van's vidcap vault
Yvette Nipar —  Robocop: The Series (Provision 22)  IMDb info
Det. Lisa Madigan (Yvette) is having a bummer of a day.  First, it's a Bad Hair Day (hence the ballcap.)  Second, it's freakin' COLD!!!  Third, she's been captured my a psycho, tied up, gagged, & dumped in the back of a van (with a COLD metal floor!)  Fourth, there's a bomb in there with her someplace!  Fifth, freakin' Robocop is nowhere in freakin' sight!!!

"('You'll love Toronto.  It's so modern & urban,' he said. He didn't mention I'd be freezin' my butt off.)"
"(No doubt about it.  I need a new agent.)" {sigh}
"You Know what I
miss most about LA?"
"(IN-N-OUT™ burgers?
{sigh}  Me too.)"

Yvette's another of those actresses who work all the time & hover on the edge of the public consciousness, but still need their "big break."  Maybe she does need a new agent.
''Until next time...'' ...& wasn't Yvette the housewife in the "Taco night at the Andersons" Taco Bell™ commercial series that ran right before all the Star Wars: Episode I tie-ins started?  Inquiring minds want to know! J

"Mrs. Anderson" (Yvette) B&G'd in the back of the station wagon (on top of a huge pile of Taco Bell™ take-out bags, the chihuahua at the wheel.  Husband & kids giving chase in car behind.  Series of cuts between cars.  Yvette: "M'mmpfh!"  Kids: "Hurry Daddy!"  Cars pass a Taco Bell™ franchise.  Hubby & kids peel off & enter drive-thru.  Yvette looks back in frustrated surprise as she & her captor speed away.  Yvette: "Mmmpfh?"  Chihuahua: "So... do you like your gorditas... spicy, my dear?"
...I WISH! J

Many Thanks to DB for these DiDcaps!
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