Waab Site has had its up's and down's.
My first idea with Waab Site was a web page with celebrity profile and pictures. The first Waab Site version was created in 1999 with MSN. It turned out really un-organized. I decided to drop that. With the help of Lia Moua, I have decided to get an account at Geocities.com. A beginner like me didn't know much about HTML, so I used the Page Builder. The site wasn't even done and I was already giving out the address to it. It totally wasn't right. It took too long to load because of all the pictures I put on the main page. A few months later, Waab Site was shut down. Waab site was back up with a new and improved layout, but still wasn't finished. I finally shut it down once again. For the next few months, I worked on a new layout with a few more ideas. I haven't even uploaded the site onto the internet, and already decided Waab Site should be no more. I worked on my other webpages for the time being.
Later on, a friend asked me to join her homepage, and help her and her friends make the webpage. That was when I finally got into HTML. I was busy designing my other webpages, but I never forgot about Waab Site. Then finally, it struck my head. I was going to drop the whole "celebrity profile" thing, and have other important and interesting things up. I decided to create a new and fast-loading layout. That was when Waab Site was officially, up and finished. It didn't last long until I have decided to shut it down again and make a new layout. That is where Waab Site Version 2.0 pops up. Here is the new and improved Waab Site. Enjoy!
Version 1.0 of Waab Site