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    ~Of course, who's going to forget the Dance Scene. One of my most favorite scene when the captain and Maria is dancing. Aaaaaaaah!!! (breathe...) So the captain sees Maria and Kurt trying to dance the Laendler.

    Maria: Kurt, we'll have to practice

    The captain cuts in...

    Captain: Do allow me will you?
    Kurt: Uhm

    So they danced!

    But when their eyes meet...

    Maria: I don't remember anymore
    Brigitta: Your face is all red>br? Maria: Is it? I don't suppose I'm used to dancing

    Then comes the baroness...

    Elsa: Why that was beautifully done, what a lovely couple you make
    Captain: Yes I think it's about time the, uh, children said goodnight
    Maria: Yes, we'll be in the hall in a moment, we've got something very special prepared, right?
    Children: Right! Yeah! Yes! Let's go! Come on!

    ~The captain didn't see this one coming...

    When the captain was finished introducing the children, he walks away--but then Maria whistled at him...

    Maria: Excuse me sir, I don't know your signal
    Captain: You may call me...captain.

    O-Oh, here comes trouble...

    Maria: ...when the dog bi!...bi..bi.bites (smiles)...hello...
    Captain: Fraulein, did I not tell you that bedtime is to be strictly observed in this house?
    Maria: Well the children were abset by the storm so I thought that they could...you did sir
    Captain: And do you or do you not have difficulty remembering such simple instruction?
    Maria: Only during thunderstorms, Sir

    Hurry captain!!!

    Captain: Fraulein...I behaved badly, I apologize
    Maria: No I'm..I'm far too outspoken, it's one of my worst faults
    Captain: You were right, I don't know my children
    Maria: There's still time, captain, they want so much to be close to you
    Captain: And you've brought music back into the house, I'd forgotten
       Fraulein...I want you to stay...I ..uh..ask you to stay
    Maria: If I could be of any help
    Captain: You have already...more than you know


    Captain: Well done, Fraulein.
       I really am very very much impressed
    Maria: They're your children, Captain.

    Captain? sing?

    Maria: The vote is unanimous...you, Captain.
    Captain: Me? I don't understand
    Maria: Please
    Captain: No no no no no no no...

    The Wedding Scene

    - no lines here... just enjoy the screenshots ^.^


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