Exeter University promotes pedophilia - Suported by Labour government, funded by Rockefeller Foundation. - 2003.
The course called
A Pause trains teachers to teach oral sex to under 16s. This was created at Exeter Univeristy Uk, and is suported by the pedophile ridden New Labour Party's Department of Health and Education. New Labour has had other pedophile problems - in that the FBI internet operation Ore led to the evidence of the former Ministers Peter Mandleson (minister without portfolio, Homosexual ) and Chris Smith (Culture Secretary, Homosexual) of having paid to enter child porn sites. This information has been supressed by a joint media agreement at the hightest levels. The Rockefeller Foundation of America, conected to Rockefeller oil interests and arms, has funded Exeter Univeristy uk research ( such as the Rice Blast Genome project). Campaigners hope that the Sexual Offences Bill going through parliment will make the training course illegal, in that it is a promotion of pedophilia.
Colin Jordan Nazi Website.
United Nations, built on land in Manhatten New York USA which was donated by Rockefeller (see above) has a depraved problem. When will this jewish evil be banished?
Homosexual Rights? Are homosexuals campaigning near you? Click here to see what is behind the mask. The Volkssturm asks, why is Judith Levine, a jewess, allowed to promote this evil in her book? Her ideas - as used by defendants in sex-crime cases - were rejected by the US House of Representatives. She has suported the Netherlands age of consent of 12 as a model for the US. However, the Nederlands is the type of society that saw an anti-muslim immigration polititian asassinated by a Marxist. Not only this but retractions were required over association of the Marxist's bullit having come "from the left not the right." Such a state cannot serve as a model for anywhere, and indeed, functioned much more rationally as a part of the Third Reich. In the political violence Pim Fortyne had to undergo we might see connections with Britain Uk and the attack by Special Branch Police - the political monitering police - upon a democratically elected BNP counciler. The British media did not think this political-police violent intimidation sufficently newsworthy either. Insanity should not be allowed, in any civilised state, to run amock; nor the government either. Heil Hitler!
Black, Green and Blue Ballpoint - The collection of pens used by the underage lesbian-fetishist Jew/Jewess Authors of the forgery "The Diary of Anne Frank".
Jewish Con. For Friend and Foe, the activities and forums of the suporters of Israel, with international forums. Click upon The Jewish Con to visit and see for yourself the machine in operation. 21st March 2003 finds the Jewish Conned "Praying for Peace and Invadeing Iraq!"

This indicated that the god they mouth to is some blind idol or fools god who is taken for a fool.
Though this god is not named, indications reveal that he is akin to Belial, and therefore is.

When you tire of the Jewish Cons, check out
Stormfront with its prowhite international forums.
November 9th Society - Britain's Nazi Party
Dirty Tricks - Debate Master 2000 comic flash. Other flash-comic animations click here.