The children went to see Maria at the abbey, but wouldn't tell their father.

Captain: | Now, it's not like my children to be secretive
Louisa: | We're not being secretive father
Captain: | Mm hm. And it's not like my children to be late for dinner!
Friedrich: | We lost track of the time
Captain: | Ah I see. Now who's going to be the first one to tell me the truth?
Friedrich? - Brigitta? - Liesl?
Liesl: | Where do you think we were, father?
Captain: | Hmm?
Liesl: | Well if you don't believe us, you must have some idea where you think we were?
Captain: | Aha! Marta..
Marta: | Yes, father?
Captain: | You tell me
Marta: | Friedrich told you, father, we were berry picking
Captain: | I forgot you were berry picking!
Children: | Yes! yes...
Captain: | All afternoon?
Children: | Uhmhm!...
Louisa: | We picked thousands of them!
Captain: | Thousands?!
Children: | Yes!
Captain: | What kind of berries?
Friedrich: | Ah, blueberries, sir
Captain: | Blueberries! Mmm - mm!
Children: | Yes!
Captain: | It's um...too early for blueberries
Friedrich: | They were strawberries!
Captain: | Strawberries?
Friedrich: | It's been so cold lately they turned blue!
Captain: | Awww...Tst - tst, very well, show me the berries
Louisa: | Um, well...
Captain: | Well, show me the berries you pick, come on
Louisa: | Well...
Kurt: | We don't have them anymore
Captain: | You don't have them anymore, well what happened to them?
Kurt: | We...we...
Brigitta: | We ate them!
Captain: | You ate them?!
Children: | Yes!
Captain: | All of them?
Marta: | They were delicious!
Liesl: | Oh they were so juicy...
Captain: | Very well. Since you've obviously stuffed yourselves full of thousands of delicious berries, you can't be hungry anymore, so I'll just have to simply tell Frau Schmidt to, uh - skip your dinner
