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Eric Harris
" I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no, don't fucking say Well that's your fault because it isn't, you people had my phone number, and I asked and all, but no no no no don't let the weird looking Eric kid come along oh fucking no "-Reb Full Name:Eric David Harris Nickname:Reb Born:April 9th 1981 Height:5'8" Eric was the 18 year old son of Wayne Harris and Katherine Harris younger brother to Kevin Harris. Born in Witchita,Kansas but both of his parents were born in Colorado. They moved to Littleton during the summer of 1993. Eric met Dylan in middle school around 7th or 8th grade. In 97 Eric and Dylan both got a job at Blackjack Pizza where they would later buy one of the guns used on the attack against Columbine. At Black Jack Pizza they often set off fire works in the alley and even set a fire in the sink. Eric was really intrested in playing Doom and making websites some consisting of rantings and others of Jo Mama jokes which were ment not to have any humor to them. A former Columbine student, Brooks Brown reported Erics website to the police for saying ,"I don't care if I live or die in the shoot-out all I want to do is kill and injure as many of you pricks as I can, excpecially a few people. Like brooks brown". Brooks also reported him again for throwing ice at the windshield of his car. Eric died in the library from self-inflicted gunshot headwound - sawed off shotgun in the mouth. His family moved from Littleton not long after the shootings.