[W]aab [S]ite >> This Week
(Click Photo to Enlarge)
This week's "Visitor of the Week" is Chhaya Kim, Also known as Joey.
He was the only one who filled out the form. He was the only choice I had.
Hmm...anyways, thanks a lot Joey. Joey also happens to be one of my good friends.
I guess the only reason he filled out the form was so that I wouldn't feel so bad.
hahaha...j/k...here's some info on Joey::
His Name is Joey Kim, from Stockton, California. He enjoys surfing the net, >
singing, dancing, playing basketball, studying, reading, dancing, did i mention singing? hehehe
He plans to be a Photographer when he gets older.
When asked why he wanted to be Vistor of the week, he said,
"Because I like...I mean, I love your site and I visit all the time even
though I don't usually sign the guestbook."
Hmm...sucking up I see...hahaha, you can contact Joey at
Do YOU want to be featured here next week?
If so, [Click here] to fill out a form.
So you're wondering how I choose the Visitor of the week eh?
Well, I just write the names down on small pieces of paper, then I put them in a hat
and then pull a name out, and then I'll e-mail that person.
hehehe, don't worry, I won't cheat! I Promise!
How much Gold has been discovered?
Not very much, when you consider how many people have tried to find this precious metal.
Since the beginning of history, the entire
world's production would probablt fill an American football field
(300 feet x 160 feet, or 91 meters x 49 meters) to a depth of only 2.6 feet (79 centimeters).
We sit and we type,we stare at our screens
We sit in wonder,at the words we see.
With our mouse we search,through the net which seems a maze.
Looking for something or someone,as we sit in a daze.
We chat with each other,we type all our woes.
Small familys are formed, and stick up for our foes.
We wait patiently for someone to type out our name.
To be noticed as equal but not the same.
We give kisses and hugs and sometimes flirt,
In Im's we chat privately and reveal all our hurt.
We form friendships for many reasons unknown,
But hopefully these friendships will flourish and grow.
Why is it on line we can be so bold
We tell our secrets,some that were never told.
Why is it we share,the thoughts in our minds.
with those who cant see us as though we are blind.
The answer is true and simple and clear,
We all have our problems to share.
We cant tell real people ,but to tell someone we must.
So we turn to our online friends to the ones we can trust.
It may sound crazy,but the truth that remains,
Is They Are Friends Without Faces with odd little names.
Highway Nightmare
Special Thanks to >> AzNBaBiEGrL4u206 on iamkhmer.com
Along the North-South highway in Malaysia, there are various spots marked
with sign alerting drivers of crosswind. The dual carriageway is one of the
world's most advance expressway and hence, when designing it, one would
assume that the planners would not have built it with crosswind sections. The
expressway is open for 24 hours and thousands of vehicles use it everyday.
However, there is hardly anyone who has seen the wind indicator marking the
presence of such claimed crosswind.
I found out later that these sections are actually black spots for 'mystery
accidents'. As all these sections are neither winding nor slippery, the
authorities could not find any explanation of those accidents. A study revealed
that those areas are either cemetery sites of the local tribe before the highway
was built, or they were the so-called 'dark' areas by the local tribes. Therefore,
those crosswind warnings were put up just to warn drivers so that they are
more alert and careful as they were driving along those stretches, especially at
night since the highway is not lighted.
To: All Employees
Subject: New Policies
We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.
Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider removing anything. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of employment contract.
This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for the dead friends, relatives or co-workers. Every effort should be made to have NON-EMPLOYEES attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvment is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is enough to keep the job going in your absence.
This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at least two weeks notice as it is your duty to train your replacement.
Entirely too much time is being spent in the rest room. In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance, those whose names begins with "A" will go from 8:00 to 8:10, employees whose names begin with "B" will go grom 8:10 to 8:20 and so on. If you're unable to go at your time, it will be necessary to wait until the next day when your time comes again. In extreme emergencies employees may swap their time with a coworker. Both employees' supervisors must approve this exchange in writing. In addition, there is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the stalls. At the end of three minutes, an alarm bell will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, and the stall door will open.
The following helpful guide has been prepared to assist our employees to better understand their paychecks:
Gross pay $1,222.02
Income tax $244.40
Outgo tax $45.21
State tax $11.61
Interstate tax $61.10
County tax $6.11
City tax $12.22
Rural tax $4.44
Back tax $1.11
Front tax $1.16
Side tax $1.61
Up tax $2.22
Tic-tacs $1.98
Thumbtacks $3.93
stadium tax $0.69
Flat tax $8.32
Surtax $3.46
Corporate tax $2.60
Parking fee $5.00
F.I.C.A $81.88
T.G.I.F Fund $9.95
Life insurance $5.85
Health insurance $16.23
Dental insurance $4.50
Mental insurance $4.33
Reassurance $0.11
Disability $2.50
Ability $0.25
Liability $3.41
Unreliability $10.99
Coffee $6.85
Coffee cups $66.51
Floor rental $16.85
Chair rental $0.32
Desk rental $4.32
Union dues $5.85
Union don'ts $3.77
Cash advance $0.69
Cash retreats
over time
eastern time
central time
mountain time
pacific time
time out
cool air
hot air
Net take home pay is $.02
Sorry I got tired of putting all the tax money down, so I skipped it hehe.
Taken from Kobkorner.com
How Evil Are You?
If you like, you can post up your result in the Forum.
This Artwork was done by Nhia Peter Xiong, from Minnesota. He's a friend of mine.
Isn't it a cool drawing????
[Click for Enlargement] |
"If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties?
How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?
-Linda Ellerbee in "The Seattle Post-Intelligencer"
Taken from Reader's Digest
This week's Celebrities are Bazoo, a singing and dancing group from Thailand.
Click Here for More Info on Bazoo
Vote for a Celebrity for next Week