Suzanne's Artwork On the Web

What is so nice about all of the pictures on this page is that they are 99.9% me! I drew them and ya won't find anything quite like 'em anywhere else. Whee!!!

Just a note. Before I got a scanner on July 31, 1998, the ONLY way I could get my "computer drawn" pictures on my site was ta trace them onta the computer using a transparent outline of a picture taped ta the monitor and a PC drawing program. So any of the computer drawn pics here dated before 7/98, were done that way.

IRC, WTnet #watertower & #warnercafe Characters

Computer Drawn

lizziewarner.gif - (5/97) Theatre fanatic Warner and my old college roomie!
dadnme.gif - (8/97) Wakkanne and her Dadoo.
wakkymouse.gif - (8/97) Funny Wakky with a Wakko Warner-type turtleneck and Mickey Mouse shorts.
rockowarner.gif - (3/98) My second #watertower character. Related ta Rocko the wallaby.
hobbes.gif - (5/98) The tiger plish formerly known as Minerva_Fan.
ynes.gif - (5/98) A colorful, strange-looking Warner, also related ta Hobbes.
okkaywarner.gif - (6/98) And I thought that Ynes's hair was long! :) Okkay loves the Beatles too!
yakko82.gif - (8/98) My brother(in real life)'s IRC character.

Hand Drawn

wakkina.jpg - (2/97) The fan-fict intrieged me so much, that I drew this picture (keep in mind, I'd never seen a picture of her when I drew this).
wakkanne.gif - (3/97) My very first drawing of Wakkanne. She didn't ALWAYS have green eyes or white hands!
wakkhug.gif - (4/97) Wakkanne gives her daddy a hug.
annedress.gif - (4/97) Lizzie suggested that Wakkanne wear something more feminine. Wakkanne shows her disaproval of the idea.
warner4.gif - (6/97) The Warner sibs, plus one.
anneportr.gif - (7/97) A Wakkanne portrait.
sibeatles.gif - (10/97) Half sibs, WakkyMouse & Wakkanne listen ta their "favorite" music group.
wakhug2.gif - (10/97) Wakkanne and Wakko hug.
annedraw.gif - (11/97) Wakkanne attempts ta draw the Kinky Turtle from memory. Little does she know...
fuzzysibs.gif - (4/98) A nice portrait type picture of brother and sister, WakkyMouse and Wakkanne.
annewak.gif - (8/98) Wakkanne playing "dress up", dressed like her daddy. I actually started this pic last summer and only now put the finishing touches on it.
hangout.gif - (8/98) Another Wakkanne/Wakko pic I started last summer. Sometimes the only way to fix a drawing not working out right is to give it time.
leanonme.jpg - (8/98) A third Wakkanne/Wakko pic I started last summer. These two are just so cute together
animaniabymail.jpg - (8/98) This was an idea I had for a mail chain thing set up ta let some of my friends sign their character's name below their picture. As you can see, I never even finished coloring it but it's been sitting here so long I decided it was about time ta scan it. Maybe someday we will put it into action, but for now, I'm just putting it here for all ta see. (l-r: Emmy, Ynes, WakkyMouse, Wakkanne (ME), Hobbes, OkkayWarner, and Evets)
daddysgirl.jpg - (12/98) Imagine if you will, that it's June 1994. That is when this picture is supposed to have occured. Wakko cradling his infant daughter, Wakkanne, in his arms. I got the idea from when I had my 16" Dakin Wakko plushie cuddling my teeny mini Wakko beanie and the beanie looked like a little baby compared ta Wakko.
wakkansanta.jpg - (12/98) Here is one pic that I drew in thanks to Vakko for sending me some really groovy-faboo Animaniacs items for Christmas. Three cheers to Santa Vakko!!
wakkas.jpg - (12/98) Wakkas is new ta #warnercafe, but he's been my friend for a few months. He's basically part Wakko and part prototype warner, Smakki.
toonymouse.jpg - (1/99) Toony's another friend from #warercafe. Hey, she drew me first, I figured the least I could do was draw her!
wakkachu.jpg - (4/00) One night I went on #warnercafe as "Wakkachu". WakkyMouse said he'd like to see what that might look like. Well here it is! Be afraid, be VERY afraid...
custodybattle.jpg - (4/00) I drew this pic in response to De_Biasi's many, many, MANY Wakko/Aggie drawings. Now, I like AggieWarner and I have no problem with the often conflicting backstories of #warnercafe folk, but if Aggie is ALWAYS with Wakko, where does Wakkanne fit in? We simply MUST think of the CHILDREN!! *sigh* It's hard sometimes being your own mother and your own daughter at the same time. \\= 0 )
makeover.jpg - (8/00) Wakkanne decided ta give Di_Biasi a makeover so that he could fit in better with all the #warnercafe folk. Isn't he cute?
timmowarner.jpg - (8/00) It's TimmoWarner, the meerkat turned warner!

Other Animaniacs Pictures

Computer Drawn

macwak.gif - (9/97) Wakko from "Macadamia Nut".
suzwak.jpg - (9/98) A drawing of the real me with Wakko.

Hand Drawn

wakshow.gif - (10/93) This is the first Animaniacs picture that I ever drew. It's Wakko taken from a paused Wheel of Morality scene.
pinkyshow.gif - (10/93) Pinky, the second A! picture I ever drew.
toulouswarn.gif - (1995) The Warners make their way into Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's Jane Avril at the Jardin de Paris with this huge 12x18 inch painting that I had to scan in three parts! I did this in 11th grade art and the medium is tempera. See the real Toulouse-Lautrec painting here.
wakshow2.gif - (6/97) Another drawing of Wakko taken from the show.
wakmallet.jpg - (7/97) Wakko hiding a surprise behind his back.
suzwakheart.jpg - (8/00) It's me! The REAL me with my beloved Wakko.
sittinwakko.jpg - (8/00) Just a cute pic of Wakko sitting.

Doodles and Sketches

waksalute.jpg - (7/00) I was bored at work one night and I drew this cute litle pic of Wakko dressed as Barney Fife (aka: Wakko's hero, Don Knotts) right on the Wal-Mart register paper! It looks rough because I only had a pen to draw with.
waksurprise.jpg - (7/00) Here's another picture of Wakko I drew another night working at Wal-Mart.
yakcontent.jpg - (7/00) This is a pic of Yakko that I drew the same night. I really like how his face turned out!

Animaniacs/Xena Crossover Characters

It all started with a picture that OkkayWarner drew of herself dressed like Xena: Warrior Princess. It inspired me to draw Wakkanne dressed like Gabrielle, Xena's sidekick. That spawned its own website, Gabrianne's Warrior Princess Lair!

gabrianne.jpg - (7/99) It's a cross between Wakkanne and Gabrielle!
wakkxer.jpg - (7/99) It's a cross between Wakko and Joxer!
aphrodottie.jpg - (7/99) It's a cross between Dot and Ahprodite!
bootolycus.jpg - (8/99) It's a cross between Chicken Boo and Autolycus!
okkra.jpg - (1/00) She's Okkra Warner: Warrior Princess! A cross between OkkayWarner from #warnercafe and Xena!
yakkules.jpg - (1/00) It's a cross between Yakko and Hercules!
wakkolaus.jpg - (1/00) It's a cross between Wakko and Iolaus!

Modified Existing Pics

hardaywak.jpg - Truly the Faboo Four.
60sWarners.gif - A spiffed up pic of the Warners' run-through from "Woodstock Slappy". Also, I added Wakko's hand, 'cuz it was cut off of the original.
wakstand.gif - Wakko from "Deduces Wild" with Dot's feet! Wakko's were obstucted from view in the original.

Get Back, Wakkanne, Get Back!

LAST UPDATED: Sunday, March 18, 2001

This page and artwork on it created by Suzanne Smiley,

The Animaniacs, characters, names, titles, and all other related indica on this page are trademarks of Warner Bros., copyright 1993-2001. No challenge of ownership to trademarked property here is intended or implied.