OOP - Out of Production

This section was created when I discovered a box set for the Sisters of Battle that Games Workshop no longer makes. Anything else I discover, or if something becomes OOP, I will add it to this section. The information is accurate to the best of my ability, aka this is not in any way official and I probable have something incorrect. If you find anything incorrect, or know of stuff not listed here, please let me know.

Click to see a larger image of White Dwarf #211

White Dwarf #211

This issue has pre-codex rules for the "New" Sisters of Battle so you have some rules to use for the box set that also came out that month (I think it was the battle sister squad). Had a bit on history / background & paint guide for the different orders. The extent of the rules is this. A squad costs X points, here is the stats for the squad, and the weapons. This is for 2nd edition only and at this stage was not able to be used as a stand alone army. You add them to any Space Marine or Imperial Guard army. A side note: The stats where better than they are now for the average battle sister. M-4 WS-3 BS-4 S-3 T-4 W-1 I-4 A-1 LD-8 (Battle Sister Squad WD211 pg55)

Click to see a larger image of White Dwarf #212

White Dwarf #212

This issue has and expansion of the pre-codex and three scenarios for the Sob (2nd edition). A side note: the immolator uses a two flame templates put together. Another neat thing about this issue is that it has a cardboard shrine to add to you scenery.

Click to see a larger image of the Sisters of Battle Codex 2nd edition

Codex: Sisters Of Battle (2nd Edition)

This is the rules expansion book for the 2nd edition of Warhammer 40k. It has detailed history and background about the Sisters of Battle and the Imperium. It also has the army list and special rules, and special characters for the SoB. Since there is no 3rd edition codex, this is still a valuable resource to any SoB player despite the army list being completely useless.

Click to see a larger image of the box set

Warriors Of Redemption

This is a "box" army that was created so you could save money and have a legal playable army right out of the box. This box set contains the following: 1 - Canoness, 1- Icon Bearer, 1 - Sister Superior, 2 - Battle Sister w/ Melta Gun, 9 - Battle Sisters (3 packages with 3 battle sister's a package), 1 - SoB Seraphim Box Set, 1 - SoB Warriors of Redemption pamphlet (Some of the pages from the 2nd ed codex + 800 pt army list on the back page), 1 -Sisters of Battle Transfers & Banners, and 1 -Warrior of Redemption Shrine.

Click to see a larger image of the transfer & banner blister

8061R Battle Sisters Transfer & Banners

This is a blister package of Banners & Transfers. It has all of the orders (as of 2nd edition codex). I suspect that this was a line of blisters for each of the different armies. Last time I checked, you can get a 25 random Blister / Banner pack with the different 40k armies.

Sisters of Battle Shrine

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