesl...

    Friedrich: Friedrich

    Louisa: Louisa

    Kurt: Kurt

    Brigitta: Brigitta

    Marta: Marta

    Captain: Ah, Gretl...(smiles)
    Now let's see how well you listen (hands Maria another whistle)

    Maria: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them reverend captain, I mean, I'll use their names, and such lovely names

    Captain: Fraulein, this is a large house, the grounds are very extensive, and I will not have anyone shouting. You will take this please learn to use it... the children will help you.
    Now, when I want you this is what you'll hear... (blows his whistle)

    Maria: Oh no sir, I'm sorry sir! I can never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals but not for children and definitely not for me. It would be too - humiliating.

    Captain: Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the abbey?

    Maria: Oh much more sir

    Captain: Hmm...(walks away)

    Maria blows the whistle at him

    Maria: Excuse me sir, I don't know your signal

    Captain: You may call me - captain

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