Christian Sci-Fi Stories by Vortexsg6

Warning: My stories are pretty clean, but a few do contain some violence,
considered or acted out. Those stories are marked, and should probably be
viewed by an adult before being viewed by children.

Sci-Fi Short Stories

The Prospector (a rather cliché story written quickly for practice)


Other Short Stories

*The Knife (a very short story about temptation and free will)(Violence discussed)

My big projects

At this time, the majority of my creative energy is going into what I hope will develop into a trilogy. It is based on the Bible; the struggle for souls and the final battle. It takes place in a very unique and alien universe. I am hesitant to put anything more about it on the web at this time, but with God’s help it will one day be published.

I guess I'm not very original..."nothing new under the sun"....because most of my stories are Bible inspired. But that's a good thing!
One of the novels I am working on was inspired by the story of Jonah but with a nice sci-fi twist.

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Page created: June 8, 2003
Page last updated: October 30, 2005