April 19, 1998: William Hanes, Third Continental Congress

Engelman: Our next speaker- is, uh, from the, Third Congressional Congress. His name is William Hanes. Mr. Hanes.

(sigh) I'm from the Third Continental Congress: if you know your history, the First Continental Congress was convened back in the 1700s to try to determine what to do with an overbearing British government. The Second one was when they decided that they had to fight to get, uh, freedom.

When I walked out here this morning, I'd watched all the videos. I'd seen the stuff, I'd read the, the magazine articles, I'd watched, uh- I'd watched it happen on TV. But it didn't hit me till I walked out here how REAL this is. This wasn't just- a few people dying, it was, actually it was more than a few, it was what, 82 I guess overall. It was a whole nation that died here. When, the, the servants turn on the masters, what have you got? They used to call themselves civil servants. They don't anymore, now they're federal employees. They don't consider themselves serving us, at all. When that happens, they've got to be reined in.

This is why the 3CC, the Third Continental Congress, formed. We have tried, we have petitioned the government, we've petitioned every Senator, every congressman, their lawyers, with a new per- with a new petition for redress of grievances as allowed in the First Amendment of the Constitution. We didn't get one reply. Not by phone, not by fax, not by e-mail. They all received it, we have documentation that they received it, and they ignore it. They will not, correct themselves. (sigh) We formed, to see that nothing like this ever happens again. We can't allow these people to have died in vain. Their death, was really a wake-up call to the nation. I was asleep- I didn't, I watched, nothing?, saying oh yeah, well, you know, all this is going on, but when that fire started- there was something else happened. And there have been millions of people, millions of our citizens across the nation, that woke up because of this. (sigh) When any government- will send a hundred armed, essentially military men- that was an army- to arrest one man on effectively minor charges- that's wrong. They, they, they not only, uh, endangered every adult there, but they willfully endangered the children. They knew there were children there. [M: "That's right."] Any government that would do that, is no longer a legitimate government. They gave up their right. [F:"Amen!" applause]

And Janet Reno's effort, to serve her master Satan: God turned that around [brief applause] to make it a- His will. He is raising this- movement. He is raising the people. He is raising the army. Satan may have been responsible for the fire and the deaths- but it, but something greater has come out of it. (sigh) The Waco massacre, just like the Boston massacre 223 years before, has really served to galvanize this nation. We now, we have a focus. There's- history repeats itself: just like the old saying goes, those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it. We didn't learn. We're repeating history. (sighs)

The time really is getting close at hand where everybody's going to have to declare themselves: are they an American, or are they a tyrannist? Unfortunately, too many of the people whose salary we pay, are tyrannists. They're not Americans any more. They gave up that right. (draws breath) Any one of them who isn't part of the solution, any person who isn't part of the solution- is, by definition, part of the problem. Don't be part of the problem anymore. We all know, especially us in the Third Continental Congress, we've, we- talked about it the very first time we met, and we are, we're representatives, delegates from all the na-, all the states, uh, of the nation. We know that we have painted a big target on ourselves, but somebody has to be out there. I know that someday they're going to come after me. My only hope is that I can show (voice cracking) as much courage, as the smallest child did- (sighs)

I would like to say, to Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, all the ATF and all the FBI agents: (sigh) the old line: as you sow, so shall you reap. And there's been so much fertilizer poured on, it's going to be one hell of a harvest!! ["Yeah!" loud applause]

We in the Patriot community rose out of the ashes of Waco. (sigh) We've been demonized. The current phraseology is that we're called anti-government criminal extremists. That's the current thing you can watch for. Of course, we all know that's just another wi- another lie. We aren't anti-government, as has been said before, we're anti- corrupt government. [M: "Yeah!" F: "All right!" applause] How can it be considered criminal, to want to remove the subordinates from office who have turned against their masters, us? [F: "That's right."] The only thing extreme about us, is our love of country and our love of the Constitution. The current administrators of our government- they aren't our government, we are the government, they are just the administrators of our government- from the federal level on down, with just a very few, uh, exceptions, openly violate their oaths of office, they openly violate the laws of our nation, and they must be stopped. We must reinstitute lawful, restrained government. The Constitution was the only document in history ever written to restrain a government. And they've totally trashed it. They've totally set it aside- but that's what we're hoping to re-establish through the Third Continental Congress. There are no laws- there's no lawful basis, for a federal police. If you notice the ATF, it says ATF police, [M: "That's right!"] FBI is FBI police. There is no lawful basis for federal police. There's no lawful basis for senators and congressmen to relinquish their authority. Uh, to, to unelected bureaucrats! There's no authority for judges to overturn jury decisions. Once a jury is seated, the judge is just an arbitrator. He has no say. The jud-, the jury is the supreme in that court. But they do it all the time, and they get away with it because nobody stands up to 'em. There's no laws, that allow judges to legislate from the bench. Or for Presidents to make decrees. No laws that allow bureaucrats to write policy that affects every one of us as if it was law. There's no law that allows the police to confiscate anything they want, that they can sell for their own benefit, and not even charge people, but they're doing it, all across the nation. (sigh) Federal troops were used here, used military equipment, totally against the law, to kill the men, women, and children, for no real reason if you think about it, other than to prove that they could do it, that they could get away with it. We must not let the people who died here be forgotten: we must use their faith, their strength, and their resolve to strengthen all of us- to make sure that this never happens again. Thank you. [applause]

Engelman: Thanks, William...


The Third Continental Congress has disbanded. Link to former president's Minuteman Press

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