Let's Fight Cancer!

Without getting into a lot of detail, here is what I found on the Internet, and what we are using to fight this dreaded disease.

First, test yourself for cancer.  Good, easy to read, info on the AMAS blood test can be found at the following location:


They also have excellent info on NK cells (helped by MGN-3) and nutritional supplements (like Immunopower).  You can order the free AMAS test kit from Oncolab’s at:


MGN-3 helps NK cells kill cancer cells. Information regarding MGN-3 can be found at:


...and several other sites you can find by searching.

I order MGN-3 from:


...and you may find it at your local pharmacy or health food store at a much higher price.

Nutritional supplements are the key to maintaining a strong immune system.  The nutritional supplements we use are from Dr. Patrick Quillin’s book Beating Cancer with Nutrition.  It’s called Immunopower and I order it from:


Detoxification is important.  Another interesting product is called Grapefruit Seed Extract(GSE).  We use the tablet form as a natural antibiotic and detoxifier.  The liquid form is great for external use.   Since cancer patients are prone to infection, GSE kills the bad bacteria in your intestinal tract while not harming the good bacteria.  It’s great for occasional food poisoning too.   I buy it at the local health food store.  See this link for info:


...it’s great for pets too.

We firmly believe that without the use of the above products, along with radiation and chemo treatments, my wife would not be feeling as well or as strong as she is today.  As soon as she is well enough, she will take the AMAS blood test to monitor her remission.

We hope you have similar results.

Our Grandson with his first fish!!

My Favorite Links:

Cancer Research


Dr. Williams

Grapefruit Seed Extract

My Info:


Dave Race

