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    "What exactly is Amatuer Radio?"...There are many definitions and descriptions of Amateur Radio.  First and foremost, it is a hobby..  It is NOT a job or a career with benefits.  It has nothing to do with business in a pecuniary sense.  Any activities involving Amateur Radio, must be voluntary.
  Secondly, it is a
service and is used in many ways in today's world.  It is used in special events as communication points.  Events such as bicycle marathons, 100k runs and air shows are some examples.  It is used as a means of getting messages to someone across the United States or in other countries, if needed.  It is used to communicate with other HAMS and their families via satellite and/or relays or links, as far as welfare concerns.  It can be used to communicate with Astronauts and Cosmonauts aboard Space Stations, as they pass over from one horizon to the other.
  To me, the most important aspect that causes Amateur Radio to stand out, is its use in
Emergency Communications.  It has a wide spectrum of communication modes, ranging from simple Morse Code (CW) to digital satellites and PC links. 
  It was used as means for communication during Hurricane Katrina, along with many other severe Hurricanes and storms.  Its ability to "get a signal out" when all else fails, is astonishing and overwhelming as compared to other forms of communications.
SKYWARN groups, such as RACES and ARES, along with FEMA, MARS/CAP and REACT, will respond in times of crisis.  They report vital information to authorities and the NWS.
  These examples are only a small taste of the definition of Amateur Radio.  More information can be found on
the ARRL Website.  Do I ever regret being an Amateur Operator?   NEVER!  

    "How can I learn more about Amateur Radio and possibly get my license?"... Well, a great place to start would be to check out the ARRL - What is ham radio? page.  Another good source is the ARRL Exam Search page.  When you get to this page, type in the information as to your location, and the search will bring up a list of VEs (Volunteer Examiners) such as myself).  Call or email one of the club VEs and get info on testing study materials and test dates. OR... simply email me at and I'll get as much info to you as humanly possible.  I really hope you can join us in this great hobby and service.  I'm confident,  you'll get a lifetime of fun, enjoyment as well as excitement out of it.
As we say in Amateur Radio, 
73 !   Larry W5LJM
San Antonio Frequency List Download Word Format
ARRL Band Plan
Texas Skywarn Homepage
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Since 1925
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Chesapeake Bay Chapter - 619
Springbok Chapter International - 1932
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Emergency Communications and Field day Trailer
1997 - making my first 15 meter CW contact
Quarter Century Wireless Association - 1947
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My first webpage banner made from a picture at the Texas QSO party 2002
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