This is the old MUGEN section and some of the downloads won't work. Click here to go to the new MUGEN section.
Main Menu
     Okay this is the M.U.G.E.N section, if you who don't know what M.U.G.E.N is then read the paragraph below that is in orange.
      For those of you still reading this your selection is below in case you hadn't noticed if you were paying attention to the main page you know that I also like DB so you can probably guess most of my characters are are going to be from the DB, DBZ, and DB GT, series. Unfortunatley I have barely any room on my page so most of them are links to other sites that are direct downloads. I know how annoying it is to search through a billion sites that say they have something but are actually just links to another site that they have something but are... well you get the point so, once you click on it will take you to the site it's on and then you click on it and it will download so you will only have to go to one more page before you can download it. Some of the characters, stages, music etc. (a few of which are made by me) you can download directly from this site. So with out farther ado here they are...
Download M.U.G.E.N
DOS Version
     While I'm not exactly sure what M.U.G.E.N stands for I do know it is a really cool 2D fighting game engine made by elecbyte( It is has been around for quite a while, and during it's life tons of talented people have created characters, stages, etc. for this great game/program. Most of the characters you come across you will probably recognize like Homer Simpson, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario and so many more that I couldn't possibly name them all here, (plus I don't know about all of them) but the number of characters and stages and other addons is past the 1000 mark. This is also a very easy program to use and fun to play even if you don't make your own characters and stages(which most people don't do anyways). It is very simple to get started as well, you download a character or stage or both, put them in a certain folder, type something in a text file and you're ready to go!!!(It goes over how to put in characters and stages much more clearly in the readme of course.) This is without a doubt one of the most fun games I have ever played, and if you like any type of game I highly recommend this game/program.