
BoHeMSA BookAid Appeal

War in Bosnia... Sarajevo, a beautiful Olympic city, was surrounded with hundreds of different artillery weapons. What an anachronism - at the end of 20th century, to have a whole city and its citizens under a real medieval siege for almost four years! Many people, including innocent children and civilians, were killed or wounded during the war... Besides human lives, war caused an enormous damage to the infrastructure. Many homes, public buildings, cultural institutions, even hospitals, were heavy damaged or destroyed. Also, many libraries...

Probably the most beautiful library in the former Yugoslavia, the National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina was situated in the monumental Austro-Hungarian City Hall, built in 1894. Many generations of students have been using its books, not only during the studies but also after their graduation, for the rest of their life. Until the war came.... On 25 August 1992, the Library was hit by 50 artillery shells, and soon most of its rich collection was burned down. More than a million of books, a great number of periodicals, and a collection of rare books and manuscripts. The Sarajevans still remember that disaster by the ashes of books flying all above the city that day...

Medical libraries of the University of Sarajevo did not suffer such a horrible destiny. However, the total blockade of Sarajevo cut them off from the rest of the World, without new information from most of the scientific fields of medicine. But, the Medical faculty Sarajevo has remained open throughout the war. In such hard war circumstances, both professors and students gave their best in the effort to keep on the cultural and academic life of Sarajevo. Finally, days of peace arrived...

Today, years after the horrible war is over, our country turns its energy to the reconstruction. Our Faculty is even going through a reform of medical education system, as a part of reform of health sector in general. This very important task is facing some problems as there is a lack of literature and other educational materials and equipment. So, that is why we launched this BookAid Appeal, to ask for your help and assistance to your colleagues, Bosnian medical students and young doctors. We would very appreciate any kind of help and assistance you could provide us, anything you find useful for medical education process; journals, magazines, books, specimens, slides, films, software, equipment, etc.

If you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact our National Office Sarajevo by email at voxmedici@hotmail.com (preferably) or by fax at +387 33 203 670.

We count on your good will and solidarity. Thank you for your attention to the BookAid Appeal. 

Mirza Muminovic, BoHeMSA Secretary General



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