G. Ch. Aalders (Gerhard Charles Aalders) | Theologian Biblical Commentator | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Aalders was a Dutch theologian, biblical commentator, and former profeseor of Old Testament at the Free University of Amsterdam. | ||||
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Oswald T. Allis | Scholar (OT/Hebrew) | |||
Brief Background: Oswald T. Allis (1880-1973) Noted Old Testament scholar and for nineteen years served as a professor of Semitic studies at Princeton Theological Seminary (1910-1929). In 1929, modernists managed to wrest control of Princeton, prompting Allis, J. Gresham Machen, Robert Dick Wilson and others to found Westminster Seminary. Dr. Allis was independently wealthy and it was his property in Philadelphia which served as the initial home of the new seminary. He taught at Westminster for six years, and resigned in 1935 to devote himself to study and writing. Among his notable works are Prophecy and the Church (1945) and God Spake By Moses (1951). | ||||
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John Ankerberg![]() | Minister Producer Evangelist Philosopher Apologist Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: President and founder of The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute. Producer and host of the nationally televised John Ankerberg Show - seen in all 50 states. Holds numerous degrees including: Master of Arts in Church History and Philosophy of Christian Thought and a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (both with honors), Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary. Ordained Baptist minister and former pastor. In addition to being a well known evangelist and producer of the John Ankerberg Show, he is the author and co-author of 65 books. | ||||
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Dr. Gleason L. Archer![]() | Scholar (OT/Hebrew) | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School | ||||
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Eugene Ashby![]() | Professor Apologist Author | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Eugene Ashby is a graduate of Loyola University, Auburn University and the University of Notre Dame. As a nationally renowned chemist, Dr. Ashby had been a member of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry for 30 years at the Georgia Institute of Technology, before retiring in 1993 as Regents' Professor and Distinguished Professor of Chemistry. He was awarded the Lavoisier medal of the French Chemical Society and the Herty medal of the American Chemical Society. He has lectured at more than 100 universities in 14 countries and has been a Sloan Fellow and Guggenheim Fellow residing at Stanford University. Dr. Ashby has published more than 280 papers in leading chemistry journals. He was a Research Associate with the Ethyl Corporation for seven years before joining Georgia Tech in 1963. He has been a consultant for Dupont, Conoco, The Ethyl Corporation, Pfizer, AFF Inc, The Department of Defense, The Department of Energy and the Georgia Department of Education. Two chemical plants have been built as a result of research carried out in his laboratory. | ||||
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John Battle | Seminary president Professor Apologist | Bio | ||
Brief Background: B.A., Highland College, 1967; M.Div., Faith Theological Seminary, 1970; S.T.M., Faith Theological Seminary, 1971; Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1975. Assistant Professor of New Testament, Faith Theological Seminary, 1971-1977; Professor of New Testament, Faith Theological Seminary, 1977-1982; Associate Professor of New Testament, Western Reformed Seminary, 1983-1998; Professor of New Testament and Theology, Western Reformed Seminary, since 1998. He also currently serves as president of Western Reformed Seminary. | ||||
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Herman Bavinck![]() | Theologian Professor Author | Web site | ||
Brief Background: Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) He was a contemporary of Abraham Kuyper and B.B. Warfield, both of whom he knew well. He graduated magna cum laude with a double major in Systematic Theology & OT. He was Professor of Systematic Theology at Kampen (1882-1902) and subsequently at the Free University of Amsterdam (1902-1920). He is best known for his magnum opus, "The Reformed Dogmatics" (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, in 4 volumes). He also contended that the matter of time did not belong to the essentials of the faith and so was open to a variety of opinions on the days of Genesis 1. | ||||
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Michael Behe![]() | Seminary president Professor Apologist | Bio | Web site | Testimony |
Brief Background: Michael Behe is a strong advocate for Intelligent Design and author of the groundbreaking book Darwin's Black Box. He graduated from Drexel University in 1974 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. He did his graduate studies in biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania and was awarded the Ph.D. in 1978 for his dissertation research on sickle-cell disease. From 1978-1982 he did postdoctoral work on DNA structure at the National Institutes of Health. From 1982-85 he was Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Queens College in New York City, where he met his wife. In 1985 he moved to Lehigh University where he is currently Professor of Biochemistry. In his career he has authored over 40 technical papers and one book, Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, which argues that living system at the molecular level are best explained as being the result of deliberate intelligent design. Darwin’s Black Box has been reviewed by the New York Times, Nature, Philosophy of Science, Christianity Today, and over one hundred other periodicals. He and his wife reside near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with their eight children. | ||||
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Henri Blocher![]() | Theologian Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: In October 2003, Blocher was appointed to the Gunther H. Knoedler Chair of Theology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. Previously (since 1965) he had served as professor of systematic theology at the Faculté Libre de Théologie Evangélique in Vaux-sur-Seine near Paris, France. A leading evangelical theologian and statesman, Blocher was a member of the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization (1975-1980), served the World Evangelical Fellowship/Alliance in a number of capacities, and taught in schools in Europe, Australia, Africa, Canada and the US. He is currently president of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians. Blocher studied at a number of institutions including the Sorbonne, London Bible College, Gordon Divinity School, and Faculté Libre de Théologie Protestant of Paris. He has written six books, four of which have appeared in English, and several dozen articles. His English publications include Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle, Evil and the Cross: Christian Thought and the Problem of Evil and In the Beginning: The Opening chapters of Genesis. | ||||
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Dr. James Montgomery Boice![]() | Pastor Theologian Writer Biblical commentator | Bio | ||
Brief Background: (1938-2000) Boice was, until his death in 2000, the pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, the teacher on "The Bible Study Hour" radio program and chairman of the board of City Center Academy. He was as articulate spokesman for the Reformed faith in America and around the world. He was also a key defender of inerrancy, for ten years he served as Chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. He also founded the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. He held a A.B. from Harvard University, a B.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Theology from the University of Basel in Switzerland. In addition to authoring numerous journal articles, he authored over 40 books and was a consulting editor for the Expositor's Bible Commentary. | ||||
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Raymond G. Bohlin![]() | Pastor Theologian Writer Biblical commentator | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Raymond G. Bohlin is currently the Executive Director of Probe Ministries. Dr. Bohlin was born and raised in Chicago, IL and is a graduate of the University of Illinois (B.S., zoology, 1971-1975), the University of North Texas (M.S., population genetics, 1977-1980), and the University of Texas at Dallas (M.S., Ph.D., molecular and cell biology, 1984-1991). Dr. Bohlin has been with Probe Ministries since 1975 and has lectured and debated on dozens of college and university campuses. He has addressed issues in the creation/evolution debate as well as other science-related issues. Dr. Bohlin is an elder at Reinhardt Bible Church in Garland, Texas. | ||||
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Robert H. Brown![]() | Physicist Professor Author | |||
Brief Background: Robert Brown was born in 1915. He is a physicist; Retired Professor physics, Loma Linda (California) University, 1980-88; Professor geophysics, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, 1973-80; director, GeoScience Research Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan, 1973-80; President, Professor, Union College, Lincoln, 1970-73; Vice President, Walla Walla College, 1961-70; Professor physics, Walla Walla College, 1954-70; member faculty, Walla Walla College, 1947-70; Instructor physics, University of Washington, 1948-49; Head Science department, Canadian Union College, Lacombe, Alberta, 1945-47; research engineer, Sylvania Electronic Products Co., 1942-45; Assistant Instructor physics, University of Nebraska, 1940-42.BA, Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1940; MS, University of Nebraska, 1942; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1950. Of special note is that Robert wrote for the CRSQ (Creation Research Society Quarterly) - a primarily Young Earth publication. | ||||
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William Jennings Bryan![]() | Lawyer Author Lecturer Politician Publisher Philosopher | |||
Brief Background: William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) - Born in Salem, Illinois, he studied law and Received a law degree in 1883 from Union College in Chicago. After moving to Nebraska, he was elected to the House of Representatives in 1890 and served two terms. He became known as an accomplished author, lecturer, politician, publisher, and philosopher. He also became known as a rousing, impassioned orator. At the 1896 Democratic convention, he mesmerized delegates with his famous "Cross of Gold" speech and ended up the party's presidential nominee. He ran for president on the Democratic ticket three times (1896, 1900, 1908) but lost each election. Bryan also served as an Army Colonel in the Spanish-American War. He supported Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 election and became Wilson's secretary of state the following year. A devout Christian all his life, Bryan spent his later years campaigning for prohibition and against the teaching of evolution (He was a known proponent of the day-age theory of creation). In 1925, he served as prosecutor in the infamous "monkey trial" of John Scopes, a Tennessee teacher arrested for teaching evolution. He died of a heart attack on July 26, in Dayton, Tennessee, only days after the conclusion of the trial. | ||||
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Dr. Walter Bradley![]() | Professor Apologist Author | Bio | Web site | Testimony |
Brief Background: Walter L. Bradley received his B.S. in Engineering Science and his Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Texas in Austin. He taught for eight years as an Assistant and Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines before assuming a position as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU) in 1976. He has published over 125 technical articles. He also served as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University, and as Director of the Polymer Technology Center at TAMU. Dr. Bradley is currently working with Baylor University's engineering department and is a fellow of the International Society for Complexity Information and Design. Walter Bradley has also performed seminal research in the origin of life, having published journal articles and co-authoring the popular "The Mystery of Life's Origin: Reasse sing Current Theories" which remains the best-selling advanced level text on the origin of life. | ||||
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Ted Cabal![]() | Theologian Professor Editor | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Cabal at one time was an athiest, he bacame a Christian while reading the Gospels so as to debunk them. He has an B.A. and a M.A. from Dallas Baptist University, as well as a M.Div. and a Ph.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is Dean of Boyce College at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He does not shy away from opportunities to defend the Christian faith. In addition to several published articles and lectures at numerous colleges, Dr. Cabal has participated in debates defending the existence of God. He also shares with his pupils the knowledge and experience garnered from nearly 15 years of pastoral ministry in three churches. He is also general editor of the forthcoming Apologetics Study Bible (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2006) | ||||
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John H. Calvert![]() | Lawyer ID Leader | Bio | ||
Brief Background: John Calvert is a Christian who has utilized his his knowledge of law to help ID theory to taught in public schools..He is co-founder of Intelligent Design Network, which seeks to foster objectivity in origins science. He has been in the private practice of law since 1968. Although his specialty is corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and business litigation, he has practiced geology in a number of legal engagements involving mining and the oil and gas industry and has studied structural geology and paleontology as he has traveled throughout the world. Mr. Calvert acquired his interest in origins and design theory in the late 1970's when introduced to the structure of DNA, RNA and other features of cellular structure and cellular information processing systems which provide evidence of design. As a lawyer Mr. Calvert has studied the evidentiary reliability of the evidence of design that occurs in nature, the philosophical and cultural barriers which suppress the evidence and the legality of governmental actions which censor the evidence in publicly funded educational institutions. As a geologist Mr. Calvert has studied the extent to which the fossil record and the earth’s geologic structure support design inferences. Mr. Calvert is a member of the American Bar Association and Missouri Bar Association and has been admitted to practice in Federal and state courts. | ||||
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Thomas Chalmers![]() | Preacher Mathematician Lecturer Theologian | |||
Brief Background: (1780-1847) The Scottish church reformer and theologian Thomas Chalmers was a central figure in the 1843 secession of the Free Church from the Presbyterian Establishment. Chalmers attempted to broaden evangelicalism by reconciling its zeal with secular ethics, science, and philosophy and with concern for social and economic issues. He was highly regarded during his lifetime as a natural theologian. | ||||
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John N. Clayton![]() | Lawyer ID Leader | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: A devout atheist until his early twenties, Clayton was part of the same organized atheist group that made Madeline Murray O'Hair famous. He decided to write a book called All the Stupidity of the Bible, but instead found himself slowly becoming convinced about Christianity. He has a keen interest in Geology and origins and is recognized widely by those active in the creation/ evolution controversy as the originator of what is known as the Modified Gap Theory. Today, he travels the U.S. giving lectures on the subject "Does God Exist?". He is a teacher and geologist by profession. He holds a B.S. degree from Indiana. University in Education with a concentration in Physics and mathematics. He holds a M.S. degree from Indiana University in Education with a concentration in Chemistry and Psychometry. He also holds a M.S. degree from Notre Dame University in Geology and Earth Science. His most recent honors include: Distinguished Physics Teacher for the State of Indiana - 1985 by the American Association of Physics Teachers. S.T.A.R Instructor for Indiana Department of Public Instruction - 1990. "South Bend Community School Corporation High School Teacher of the Year" and "School Corporation Teacher of the Year" - 1991. | ||||
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John Colet![]() | Theologian Reformer Biblical commentator & translator | Bio | ||
Brief Background: John Colet (1466-1519) After early schooling in London, John went to Oxford, where he spent some 20 years as a scholar and lecturer, eventually receiving a doctorate in divinity about 1504. He became Dean of St Paul's Cathedral in 1505 and eventually founded St. Paul's School in 1509 with the fortune he inherited from his father. Colet is famous for translating (and reading) the New Testament in English for the common man to be able to understand. Colet became Henry VIII's chaplain and, in 1512 delivered a famous sermon in which he denounced the abuses of the Church. Colet did not, himself, break with the Roman Church, but his ideas on church reform were influential later. Most of his writings were unpublished until the late 19th century. | ||||
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Francis S. Collins![]() | Physcian Scientist Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Francis S. Collins is a physician, geneticist, and current Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH. Raised on a small farm in Virginia, he obtained a B.S. in chemistry at the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry at Yale University. He graduated from medical school at the University of North Carolina and completed a residency in internal medicine at Chapel Hill. Later, he returned to Yale for a fellowship in human genetics, and then joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1984. His genetic research team identified the genes for cystic fibrosis, neurofibromatosis, and collaborated with others to identify the gene for Huntington’s disease. In 1993, Collins became the second director of the National Center for Human Genome Research, following in the footsteps of James Watson. In that role, Collins has overseen the successful completion of the Human Genome Project. He has been a member of ASA for over twenty years. | ||||
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John "Jack" C Collins![]() | Professor Apologist Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Professor Collins background includes advanced studies in linguistics and biblical languages, and practical experience in Bible study and discipleship ministry. He has written extensively on biblical languages and interpretation, and on science and the Christian faith. He also served as Old Testament chair for the English Standard Version of the Bible. John is currently Professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary. | ||||
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Chuck Colson![]() | Columist Author Speaker Commentator | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: Chuck Colson (b. 1931) - conservative evangelical founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries and host of the radio program "Flashpoint." Formerly Anglican and now Southern Baptist, he holds to Protestant distinctives but works for unity with like-minded Catholics, believing the two groups have more commonalities than differences. Colson was a leading architect of the declaration "Evangelicals and Catholics Together." His many books inlclude his autobiography Born Again, Six Million Angels, and How Now Shall We Live. | ||||
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Dr. Paul Copan | Professor Author Lecturer | |||
Brief Background: Paul Copan is visiting professor of philosophy of religion at Trinity International University, and is on staff with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and holds a BA from Columbia Bible College, an M.A. and M.Div. From Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a Ph.D. from Marquette University. Dr. Copan teaches and speaks at universities and seminaries throughout the world. He is the author of True for You, But Not for Me, and That's Just Your Interpretation, and editor of Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up. He is general editor of the RZIM Critical Questions Series and a regular contributor to a number of academic journals. | ||||
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Dr. William Lane Craig![]() | Scholar (philosophy and theology) Apologist Author | Web site | ||
Brief Background: Dr. William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University in La Mirada, CA. With two doctorates - one in philosophy under the eminent philosopher of religion John Hick and one in theology under arguably the greatest living German theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg - Dr. Craig is widely considered to be a leading figure in the philosophy of religion and the premier evangelical Christian apologist. He has participated in dozens of debates on the existence of God, the foundations of morality, and the contentious claim that salvation is in Christ alone. Furthermore, Dr. Craig has over 175 publications appearing in the best academic and top popular journals and presses. His diverse research interests include the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of time, and New Testament studies. He is the current president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the Philosophy of Time Society. | ||||
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John Nelson Darby![]() | Preacher Bible commentator & translator Writer of hymns | Bio | ||
Brief Background: John Nelson Darby (1800–1882) One of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren. In 1827 he left a curate's post in Wicklow, Ireland, and joined with others in Dublin to found the Brethren. Later he formed congregations on the Continent, in Switzerland, France, and Germany. Between 1859 and 1874, Darby paid a number of visits to the United States and Canada. His followers, especially those on the Continent, came to be called Darbyites or Exclusive Brethren. Darby is called by many the father of modern dispensational theology, a theology made popular first by the Scofield Reference Bible and more recently by the Ryrie Study Bible. He was intensely committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Darby was unswerving in his belief that the Bible was the inspired, infallible Word of God, absolutely authoritative and faithfully transmitted from the original autographs. It should be evident from the foregoing that there is a distinct connection between the doctrines of the Brethren and the Fundamentalists who rose to challenge modernism shortly before and especially after the turn of the century. Well before publication of The Fundamentals: A Testimony of Truth in 1909, the Brethren were proclaiming the same basic truths of Scripture and staunchly defending them against all comers. The very character of Brethren fellowship and beliefs is such that to entertain liberal doctrines would destroy the movement altogether. Many of the greatest Fundamentalist leaders of the past have openly acknowledged their indebtedness to the teachings and ministry of Darby and the Brethren. | ||||
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William Dembski![]() | Mathematician Philosopher Professor Theologian Apologist Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: William A. Dembski is Research Professor in Philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth. He is also a senior fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture as well as the executive director of the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design. Previously he was the Carl F. H. Henry Professor of Theology and Science at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, where he founded its Center for Theology and Science. Before that he was Associate Research Professor in the Conceptual Foundations of Science at Baylor University, where he also headed the first intelligent design think-tank at a major research university: The Michael Polanyi Center. Dr. Dembski has taught at Northwestern University, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Dallas. He has done postdoctoral work in mathematics at MIT, in physics at the University of Chicago, and in computer science at Princeton University. A graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago where he earned a B.A. in psychology, an M.S. in statistics, and a Ph.D. in philosophy, he also received a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1988 and a master of divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1996. Dr. Dembski has published articles in mathematics, philosophy, and theology journals and is the author/editor of more than ten books. In addition to lecturing around the world at colleges and universities, he is frequently interviewed on the radio and television. His work has been cited in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, including three front page stories in the New York Times as well as the August 15, 2005 Time magazine cover story on intelligent design. He has appeared on the BBC, NPR, PBS, CSPAN2, CNN, Fox News, ABC Nightline, and the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. | ||||
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Dr. Robert DiSilvestro![]() | Biochemist Apologist Author | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Robert DiSilvestro holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Texas A&M University. He is currently professor of human nutrition at Ohio State University. Dr. DiSilvestro has published nearly 60 peer reviewed, life science-related research articles. | ||||
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Dr. James C. Dobson![]() | Prominent Apologist Professor Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: James C. Dobson, Ph.D., is conservative evangelical founder of Focus on the Family, a nonprofit organization that produces his internationally syndicated radio programs heard daily on more than 3,000 radio facilities in North America and in 15 languages on approximately 3,300 facilities in over 116 countries. He is one of the leading social/political activists among conservative Christians. He is also a prolific author, among his best-known books are Dare to Discipline, The Strong-Willed Child, Bringing Up Boys, Love Must Be Tough, When God Doesn't Make Sense, Love for a Lifetime, and What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew about Women. For 14 years Dr. Dobson was an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, and served for 17 years on the Attending Staff of Children's Hospital of Los Angeles in the Division of Child Development and Medical Genetics. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development. He is a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a licensed psychologist in California, and is listed in Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare. | ||||
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James Donald England![]() | Professor Speaker Author | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Don England is the distinguished professor of chemistry at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. England has taught for four decades in Harding's Physical Science Department, which he chaired from 1988-1995, leaving only for three years to obtain his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi. He was appointed to full professor in 1971 and was designated Distinguished Professor of Chemistry in 1983. His research has appeared in such publications as the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Education, and the Annals of Arkansas Academy of Science. He has authored three books: A Christian View of Origins; A Scientist Examines Faith and Evidence; and God, Are You Really There? and is a member of the American Chemical Society, The Arkansas Academy of Science, and Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society. Known for his expertise and scholarship in the classroom, England continues to hold the reputation of being one of the most demanding professors on campus. He has also been the heart and soul of Harding's premedical program, helping prepare thousands of students for medical schools throughout the country. | ||||
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Millard Ericksen![]() | Theologian Professor Speaker Author | |||
Brief Background: A world-renowned scholar and highly respected theologian, Millard Erickson joined the faculty of Truett Seminary in fall 1996. His degrees include: BA from University of Minnesota, BD from Northern Baptist Seminary, MA from University of Chicago, and a PhD from Northwestern University. Much in demand as a speaker and conference leader, Erickson also is a prolific writer. His most recent publications include Does It Matter How I Live?; The Evangelical Mind and Heart: Perspectives on Theological and Practical Issues; God in Three Persons: A Contemporary Understanding of the Trinity; and Where Is Theology Going? Issues and Perspectives on the Future of Theology. Erickson also is the author of one of the most frequently used theology textbooks, The Christian Theology, for which he received the Gold Medallion Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. At Truett, he teaches specialized courses and counsels students. | ||||
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Dr. Robert Gange | Research Scientist Professor Speaker Author | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: Dr. Robert Gange is a research scientist, certified professional engineer, and adjunct professor. He was on staff for over 25 years at the David Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, New Jersey. His experience includes guided missle technology, holographic memories, computer systems, image processing , and electron devices. Educated in five universities (Ph.D. 1978 for extensive research on the application of cryophysics to information systems), he has made pioneering contributions in several scientific fields, has published numerous papers and is a member of several professional societies including the New York and New Jersey academies of science. Dr. Gange has received numerous corporate awards, has been honored nine separate occasions by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and holds over thirty base patents with foreign filings in over twenty-three countries. | ||||
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Dr. Norman Geisler![]() | Prominent Apologist Theologian Philosopher | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Dr. Norman Geisler is author or coauthor of some fifty books and hundreds of articles. He has taught at the university and graduate level for forty three years and has spoken or debated in all fifty states and in twenty-five countries. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Loyola University and now serves as President of Southern Evangelical Seminary, in Charlotte, North Carolina. | ||||
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John C.L. Gibson | Noted british scholar Biblical Comentator Philosopher | |||
Brief Background: John CL Gibson is former professor of Old Testament studies at the University of Edinburgh. His many publications include editions of Semitic texts and commentaries on Genesis and Job (The Daily Study Bible series). He served as president of the Society for Old Testament Study in 1984 and is presently auxiliary minister of St. Philip's Church, Joppa. | ||||
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Robert W. Godfrey![]() | Seminary president Minister Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Dr. Godfrey has taught church history at Westminster Seminary California since 1981, having previously taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Stanford University, and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Currently he serves as the third President of Westminster Seminary California and is a minister in the United Reformed Churches. | ||||
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Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez![]() | Astronomer Author | |||
Brief Background: Guillermo Gonzalez is an Assistant Professor of Astronomy at Iowa State University, He received his Ph.D. in Astronomy in 1993 from the University of Washington. He has done post-doctoral work at the University of Texas, Austin and at the University of Washington and has received fellowships, grants and awards from such institutions as NASA, the University of Washington, Sigma Xi (scientific research society) and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Gonzalez has extensive experience in observing and analyzing data from ground-based observatories, including work at McDonald Observatory, Apache Point Observatory and Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. He has also published over sixty articles in refereed astronomy and astrophysical journals and captured the October 2001 cover story of Scientific American. | ||||
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Billy Graham![]() | Preacher Prolific evangelist Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Billy Graham is the conservative pioneer of evangelical revivalism. Graham is highly insistent on inerrancy. Mr. Graham has preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history -- over 210 million people in more than 185 countries and territories -- through various meetings, including Mission World and Global Mission. Hundreds of millions more have been reached through television, video, film and webcasts. Since the 1949 Los Angeles Crusade vaulted Mr. Graham into the public eye, he has led hundreds of thousands of individuals to make personal decisions to live for Christ, which is the main thrust of his ministry. Billy was Ordained in 1939 by a church in the Southern Baptist Convention, Mr. Graham received a solid foundation in the Scriptures at Florida Bible Institute (now Trinity College in Florida). In 1943 he graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois. He has also authored 25 books. His writings include an autobiography (Just As I Am), theological books (Angels, The Holy Spirit, Death and the Life Hereafter, and devotional works (Hope for the Troubled Heart). His book How to Be Born Again and tract Steps to Peace with God have led many to Christ. Graham is semi-retired and has been succeeded by his son, Franklin Graham (author of Rebel with a Cause). | ||||
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William Henry Green![]() | Scholar Theologian Pastor Author | Web site | ||
Brief Background: (1825- 1900) Presbyterian theologian. Educated at Lafayette College (A.B., 1840) and Princeton Theological Seminary (1846). In 1848 he was ordained and became pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia in 1849. In 1851 he bacame professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. He wrote extensively and almost exclusively in his field of specialization and until his death was chairman of the Old Testament section of the committee that produced the American Revised Version (1901) of the Bible. In 1868 he was elected president of Princeton University but declined to accept. In 1891 he served as the moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Like his other 'Old' Princeton colleagues, he was firmly committed to the divine inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. He was resolute in his opposition to the mounting influence of biblical criticism in America. Among his contemporaries he took the lead in refuting the documentary hypothesis of the origin of the Pentateuch. These emphases were reflected in his two-volume General Introduction to the Old Testament (1898) and The Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch (1895). | ||||
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Victor P. Hamilton![]() | Professor Biblical Translator Biblical Commentator | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Hamiltons education consists of:M.A., Ph.D. Brandeis University, 1969/1971 (Mediterranean Studies); B.D., Th.M. Asbury Theological Seminary, 1966/1967 (Biblical Studies); B.A. Houghton College, 1963 (Biblical and Pre-Ministerial). He has taught at Asbury College in the Department of Bible and Theology since 1971. Over that time he has preached and taught in numerous local churches, retreats, family Bible conferences, camp meetings, revivals, and pastors' conferences. Dr. Hamilton was a member of the translation team of the New King James Version. Nelson, 1981, as well as a member of the translation team of the New Living Translation. Tyndale House Publishers, 1997. | ||||
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Hank Hannegraff![]() | Apologist Author Ministry founder | Web site | ||
Brief Background: Hank Hanegraaff (b. 1950) - conservative evangelical known to radio listeners as "The Bible Answer Man." president of Christian Research Institute, which focuses on exposing doctrinal error and warning against aberrant religious groups. Hanegraaff is known for applying memory techniques to apologetics. Among his books are Christianity in Crisis, Counterfeit Revival, The FACE that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution, The Third Day, Fatal Flaws, and 99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return. | ||||
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R. Laird Harris![]() | Professor Author Bible Translator | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Dr. R Laird Harris has a M.A. from University of Pennsylvania, a B.S.from University of Delaware, a Th.B. and ThM. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Dropsie University. Biblical exegesis has been Dr. Harris's field and he taught this for twenty years at Faith Theological Seminary, first as instructor (1937 - 1943), then as assistant professor (1943 - 1947) and finally as professor (1947 - 1956). He then became one of the founding faculty members of Covenant Theological Seminary. He was professor there and chairman of the Old Testament department from 1956 until he retired from full-time teaching in 1981. Harris has not only been a teacher and church leader, but an author as well. He has published his Introductory Hebrew Grammar, the prize-winning Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible, and additional works such as Your Bible and Man--God's Eternal Creation. He was editor of The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament and a contributing editor to the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, and has written articles for the Wycliffe Bible Commentary and Expositor's Bible. He also served as chairman of the Committee on Bible Translation that produced the New International Version. | ||||
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Jack Hayford![]() | Pastor Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Jack Hayford (b. 1934) - founding pastor of the Church on the Way, a Foursquare Gospel church. Also founder and chancellor of the King's Seminary. Hayford hosts the Living Way TV and radio programs and has composed many choruses based on charismatic theology. His books include Answering the Call to Evangelism, Fearless Faith, How to Live through a Bad Day, The Beauty of Spiritual Language, The Spirit-Formed Church, Praying in the Spirit, and His Majesty, His Servant. He also produced the Spirit-Filled Life Bible and The Hayford Bible Handbook. | ||||
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Fred Heeren![]() | Apologist Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Science writer Fred Heeren has devoted the last seven years to a quest to get to the bottom of life's big questions. As a skeptic, he has carried out the task, not by visiting gurus, but by looking at the pieces of evidence from science and history that bear on questions about the ultimate purpose—or meaninglessness—of the universe. Not trusting his studies of the scientific discoveries alone, Heeren has gone directly to the discoverers themselves: Nobel prize-winning astronomers, NASA team leaders, and theoretical physicists like Stephen Hawking and Alan Guth. Fred Heeren serves as editor of the quarterly journal, Cosmic Pursuit, a magazine for people who want to explore and debate the ultimate questions raised by science. He speaks at astronomy conventions, participates in debates, and talks to groups that are interested in hearing more about the latest evidence for the intelligent design of our cosmos. The world's only cosmic reporter lives with his wife and five children in Olathe, Kansas. | ||||
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Carl F.H. Henry![]() | Theologian Author Speaker | |||
Brief Background: Carl F.H. Henry (1913-2003) Carl Ferdinand Howard Henry was perhaps the leading American Evangelical theologian of the twentieth century. He is the father of the "new evangelicalism", founding editor of the magazine "Christianity Today", founder of Fuller Seminary, and helped launch of the National Association of Evangelicals in 1942, and served on its Board of Administration.Carl F. H. Henry is the author of 38 books, the latest being The God of the Ages and the gods of this Age (Broadman Press). He has lectured and taught on campuses throughout the world. | ||||
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Charles Hodge![]() | Theologian Minister Professor Biblical Commentator | Bio | ||
Brief Background: (1797-1878) Famous biblical commentator. American theologian, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 28th of December 1797. Graduated in 1819 from the Princeton Theological seminary, where he became an instructor in 1820. In 1821, he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister. He died at Princeton on the ~9th of June 1878. Hodge was one of the greatest of American theologians. | ||||
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John A. Holzmann | Editor Home school founder Author | |||
Brief Background: Past editor at Mission Frontiers. Founder of Sonlight Curriculum for home schoolers. Recent convert of openess to OEC. | ||||
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Colin Humphreys![]() | Physist Professor Author | |||
Brief Background: Colin Humphreys is a Christian, a physicist, and serves as; the Goldsmith's Professor of Materials Science at the University of Cambridge since 1990, Professor of Experimental Physics at the Royal Institution in London, the Director of the Rolls-Royce-Cambridge University Technology Centre at Cambridge and also the Director of the Cambridge-Thomas Swan Centre for Gallium Nitride (a material which emits brilliant light). He was the President of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining for the two years 2002 – 2003. He is now the Chairman of its Managing Board. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and is a member of the John Templeton Foundation. Professor Humphreys has conducted creative and original work on semi-conductors, electron microscopy, ceramic super-conductors and inter-metallic compounds and has received eight awards recognizing his contributions to the field of materials science. He is the author of more than 450 publications and is a member of several UK National committees in the materials field. He is on the Editorial Board of seven high quality international journals, including Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids and the Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Electronics. He is Editor-in-chief of Reports on Progress in Physics. He was recently honoured by the Queen with the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire, for his services to science research and communication. He has also writtten a book of great interest for inquiring Christians namely, "The Miracles of Exodus" where he provides evidence for the veracity of the Exodus account and deatils possible scientific explanations for some of the Old Testament miracles. He also believes the true Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments, is not in the Sinai Peninsula, but in Saudi Arabia. The mountain Professor Humphreys identifies as the true Mount Sinai (the volcanic Mount Bedr) does seem to fit the biblical description of Mount Sinai in detail. | ||||
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Lee Irons | Minister Author | |||
Brief Background: Lee Irons has a B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary in California, and was an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He has authored, with Meredith G. Kline, a defense of the framework interpretation in, The Genesis Debate: Three Views on the Days of Creation, ed. by David G. Hagopian (Crux Press, forthcoming). He also has written articles for publications such as Modern Reformation, Reformation and Revival, Kerux, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, and Ordained Servant. | ||||
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Phillip E. Johnson![]() | Father of ID Professor Apologist Author | Bio | Web site | Testimony | ||||||||||
Brief Background: Johnson was born in Aurora, Illinois in 1940. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature, from Harvard University in 1961. He studied law at the University of Chicago. He served as a law clerk for the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, Earl Warren. He is an emeritus professor of law at Boalt School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley, where he served on the active faculty from 1967-2000. He is best known as the founder of the intelligent design movement and principal architect of the Wedge Strategy. He is one of the ID movement's most prolific authors and a serves as program director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture (CSC). Johnson has advocated strongly in the public and political spheres for the concepts of Intelligent Design; that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause. These concepts are a common theme in his many books, including "Darwin on Trial," "Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law and Education," "Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds," and "The Wedge of Truth: Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism." Johnson is a Christian and elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). | ||||||||||||||
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Walter Kaiser![]() | Seminary President Professor Author | |||||||||||||
Brief Background: Dr. Walter Kaiser is currently President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and the Colman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor of Old Testament. His primary concerns are responsible Bible interpretation and eexpository preaching of the entire biblical message. His key doctrinal emphasis is the continuing relevance of the Old Testament. He is the author of numerous books including, Hard Sayings of the Old Testament, Toward an Old Testament Theology, The Messiah in the Old Testament, and, most recently, A History of Israel. He also served as editor for An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics. | ||||||||||||||
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Derek Kidner | OT Scholar Theologian Biblical commentator | |||
Brief Background: Derek Kidner (M.A., A.R.C.M.) was formerly warden of Tyndale House at Cambridge University in England (Tyndale House is an unparalleled resource for biblical studies). He has written several volumes in the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary Series. | ||||
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Meredith G. Kline | Minister Professor Author | |||
Brief Background: Meredith G. Kline is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He received his B.D. and Th.M. degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) and his Ph.D. degree in Assyriology and Egyptology from Dropsie College. Professor Kline maintains an active writing and teaching ministry, serving at present on the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary in Escondido, California. He has taught Old Testament between these two universities for nearly 50 years. He is also an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The collection of essays in the recently-published Creator, Redeemer, Consummator, a festschrift written in honor of Dr. Kline, attests to the indelible influence his work has exerted on contemporary biblical and theological scholarship. | ||||
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Greg Koukl![]() | Apologist Speaker Philosopher Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Greg received his B.A. in Bible from Azusa Pacific University, his Masters in Christian Apologetics from Simon Greenleaf University and is working on his Masters In Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology. He hosts his own radio talk show advocating clear-thinking Christianity and defending the Christian world view. | ||||
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C.S. Lewis![]() | Author (Apologetics) | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: Famous apologist. Clive Staples Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland on November 29, 1898. He was attending Oxford college in 1917 when he joined the British army to fight in World War One. He was later wounded in the Battle of Arras. He returned to Oxford after the war. In 1925, he became Fellow of Language and Literature at Oxford. Lewis had always been an athiest but became a christian in 1931. He then became a prolific Christian writer. Lewis's books about christianity have been some of the most read books of our time. He also wrote fiction and was a person friend of J. R. R. Tolkien. Lewis died on November 22, 1963, the same day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. | ||||
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Timothy Lin![]() | Professor Pastor Author Bible Translator | |||
Brief Background: Dr. Timothy Lin was born to a minister’s family in Chekiang, China. He was taught to read the Bible when he was 6, began to preach when he was 15. He attended Central Theological Seminary of Nanking. He served as the pastor of Jubilee Church in Shanghai from 1934-1937. In 1938-39 he was principal of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Bible Institute of Kwangsi. In 1940 he came to the United States to study Hebrew and Greek at Concordia Theological Seminary and Washington University. During World War II, Dr. Lin was in charge of Bethel Orphanage as well as being the principal of Bethel High School. He was also the dean of Shanghai Bible College. After the war, Dr. Lin was invited to be the president of the East China Theological College of Hangchow. Then in 1948 he came again to the United States for advanced study, receiving a B.D. and S.T.M. from Faith Theological Seminary, then in Wilmington, Delaware, and a Ph.D. from the College of Hebrew and Cognate Learnings of Dropsie University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In addition, he holds several other earned and honorary degrees. Dr. Lin was a member of one of the Old Testament translation committees for the New American Standard Bible. He was also a professor in the graduate school of Bob Jones University, in South Carolina, where he taught Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology, Old Testament Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, Classic Arabic, and Peshitta Syriac. Moreover, he was a professor at Talbot Seminary, Los Angeles, and Trinity Evangelical Seminary, Chicago, and the president of China Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan. Dr. Lin has also been a popular teacher and Bible conference speaker, being in great demand by ministers, teachers, and church leaders for training in biblical interpretation and church growth in the Far East as well as in North America. | ||||
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Paul E. Little![]() | Professor Evangelist Apologist Author | Web site | ||
Brief Background: Paul Eagleson Little was born to Robert J. Little (of Moody Bible Institute) and Margaret Eagelson on December 30, 1928, in Philadelphia. He married Marie Huttenlock in 1953. They adopted 2 children, Deborah Ann (1957) and Paul Robert, Jr. (1958). His education consists of a BS in 1950 from the University of Pennsylvania, a MA in Biblical Literature from Wheaton College in 1958, and was a PhD candidate at New York University in 1975 when he died in an automobile accident. Some of his notable positions include numerous posts with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Assistant Professor of Evangelism at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Director of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization for Billy Graham, and served on the board of Trustees for Wheaton College. Paul had a vary prolific career - he was one of the leading evangelical writers and speakers of 60s and 70s, many of his books are still in circulation. | ||||
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J. Gresham Machen ![]() | Founder of Westminster Seminary Theologian Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) was a Presbyterian theologian, born at Baltimore, Maryland, studied at John Hopkins, Princeton University, and the universities of Marburg and Gottingen, Germany. He taught New Testament literature and exegesis in Princeton Theological Seminary (1906-1929). Hw was an outstanding conservative apologist and theologian at Princeton, he left the school because of Modernism. Offered the presidency of several schools; but refused each offer. In 1929 he founded Westminster Theological Seminary and became president and professor of New Testament from 1929 to 1937. Protesting against the liberalism of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, he established an independent mission board. Charged with insubordination, tried, found guilty, and suspended from the Presbyterian ministry. He along with a group of sixteen other clergymen and laymen withdrew in 1936 and founded the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He dies of pneumonia during a preaching engagement. | ||||
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Allan A. MacRae | Professor Seminary founder Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Dr. Allan A. MacRae [1902 - 1997] Founder and President of Biblical Theological Seminary. His academic and teaching experience include: A. B., Occidental College, 1922; A.M., Occidental College, 1923; Th.B., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1927; A. M., Princeton University, 1927; University of Berlin, 1927-29; American School of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, 1929; PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1936. Instructor in Semitic Philology and Old Testament Criticism, Westminister Theological Seminary,1929-30; Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1930-37; Professor of Old Testament, Faith Theological Seminary, 1937-71; Professor of Old Testament, Biblical Theological Seminary, 1971-1983; President of Biblical Theological Seminary, 1971-1983. He was committed to the Bible as the infallible and inerrant revelation from God to man. He also was a defender of the Historic Christian Faith and defended the Bible from higher criticism. He was also a staunch defender of an old earth and the day-age theory. | ||||
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Ken Mathews![]() | Professor Preacher Biblical Commentator Author Speaker | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Ken Mathews is a Reformed evangelical Southern Baptist scholar. He defends the historicity of Genesis from an old-earth perspective and is an expert in textual criticism, Hebrew, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. His book, The Paleo-Hebrew Leviticus Scroll was the first full study of the Leviticus Dead Sea Scroll. Ken wrote the commentary on Genesis 1-11 for the New American Commentary series - and serves as associate general editor of that series. He also translated "Leviticus" in The Holy Bible, New Living Translation. His other books include Amos: Repentance or Ruin and Foundations of Biblical Interpretation (co-editor/contributor). Ken is currently the Old Testament and Hebrew professor at Beeson Divinity School. Previously, he taught at Dallas Baptist University and The Criswell College. | ||||
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Stephen C. Meyer![]() | Geophysicist ID Leader Author Musician | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Stephen C. Meyer is at the forefront of the intelligent design movement. He received his Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge in 1991. Formerly a geophysicist with the Atlantic Richfield Company, he is currently Director of the Center for Renewal of Science and Culture at Discovery Institute and an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Whitworth College as well as serving on the board of directors of ARN (Acess Research Network). He is a past recipient of a Rotary International Scholarship, the American Friends of Cambridge scholarship and a Templeton Foundation science-religion teaching grant. He has contributed articles to several scholarly books and anthologies including The History of Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: An Encyclopedia, Darwinism: Science or Philosophy, Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of Biological Origins, The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for An Intelligent Designer and Facets of Faith and Science: Interpreting God's Action in the World. In addition to technical articles on the philosophy of science, he has published many editorial features in newspapers and magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune and National Review. | ||||
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Rich Milne | Reasercher Apologist Photographer | Web site | ||
Brief Background: Rich Milne is a former research associate with Probe Ministries for 16 years. He has a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. Rich works in the area of the philosophy and history of science, focusing in particular on the origin of the universe and the origin of life, and the history and philosophy of art. He and his wife, Becky, are currently on staff with East-West Ministries in Dallas, Texas. | ||||
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Patricia Mondore | Author Musician | |||
Brief Background: Patricia Mondore graduated from Houghton College and received her Masters from Syracuse University. She is the Pediatric Residency Program Coordinator at the SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. She is also a free lance Christian writer. She and her husband Robert have had numerous articles published and have co-authored several book manuscripts. She also writes and sings her own songs. Their latest project has been a study on the scientific accuracy of the Scriptures. | ||||
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Dr. James P. Moreland![]() | Scholar apologist philosopher author Lecturer | Bio | Web Site | Testimony |
Brief Background: Dr. Moreland is a dynamic speaker. He has spoken on 175 college campuses around the country, spoken or debated on radio over 100 times and on television four times. He has made over eighty presentations to professionals. Dr. Moreland is also a prolific writer. He authored the book Love Your God With All Your Mind. He has contributed dozens of books, magazines and professional journals. Dr. Moreland has a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the University of Missouri, masters degree in both Theology (Dallas Theological Seminary), and Philosophy (University of California-Riverside) and a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Southern California. He has planted Campus Crusade chapters on two college campuses in Colorado and started Campus Crusade in the state of Vermont. Additionally, Dr. Moreland has served as interim pastor or co-pastor for several churches. Currently, Dr. Moreland is professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California. | ||||
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Robert C. Newman![]() | Astrophysist Theologian Hebrew linguist Author Engineer | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Robert C. Newman is Professor of New Testament at the Biblical Theological Seminary of Hatfield, Pennsylvania and Director of the Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute there. As a theologian he has earned the degrees of Master of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology. He has done further graduate work in biblical geography at the Institute of Holy Land Studies, and in biblical interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary. In the field of science, Dr. Newman received his under-graduate degree in physics from Duke University and his doctorate in theoretical astrophysics from Cornell University. He is co-author of four books: Science Speaks, Genesis One and the Origin of the Earth, The Evidence of Prophecy, and What's Darwin Got to Do With It? A Friendly Conversation on Evolution . He has also published a number of articles in magazines, scientific and theological journals, dictionaries, and multi-author books. | ||||
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Greg Neyman | Author | |||
Brief Background: Greg Neyman is founder of Answers In Creation, an old earth website ministry aimed at advancing the acceptance of old earth belief. He is a graduate of Memphis State University, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology. He received the Outstanding Senior Award in Geology as the senior with the highest grade point average. He has done graduate level work towards a Masters in Religion at Liberty University. His works include over 100 online articles in support of old earth creationism. | ||||
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Mark A. Noll![]() | Professor Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Mark A. Noll, Ph.D. is the McManus Professor of Christian Thought at Wheaton College. He also teaches in the History and the Bible and Theology Departments. Dr. Noll is the Senior Director of the Institute for the Study of America Evangelicals (ISAE) at the college. He holds a BA in English from Wheaton College, an MA in comparative literature from the University of Iowa, an MA in church history from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in American religious history from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Noll's main academic interests concern the interaction of Christianity and culture in 18th- and 19th century Anglo-American societies. He has written extensively on that subject, and his essays and reviews have appeared in a number of academic and popular journals. He is author of The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada, and many other books relating to Christian history and theology. | ||||
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James Orr![]() | Theologian Professor Apologist Pastor Author | |||
Brief Background: James Orr (1844-1913) - Within conservative Protestantism, the Scotsman James Orr is one of the most important apologists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He was a reformed evangelical theologian with the Scottish Free Church who wrote books on the superiority of Christianity as a worldview, and defended biblical inerrancy and the virgin birth and resurrection of Christ. In America, Orr largely has been forgotten, but he does have a legacy amongst some evangelicals, including Southern Baptists and other conservative Baptists. Specifically, Orr's work has influenced the evangelical American Baptist theologian Carl F.H. Henry. His many works include The Faith of a Modern Christian, The Christian View of God and the World, The Process of Dogma, The Problem of the Old Testament, and God's Image in Man. Orr also contributed to the Fundamentals and was the original general editor for the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. | ||||
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James I. Packer![]() | Author Editor Professor | |||
Brief Background: James I Packer is one of the preeminent evangelical theologians today. In addition to his work at Regent College, he writes books, serves as a Senior Editor and Visiting Scholar of Christianity Today, and contributes to a variety of theological journals. He is a strong supporter of biblical inerrancy, and a theologian who combines the evangelical reformed tradition with Puritan tradition. Saying he writes books is an understatement - he is quite an accomplished author, his book "Knowing God" is considered a classic of evangelical literature. James I. Packer was born in Gloucestershire, England in 1926. He attended Oxford University from which he earned a D.Phil. degree in 1954. Packer served briefly as a curate and then held a series of academic posts at Tyndale Hall, Bristol and Trinity College, Bristol until 1979 when he became professor of historical and systematic theology at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada. | ||||
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Nancy Pearcey![]() | Scholar Speaker Author | Bio | Web site | |
Brief Background: Nancy R. Pearcey is currently a visiting scholar at Biola University's Torrey Honors Institute, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, and managing editor of the journal Origins and Design. Mrs. Pearcey is a frequent speaker at conferences and universities, and has been writing on science and Christian worldview since 1977.For nearly nine years she was policy director of the Wilberforce Forum, and executive editor of Colson's "BreakPoint," a daily radio commentary program analyzing current issues from a Christian worldview perspective. She also co-authored with Colson a monthly column in Christianity Today. Pearcey studied under Francis Schaeffer at L'Abri Fellowship in Switzerland in 1971 and 1972, earned a master's degree from Covenant Theological Seminary, and did graduate work at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. She is co-author with Charles Thaxton of the book The Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy, and has contributed chapters to several other books, including Mere Creation, Of Pandas and People, and Pro-Life Feminism. Her articles have appeared in numerous journals and magazines. | ||||
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Perry G. Phillips | Astrophysist Theologian Hebrew linguist Author Engineer Author | |||
Brief Background: Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Comverse Network Systems. PhD in astrophysics; MDiv in theology; MA in Hebrew. | ||||
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Dr. William D. Phillips![]() | Scientist Nobel Prize recepient (physics) Lecturer | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: William D. Phillips is truly an exceptional Christian scientist. He is an American physicist whose experiments using laser light to cool and trap atoms earned him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997. He shared the award with Steven Chu and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, who also developed methods of laser cooling and atom trapping. Phillips received his doctorate in physics (1976) and completed his postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1978 he joined the staff of the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Gaithersburg, Md., and it was there that he conducted his award-winning research. Building on Chu's work, Phillips developed new and improved methods for measuring the temperature of laser-cooled atoms. In 1988 he discovered that the atoms reached a temperature six times lower than the predicted theoretical limit. Cohen-Tannoudji refined the theory to explain the new results, and he and Phillips further investigated methods of trapping atoms cooled to even lower temperatures. One result of the development of laser-cooling techniques was the first observation, in 1995, of the Bose-Einstein condensate, a new state of matter originally predicted 70 years earlier by Albert Einstein and the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose. In this state atoms are so chilled and so slow that they, in effect, merge and behave as one single quantum entity that is much larger than any individual atom. | ||||
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Mike Poole![]() | Professor Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Mike Poole is currently Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Education at King’s College, London. With a background in science education, his research interests have centred on the interplay between science and religion with special reference to its educational context. He is the author of several books and some fifty articles and papers on the topic. | ||||
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Vern Poythress![]() | Professor Apologist Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Vern S. Poythress received a Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard University, a Th.D. in New Testament from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, a M.Litt. in New Testament from the University of Cambridge, a Th.M. in apologetics from Westminster Theological Seminary, an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a B.S. from California Institute of Technology. He is presently Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary. | ||||
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Bernard L. Ramm![]() | Apologist Philosopher Theologian Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: (1916-1992), Bernard was an evangelical, a bold defender of inerrancy, as well as a Baptist Theologian. He taught at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. (He suggested the name "Biola" when it changed into a college). He also briefly headed the philosophy department at Bethel College and Seminary (St. Paul, Minn.), he then became director of graduate studies in religion at Baylor University in 1954. Later he taught at California Baptist Seminary (Covina), Eastern Baptist Seminary (Philadelphia), and the American Baptist Seminary of the West (Berkeley). Ramm also had a keen interest in science - in particular, combining Christian faith and science. He urged Christians not be afraid of education and the sciences. He was active in the American Scientific Affiliation for over forty years. | ||||
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John Rea![]() | Scholar Professor Author Biblical translator | |||
Brief Background: John Rea is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Regent University. He has a Th.D. from Grace Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Grace Theological Seminary, a M.A. from Wheaton College Graduate School, a B.D. from Grace Theological Seminary, and a B.S. from Princeton University. He served as manuscript editor of the Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, and also was one of the original NASB translators. | ||||
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Dr. Jay W. Richards![]() | Philosopher Theologian Author | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: Jay W. Richards is Vice President of the Discovery Institute, as well as Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture. Jay has a Ph.D.(honors) in philosophy and theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was formerly a Teaching Fellow. From 1996-1998, he was executive and associate editor of The Princeton Theological Review, and president of the Charles Hodge Society at Princeton Theological Seminary. He has published in academic journals such as Religious Studies, Christian Scholars' Review, The Heythrop Journal, Encounter, The Princeton Theological Review, Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith: The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation; as well as editorial features in The Washington Post, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and IntellectualCapital.com. He is editor and contributor, with William A. Dembski, of Unapologetic Apologetics: Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies (InterVarsity Press, 2001), and editor and contributor with George Gilder of Are We Spiritual Machines?: Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong AI (Discovery Institute Press, 2002). He is also author of The Untamed God: A Philosophical Exploration of Divine Perfection, Immutability, and Simplicity (InterVarsity Press, 2003), and co-author, with astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez, of the book The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery (Regnery, 2004). | ||||
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Vaughan Roberts![]() | Pastor Ministry Founder Author | Web Site | ||
Brief Background: Vaughan Roberts studied law at Cambridge University before a brief spell doing student ministry in South Africa. Since 1991 he has been on the staff of St. Ebbe’s Church Oxford, England where he now Senior Pastor. He is the author of God's Big Picture and Life's Big Questions. He is also a popular speaker at Spring Harvest and a founding member of "9:38" (www.ninethirtyeight.org) which encourages people to consider full-time gospel ministry. | ||||
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Pat Robertson![]() | Ministry leader Author | Bio | Web site | Testimony |
Brief Background: Pat Robertson (b. 1930) - former Baptist pastor, now chairman of the Family Channel and founder of the Christian Coalition and the Christian Broadcasting Network. Also hosts the 700 Club and ran for US president in 1988. His books include The Ten Offenses, Six Steps to Spiritual Revival, The End of the Age, America's Date with Destiny, The New World Order, The End of the Age: A Novel, and Beyond Reason: How Miracles Can Change Your Life. | ||||
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Dr. Hugh Ross![]() | Ph.D. Astronomer Pastor Apologist Author Speaker | Bio | Web site | Testimony |
Brief Background: Born in Montreal and raised in Vancouver, Canada. By age eight he was reading physics books and had decided to make astronomy his career. In the next several years his study of the big bang convinced him that the universe had a beginning, and thus a Beginner. In high school he set out to see which of the "holy" books seemed to agree with what he saw in nature. He was disappointed until he began to read the pages of the Bible. He was amazed at how in the very beginning (Genesis) not only did it's author correctly describe the major events in the creation , but placed those events in the scientifically correct order and properly identified the earth's initial conditions. He soon came to trust the Bible's authority to the same degree as he trusted the laws of physics. Soon after he acknowledged Jesus Christ as his lord and Savior and became a Christian. Not long after that he founded Reasons To Believe in an effort to give others reasons to believe in the God of the Bible. | ||||
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John H. Sailhamer![]() | Professor Biblical commentator Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Senior Professor of OT at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, also teaches Biblical Hebrew & Aramaic. B.A., California State University at Long Beach; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles. Teaching at SEBTS since 1999. | ||||
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Dr. Henry "Fritz" Schaefer III![]() | Scholar (Chemistry) Lecturer | Bio | Web Site | Testimony |
Brief Background: Schaefer is the Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and the director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia. He has served in professorships at the University of California-Berkeley, the University of Texas-Austin, the University of Paris, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and several others. Nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1994, he was cited for the period 1981-1997 as the sixth most-quoted chemist in the world. | ||||
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Francis Schaeffer![]() | Pastor Apologist Philosopher Author Lecturer | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: Francis Schaeffer was a Presbyterian minister with an ability to see how the questions of meaning, morals, and value being dealt with by philosophy, were the same questions that the Bible dealt with, only in different language. Once an agnostic, Schaeffer came to the conclusion that Biblical Christianity not only gave sufficient answers to the big questions, but that they were the only answers that were both self-consistent and livable. He opened his Swiss home to travelers to discuss these things. Later he began lecturing in universities and writing a number of books. Perhaps no other Christian thinker of the twentieth century, besides C.S. Lewis, has had more influence on thinking people. | ||||
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Mary Schweitzer![]() | Molecular biologist Paleontologist | Web Site | ||||||||||||
Brief Background: Dr. Mary Schweitzer is an assistant professor of paleontology with a joint appointment at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences. Her area of research is in the preservation and detection of original molecular fragments in well preserved fossil specimens, as well as the examination of exceptionally well preserved fossils with soft tissues. She further strives to ascertain how and why they are preserved and what environmental and biogeochemical conditions leads to such preservation. Her education consists of: Ph.D. (Biology) Montana State University, 1995; Certificate (Secondary Ed./ Broadfield Science) Montana St. U, 1988; and a B.S. from Utah State University, 1977. She is mainly famous for discovering extremely well preserved soft tisue and possible celluular preservation in a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil. Young earth Creationists have tried to seize upon her work to prove that dinosaur fossils are at most only a few thousand years old - something that distresses her. | ||||||||||||||
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C.I. (Cyrus Ingerson) Scofield![]() | Pastor Author Lecturer | |||
Brief Background: (1843-1921), Bible student and author, born in Lenawee County, Michigan, reared in Wilson County, Tennessee, and privately educated. Fought in the Civil War from 1861-1865 under General Lee, his distinguished service earning him the Confederate Cross of Honor. Admitted to the Kansas bar in 1869, elected to the Kansas House of Representatives where he served for one year. President Grant appointed him United States Attorney for Kansas in 1873. Worked as a lawyer in Kansas and Missouri from 1869 to 1882. Converted at 36, he was ordained to the Congregational ministry in 1882, and served as pastor of the First Church, Dallas, Texas (1882-1895), and again (1902-1907); and of the Moody Church, Northfield, Massachusetts (1895-1902). Later years were spent lecturing on biblical subjects on both sides of the Atlantic. The work for which he is best remembered is his 1909 dispensational premillenial Scofield Reference Bible. (From "The Wycliffe Biographical Dictionary of the Church," page 362, Elgin S. Moyer, 1982, © Moody Press, Chicago, IL) | ||||
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Matthew J. Slick![]() | Apologist Pastor Ministry Founder Author | Web Site | ||
Brief Background: Matt Slick is founder of the apologetics ministry CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry). The ministry has a wealth of articles pertaining to apologetics. It also has on-line training as well as a Radio show. Matt is a evangelical Protestant apologist and a leader in the counter-cult movement. He graduated from Christ College Irvine (Lutheran) in Irvine CA, in 1987 with a bachelors in Social Science. In 1991 he received a masters of divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary (Presbyterian) in Escondido CA. He was a pastor for 2 years and is still ordained. He is Reformed in doctrine, amillennial in eschatology, contemporary in worship, and believes in the spiritual gifts. | ||||
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Chuck Smith Jr.![]() | Pastor Apologist Author | Web Site | ||
Brief Background: Chuck Smith Jr. started Capo Beach Calvary in Capistrano Beach, California, and has served as its pastor for 30 years. His father founded Calvary Chapel, a Southern California church that developed innovative ministries in the 1970s to reach young people in the counterculture. Today, Chuck is doing the same thing for emerging generations of the postmodern age. The father of five children, he and his wife, Barbara, also have five grandchildren. | ||||
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Sir William Smith![]() | Lexicographer Author Surveyor | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Sir William Smith (1813 - 1893) English lexicographer, was born at Enfield in 1813. He was originally destined for a theological career, but instead was articled to a solicitor. In his spare time he taught himself classics, and when he entered University College he carried off both the Greek and Latin prizes. He was entered at Gray's Inn in 1830, but gave up his legal studies for a post at University College School, and began to write on classical subjects. He next turned his attention to lexicography. His first attempt was the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, which appeared in 1842. The greater part of this was written by him. In 1849 followed the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, and the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography in 1857. In this work some of the leading scholars of the day were associated with him. The most important, perhaps, of the books edited by Smith were those that dealt with ecclesiastical subjects. These were the Dictionary of the Bible (1860-1865); the Dictionary of Christian Antiquities (1875-1880); and the Dictionary of Christian Biography (1877-1887). From 1853 to 1869 Smith was classical examiner to the University of London, and on his retirement he became a member of the Senate. He sat on the Committee to inquire into questions of copyright, and was for several years registrar of the Royal Literary Fund. In 1867 he became editor of the Quarterly Review, which he directed with marked success until his death. But, Smith is probably best known as the The Father of English Geology and acquired the nickname of Strata Smith for his work on fossils and their association with unique layers (strata) and also for his geological map he created while working for canal and coal companies. He created the first geological map in 1815 - it has been called The Map That changed The World. The honour of knighthood was conferred on him the year before his death. | ||||
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David Snooke![]() | Scientist Pastor Author | |||
Brief Background: Dr. David Snoke received his Bachelor’s degree in physics (magna cum laude) from Cornell University in 1983 and his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990. He is presently Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh, where he has been since 1994. Before that, he was an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics in Stuttgart, Germany, and worked in industry at various times for the Westinghouse Research and Development Center in Pittsburgh and the Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles. He has published two books with Cambridge University Press on the physics of Bose-Einstein Condensation, and he has published over 50 articles in refereed scientific journals on his research on the optics of semiconductors and other materials - as well as several articles on Christianity and science for World magazine and for Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the journal of the American Scientifc Afilliation. He is director of the Photonics program at the University of Pittsburgh and directs a laser laboratory funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. He is currently preparing a new textbook for Addison-Wesley on general solid state physics theory. David Snoke is also a licensed preacher and an elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), and has published several articles and a short book on the relationship of science and faith. He and his wife have homeschooled their four children for the past 14 years and are active in the Pittsburgh East Area Christian Homeschoolers (PEACH), their local homeschool support group. Natural Philosophy: A Survey Of Physics and Western Thought was developed from materials originally used in a physics class taught for that group. | ||||
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Don Stoner![]() | Scientist Author | |||
Brief Background: Don Stoner is a research and development scientist. He has been awarded two U.S. patents and has been involved with the development of the optical disc and the Precision Motion Chiptester. Don was introduced to the controversy surrounding Genesis in the second grade when he came home from school and asked his father why he was taught in Sunday school that the earth was created in six days and in elementary school that it was created over a much greater period of time. Fortunately, answers were available; his grandfather, Peter W. Stoner, was the author of Science Speaks, a best seller on the subject of scientific proof of the inerrancy of prophecy and the Bible. The subject has fascinated Don since - and over the years he has himself become an authority on the subject of creation. Don and his wife Debbie have four daughters and two sons. | ||||
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Lee Strobel![]() | Author (Apologetics) | |||
Brief Background: An award-winning journalist for thirteen years with the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers, was a spiritual skeptic until 1981. Author of the Gold medallion Award-winning books The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith, he is a teaching pastor at Saddleback Valley Community Church. He and his wife live in Orange County, California. | ||||
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Charles Townes![]() | Physicist Professor Apologist Nobel Prize recepient (physics) | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Professor Charles H. Townes is an outstanding Christian and scientist. He is the father of the laser and winner of the Nobel Prize in physics 1964, and just recently the Templeton Prize in 2005 for progress toward research or discoveries about spiritual realities. His education consists of a BS degree in physics and BA degree in modern languages from Furman University, graduating summa cum laude in 1935, at the age of 19. He went on to receive a MA degree in Physics at Duke University in 1936, and then entered graduate school at the California Institute of Technology, where he received a Ph.D. degree in 1939 with a thesis on isotope separation and nuclear spins. Some of his other accomplishments consist of: Working for bell labs 1933-1947, Builds the first maser device in 1953, Shares patent for laser with Schawlow in 1960, Appointed Provost and Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1961, Chairman of the NASA Science Advisory Committee for the Apollo lunar landing program 1966 and 1970, Uses an array of moveable telescopes for obtaining very high angular resolution of astronomical objects at infrared wavelengths employing a technique called spatial interferometry in 1988, Recently he led a research team which demonstrated the existence of a large black hole at the center of our galaxy. No other living physicist has had a greater impact on the present scientific and technical culture than Charles Townes. The laser has revolutionized numerous applications in business, medicine, and science. He is a committed protestant Christian and a deep thinker who has dedicated much time to sharing his thoughts on ways in which scientific and religious thinking are converging. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of Southeastern Seminary. He recently made his preaching debut at Christ Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Sunday, June 12, 2005 and is currently a member of the First Congregational Church in Berkeley, California. | ||||
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Bruce K. Waltke![]() | Professor Author Biblical commentator | Bio | ||
Brief Background: Dr. Bruce K. Waltke is a preeminent Old Testament scholar, holding doctorates from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.D.) and Harvard University (Ph.D.). His teaching appointments at Dallas Theological Seminary, Regent College, and Westminster Theological Seminary won for him a reputation as a master teacher with a pastoral heart. He has written prolifically and his publications include, Intermediate Hebrew Grammar, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax, Understanding the Will of God, and a commentary on Micah. He served as Old Testament editor for the New Geneva Study Bible and co-editor for the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Dr. Waltke recently completed a commentary on Proverbs and is writing a commentary on Genesis. He was also a member of the translation committee for the New International Version. He served a term as president of the Evangelical Theological Society. | ||||
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Benjamin B. Warfield![]() | Theologian Pastor Biblical Commentator Professor | Bio | ||
Brief Background: (1851-1921), B. B. Warfield studied under Charles Hodge and was a strong defender of the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture as well as a pillar for Reformation in his day. Warfield’s life-long ministry was to refute theological liberalism. He was also a great Biblical commentator of Western Theological Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary fame. Warfield wrote extensively, and his many articles continue to be published and translated around the world. He was also known for his keen interest in science. | ||||
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Gordon J. Wenham | Professor Biblical commentator Lecurer | |||
Brief Background: Wenham is senior professor of Old Testament at Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education in Cheltenham, England. He is a recognized expert on the Pentateuch and has written commentaries on Genesis, Leviticus and Numbers in addition to numerous studies in the Old Testament. | ||||
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C. Davis Weyerhaeuser | Christian financier Administrator | |||
Brief Background: (1909-1999) Dave was a Christian financier and he created The Stewardship Foundation in 1962 for this purpose. The original goal of the Foundation was to contribute to the propagation of the Christian Gospel by evangelical and missionary work and to teach the Christian faith as laid down in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures. He was born October 22, 1909 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was the grandson of Frederick Weyerhaeuser, founder of the lumber and paper products company. He graduated from Yale University in 1933 and then joined Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. He retired in 1958 as Vice President of Forestry, Land and Timber, and remained on the Board until 1980. Over the years, Dave served on the boards of more than 60 Christian organizations, and it was primarily to these organizations that his philanthropy was directed. Dave’s attitude was very much one of wanting to recycle his wealth to benefit those less fortunate than he. The Weyerhaeuser Company’s reforestation program had been an appropriate allegory for Dave, reseeding his wealth into the development of people’s spiritual lives around the world. On April 27, 1999, at the age of 89, C. Davis Weyerhaeuser passed away. | ||||
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Dr. Roger C. Wiens![]() | Scientist Author | Bio | Web Site | |
Brief Background: Dr. Wiens has a PhD in Physics, with a minor in Geology. His PhD thesis was on isotope ratios in meteorites, including surface exposure dating. He was employed at Caltech's Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences for seven years where he continued the study of meteorites and worked for NASA on the feasibility of a space mission to return solar wind samples to Earth. He is presently employed in the Space & Atmospheric Sciences Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory where he is the head of a progect to collect solar wind named Genesis! You can check out this progect here: Genesis: Search for O.igins. He has published over twenty scientific research papers and has also published articles in Christian magazines. Dr. Wiens became a Christian at a young age, and has been a member of Mennonite Brethren, General Conference Baptist, and Conservative Congregational, and Vineyard denominations. He does not see a conflict between science in its ideal form (the study of God's handiwork) and the Bible, or between miracles on the one hand, and an old Earth on the other. | ||||
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John Wiester | Scientist Author | |||
Brief Background: John Wiester is a scientist (masters in geology from Stanford), serves as the American Scientific Affiliation's Science Education Commission Chairman, writes, and runs a cattle ranch!. In his capacity with the ASA, he has worked with education boards to enable critical thinking to be added to school curriculums. He is liststed by Access Research Network as "A Friend of Arn". He has taught science classes at Biola as well as Westmont College in Santa Barbara California. He is an oppenent to evolution and has worked hard to point out it's short comings. He has a charming disarming style that is effective in dealing with these controversial situations. | ||||
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C. Gordon Winder![]() | Professor Geologist | Web Site | ||
Brief Background: C. Gordon Winder is Professor (emeritus) of Geology, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, has published research results in professional journals on micropaleontology; limestone; sandstone; coal; stratigraphic principles, geology of southern Ontario; geology of London, Ontario; and science and religion. In 1963, a sabbatical leave was spent at the University of Wales. | ||||
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Daniel Wonderly | Geologist Author | |||
Brief Background: Daniel E. Wonderly is a contemporary practicing geologist, devote Christian, old earth creationist, and firm believer in the inspiration of scripture. He has also written extensively on proofs of great age using non-radiometric geologic data, especially regarding coral attolls - such as Eniwetok, Bikini, Bahama Banks, and elsewhere around the world. His writings include the excellent God’s Time-Records in Ancient Sediments. His materials are even utilized in Christian home schooling curriculums such as Sonlight. Of special note is that Dan used to himself be a young earth creationist! | ||||
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Davis A. Young![]() | Geologist Author | Bio | ||
Brief Background: In 1978 Davis Young joined Calvin's fledgling geology program as its second faculty member. His arrival had a decisive influence on the identity and development of its geology program. At the time, Christian geologists with a Reformed outlook were few in number, and many in Calvin's constituency suspected that the findings of geological science were at odds with the Bible. Some still do, but thanks to Professor Young’s pioneering scholarship, they have far better answers to address these concerns. After earning his undergraduate degree from Princeton, his M.S. from Penn State, and Ph.D. from Brown in geology, with specialization in mineralogy and petrology, he taught at New York University (1968-1973), University of North Carolina (1973 to 1978), and then came to Calvin College in 1978. His years at Calvin have been marked by extraordinary scholarly output, meticulous writing, departmental leadership, dedicated teaching and mentoring of students, tireless promotion of the importance of the earth sciences, a wonderful sense of humor, and a quiet and deep piety. He has also authored or co-authored five books including Creation and the Flood (1977), Christianity and the Age of the Earth (1982), and The Biblical Flood (1995). Wrote two landmark articles published by the Westminster Theological Journal (1987): “Scripture in the Hands of Geologists”, parts I and II. Founded the Affiliation of Christian Geologists, serving as its first president. | ||||
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Edward J. Young | Professor Theologian Author | |||
Brief Background: Edward J. Young (1907-1968) - Reformed Old Testament professor at Westminster Seminary from 1946 until his death in 1968. Young was a giant of biblical scholarship as well as theology. He was a close friend of John Murray and a bold defender of inerrancy. Titles: In the Beginning; Introduction to the Old Testament; Thy Word Is Truth; The Way Everlasting; and commentaries on Isaiah and Daniel. He was also the original editor for the New International Commentary on the Old Testament. | ||||
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