WØSCI Amateur Radio Club
Des Moines, Iowa

The Mission of the WØSCI Radio Club is:
To educate the public as to the purposes and capabilities of amateur (Ham) radio; to recruit and assist in the training and licensing of new operators; and to participate in public service activities, including emergency communications, whenever possible.

Special Announcement!!!
this is the local ARCS Club to the new ARTS Club


<>Greetings one again.  The club has a Internet web page.  Thank you Mike Woldren (AE0MW) (check is in the mail)! The site address is http://www.artsiowa.org/Please visit it, it will change periodicallyIf you have any ideas about a new logo bring it to the meeting and any other thoughts.

Meeting Location: ARTS holds monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm. All ham's regardless of membership status are welcome to attend. The meetings are held in the Fort Des Moines United Methodist Church at the corner of SW 9th Street and Leland Ave. Please Note: From time to time we have special functions that cause our meeting location and/or time to change. Please listen to the Sunday Evening ARTS net for information on the next meeting.

Please join us the 17th.
Randal Lees N0LMS

Check out the Space Shuttle & The International Space Station. Just Click On The "Realtime Data"
I.S.S. The Space Shuttle

Up Coming Local On Air Events


Current Station Set-Up

History Of WØSCI

Operating Classes Available

Up Coming Swap Meets

Up Coming Amateur Radio Contests

Volunteers Of WØSCI

WØSCI Club Meeting Minutes

WØSCI  Officers

Links To Other Groups

 Science Center of Iowa

  Des Moines Radio Amateur Association

Amateur Radio In Central Iowa

We hope to hear you on the air soon.
The members of the WØSCI Radio Club