Wyoming Association of Child and Youth Care Professionals
Certification is a state-wide credential for child and youth care work practitioners. It is based on a four (4) tier system developed by the Texas Youth & Child Care Worker Association. Wyoming currently certifies at the ENTRY LEVEL and the ASSOCIATE LEVEL.
Certification means that a practitioner has:
documented the required experience
demonstrated the knowledge and skills required for certification by WyACYCP
provided references from other child care practitioners verifying that the required knowledge and skills have been successfully applied in care for children and youth.
demonstrated commitment,skills, and knowledge that exceed current licensing and service standards.
The advent of certification marks the beginning of a viable career path for child and youth care workers in Wyoming. Practitioners will have increased flexibility in career options, expanded opportunities to participate in quality education programs, and greater transferability of experience when changing job settings. Program Administrators will have a larger pool of qualified, committed workers available to fill positions, help in differentiating between qualified and unqualified applicants, and increased program credibility. Children and youth will have increasing numbers of educated practitioners available who have the broad-base knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality care.
Have ideas? Questions? Need an application packet for certification? Email one of us by clicking on the envelope!!