Welcome 2 ALL!! - on the 18th of October 2001, a LOT of visitors started arriving from 1 specific site whose business it is 2 label others' attempts @ utilising the internet 2 the best of their abilities 4 their very own reasons, as a waste of time & space & effort & whatever ELSE they choose 2 label it... (i'm NOT mentioning the name of the site, 'cause OBVIOUSLY they r only looking 4 attention & have NO intention 2 even ATTEMPT at making the world a better place...) - NOW, 2 clarify 2 the poor people actually visiting that site & supporting their views, THIS site is NOT a "shrine" 2 the movie THE MATRIX, however, it is a site 4 a customer care team, 4 our OWN purposes & we call ourselves "the MaTRiX", there4 we saw it fit 2 use the movie as a theme as u would have noticed if you actually VISITED the site & not just judge on some other mis-informed individual's conclusions... my advise 2 these individuals who get pleasure from other's pain: "4 your own good, PLEASE wake up & draw your OWN conclusions in Life... do NOT take others' conclusions as your own & treat EVERYthing with EQUAL respect, ESPECIALLY yourself!!!" - have a GRRREAT day further...

U have 2 see it 4 yourself!


Gecities Counter tried 2 hack the matrix... not one survived....YET!! - will u b the 1st?

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Thanx 2 - GEOCITIES for the space to build this homepage!

U can email me at voetskimmel@yahoo.com or cristolouw@hotmail.com with any suggestions, comments or problems... THaNX & Njoy your day!!! - please come around often and mail me suggestions... highly appreciated, CRiSTo - 2000/11/08

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