Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri
Family Background
Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri was the son of Hazrath Abu Sa'ad Syed Abdul Rasheed Quadri Akhtar. He was the grand son of Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood - I, great grand son of Hazrath Sheikh Al-Shuyookh Syed Ahmed Mujaddidi and the descendant in 13th order to Hazrath Syed Jalal Bukhari Maqdoom Jahanian Jahan Gasht. His mother Hazratha Syeda Mohiuddin Begum was the daughter of Hazrath Syed Shah Mohammed Quadri Al-Moosavi, grand daughter of Hazrath Sheikh Al-Mashaikh Iftekhar Al-Akabir Wal Akarim Syed Shah Mohammed Murtaza Quadri Muhagir Madani and descendant in 25th order to Hazrath Sultan Al-Aulia Mohiuddin Al-Sheikh Abdul Qader Al-Geelani
Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri borned on Sunday, 11 Dhul Hajja 1329 H / 03 December 1911AD. Hazrath Abul Qasim Syed Mahdi Hassan Quadri who was cousin and Khalifa of Hazrath Abdul Rasheed Quadri Akhtar and a noted poet and scholar said the following verses on the birth of Hazrath Syed Mahmood:
Az Shakh-e-Gul-e-Ra'ana Ek Ghuncha Pideed Amad
Ba Roo-e-Niko Amad Ba Khulq-e-Hameed Amad
Bul Fazl Cho Shud Paida Az Ghaib Shuneedam Saal
Az Lutf-e-Mateen Amad Mahmood-e-Rasheed Amad - 1329 H
Dar Alam-e-Imkan' Ek Mas'ood Tawallud Shud
Ek Sajid-e-Mahboob-e-Masjood Tawallud Shud
Amad Ze Sar-e-Taha Tareekh-e-Tawallud Ien
Chun' Hukm-e-Qadeer Amad Mahmood Tawallud Shud - 1329 H

A Brief Introduction
Hazrath Professor Syed Abdul Razzaq Quadri writes in the preface of "Isteanat" as under:

" The Learned Author (
Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri) is not only known for his prestigious ancestorial background but is a proud member of a family well known for its identity in Literacy (Ilm), Preferance (Fazl) and Teaching and Guidance (Rushd-o-Hidayat).  He opened his eyes in this noble environment on Sunday the 11th of Dhul Hajja 1329 Hijra and got nourished in the same Literate atmosphere. He attained his initial education from his learned mother who was a known learned lady and the Rabiah of her time. My father Hazrath Syed Shah Lateef Mohiuddin Quadri Al-Moosavi and uncle Harath Waheed Al-Asr Syed Shah Waheed Al-Quadri Al-Moosavi also attained their initial formal education from the same learned lady who was their elder sister. Secondly, my dear brother (Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri) continued to attain further knowledge and educated from famous lauretes of his time including his father Hazrath Syed Abdul Rasheed Quadri (Contemporary Education), Bahr Al-Uloom Hazrath Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui Hasrat (Hadees and Tasawwuf), Moulana Syed Nabi Author of "Al-Mihaj Al-Arabia" and Moulana Syed Osman Jafer (Arabic Literature) and Moulana Mufti Makhdoom Hussaini (Logic & Sociology). Besides his mother tongue Urdu, He got proficient on Arabic and Persian and started depicting poetic verses in these languages. He got so authentic in Persian that one doubts his verses to be of known legendry persian poets. In brief he did not rely on his family prestige but worked hard to be an entity by himself as were his ancestors. Despite all his capabilities he always kept himself astray from fame and show-ups. People know him as a Sessions Judge, the founder of various religious and social organisations or a poet but his other capabilities never came to light. It was the first time when Hazrath Peer Syed Najm Al-Din Al-Geelani announced in the presence of sizable gathering of dignitories that " I am the successor (Khalifa) of my maternal grand father. Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood is the successor (Khalifa) of my father (Hazrath Peer Syed Ibrahim Al-Geelani) and as far as I know there is no other successor to my father in India", that people came to know of my brother (Hazrath Syed Mahmood) being the uccessor of Hazrath Peer Ibrahim Al-Geelani. Hazrath Peer Najm Al-Din Al-Geelani  also said that " My father was very keen and nominated his successor only after examining the personal capabilities of the canditate".
Syed Waheed Quadri
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