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Demonstration of "What's in YOUR Name?"

How Important Is Your Name?
Ask yourself: "If I did not have a name, how could I identify myself? If I had no name, who would I be?" Your name is extremely important. Your name is your life! It is how you identify yourself. It is how others identify you. The more insight you have into the powerful influence of your name, the greater opportunity to enjoy the success you are capable of achieving.

The hidden power of a name...
Mind and thought have their origin in an abstract plane of conscious intelligence, which comes into manifest form through the symbols of language. The brain is not the source of the mind, but merely the physical instrument of the mind. When name is attached to an individual, certain specific forces of conscious intelligence are combined. They constitute the nucleus of the mind. The conscious forces combined by the name can be represented by a numerical formula in much the same way as the basic chemical elements combined in a chemical compound can be represented by a chemical formula. The mental characteristics of an individual can be read from the numerical formula representing the person's name just as the characteristics of a chemical compound can be read from its chemical formula.

The Mathematical Principle
Languages, alphabets, and calendars are creations of mind that exist only in mind and are a part of mind. Their logic depends on consistency of their form and structure. An alphabet is a set of symbols representing the sounds of the language arranged in a definite order; a calendar is a consistent ordering of days, months, and years. The Kabalarian Philosophy contains the knowledge of the Mathematical Principle, which demonstrates the existence of nine basic forces of conscious intelligence that manifest in a natural sequence and operate through language and time, through name and the date of birth, to determine the mind, the pattern of thinking, and the life experiences of the individual.

Name Analysis
The Society of Kabalarians (a registered non-profit society) draws on over 60 years of research and experience in providing name analyses, which offer invaluable benefit to people in understanding their strengths and weaknesses both mentally and physically. The Mathematical Principle can be used to make recommendations for a change of name to a balanced name, which offsets the weaknesses of the old name, and tunes the mind to the true inner potential determined from one's date of birth. With a balanced name and understanding of the inner potential, everyone can make positive, constructive changes to achieve better health, success, harmonious personal relations, and a state of overall well-being.

Honorary current team members..:

BRaDLeY GeoRGe - aka CHaD
CHaRLeNe ViCe - Got hitched on 8 March 2002
CHRiSToPHeR CaDeR - not the baby abymore, huh?
CRiSTo LouW - (...hey, that's me!!!...)
eNRiCo DaNieLS
euGeNe STeYN - Congratz on an Xcellent DRaGoN!!
GRaHaM CoeTZee
HeNRy SMiT - WeLCoMe 2 our newest sibling!!!
JoaNNe STaDLeR - ALL the VERY best with the coming Baby!!
JuDy CHeTTy - The ONE with the LOVELY hair!!
SHaRRoN NaiDoo - ANOTHER one!?! hehehehehe...
ZaiNoNeSSa BeNJaMiN - we lovingly call her ZAINO!!

Honorary additional members..:

aBDuL PaTTeRSoN - aMiNa aMLaY - aNDRe BeKKeR - aNToN DuiTSMaN - CRaiG MCKie - DyLaN aReNDSe - eRNeST MaTSoLo - FaYZaL GaLaNT - JoDy MCKie - KaSHeFaH MaJieT - LeTiTia WeSSeLS - PeGGy PReToRiuS - QueNTiN WiTToN - RuTH MaNNiNG - SaMaNTHa PeTeRSeN - SHaQiR eRaSMuS


This page was last visited & updated by CHaSKi on Thursday, 2 May 2002, 15:11 GMT+2=SAST.