That Marine I Loved 35 yrs ago
True Love
Your One
As you grow up you think of that day you will meet the man of your dreams.
                 So let me tell you my story :

I didnt have to look for this mysterious man,for one day he walked thru my front door,with a friend,when i saw him I knew he was my soul mate..The heart is a funny thing,it tells you things you never knew.
     We met and nothing happened but I knew he was going to be mine..He was in the Marines,and i found out he was being shipped over so i figured well that was it.

   He left and a year later he returned and once again walked thru my front doors,we married,it was a great marriage,he was my best friend,we were so close you cant even imagine.
  We did everything together,we never fought we were as one..years went by and things happened to hurt this marriage,but the love never died..But because of things in our lives,the only way it could be escaped was I had to leave,no lol he didnt cheat.
   Time went by and i had this emptiness in my heart,so i tried to find him,I talked to his friends and his dad,to find out his life had went into darkness.I tried for a few years to find this Marine but failed.

  So as time went by i let it go,thinkin maybe it was a one sided love.25 years later someone was searching the web and found this web site..And i got this email..what it said was I found your web site and you forgot one thing..That Marine you married along time ago.To my surprise that email was from him. We had both been married a few times and failed..He admitted to me he compared them all to me and that he had loved me all these years..
  My heart cried out to him and i was in shock,I found or should I say he found me..(That young Marine from years ago) We talked to find out we both still loved each other and we both had lived in so much pain..Then in talking that divorce I served on him,for some reason had never been final..we thought it was,but he called the county we were in to find..I silly me had forgot to file the last and final degree. So all these years we have been married..and now we decided once again..That Marine is coming back into my life,and once again God has put us back together..My question is...God why did you wait so long..To bring That young Marine back into my life?
   My answer  was: Never take Love for granted,always talk about your problems and i sent you on a journey through life to see grass isnt greener on other side and if you have your soul mate hang onto them..And always treasure can not replace your soul mate..

   And to that Marine I married Long ago: I have always Loved you Steven.....Update: We are back togther hes been here a month and the love and marriage never died...So once again iam back with that Marine I married 35 yrs ago.