Dual Vacuum / Dual Advance Distributor
The engine in Gretta is a 1700cc Type IV that was originally from a '73 bus with an automatic transmission.  In my quest to get my engine running as well as I could without spending massive amounts of cash, I decided that I would try to find the original model of distributor that was used for my engine, the 021-905-205F.  After a few months of searching, I found one on eBay that looked pretty good and won the auction for $23.00.

What I hadn't fully realized when I made the decision to go back to the original DVDA style distributor was the fact that my Weber carbs had no convenient source of manifold vacuum to run to the retard side of the vacuum canister.. 

Not being one to give up easily, I decided to try tapping into the balancing hose that travels between the manifolds at the front of the engine.  To do this, I purchased a brass tee made for natural gas plumbing and 3 brass hose barbs.  Since there were no metric hose barbs kicing around, I had to make due with what was available.  2 of the barbs are 1/2", which run inline with the balancing tube and the third is 1/8" which tees off to the distributor's vacuum retard port.
The photos show the basics of the setup and installation.  For now I am using a piece of fuel line hose that I had kicking around to connect the vacuum signal to the distributor, I will swap this out for a proper piece of vacuum hose as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

After setting my timing to the factory spec of 5 ATDC I immediately noticed much better driveability, especially when starting from a complete stop.  The engine has no noticable off-idle stumble or lag any more and the power seems to be smoother throughout the driveable RPM range.  With any luck I will see other benefits such as slightly improved gas mileage and cooler running temperatures. 