When I first created Wakkanne, I needed a way to display her to the world, but I didn't have a scanner and couldn't post my drawings on the web. My brother drew these digital pics in mspaint. They became the first pics of Wakkanne ever on the internet!
wakks.gif - A pic of Wakko & Wakkanne, done by my brother, Yakko82
annehead.gif - Yakko82 & I made this cute little Wakkanne icon.
Okkay is the teal-blue blitherfest who loves the Beatles and Yakko Warner! She is really naf because we have a lot of things in common. I hope someday to meet her! Okkay was actually the first outside of my family ta draw Wakkanne but I had ta *pokepokepoke* her until she scanned it.
wakkwakk.jpg - Wakkanne and Wakko drawn by my friend OkkayWarner from #warnercafe! Groovy-faboo!
wakkanne.jpg - A picture of Wakkanne drawn by a #watertower friend, Ynes!
wakkanne.gif - At last, Wakkanne drawn by the naf naf naf #warnercafe resident artist, KinkyTurtle!!! YAY!!! WHEE!!!
Toony is a naf mousie who I befriended on #warnercafe in winter 1998. Once she saw my Wakkanne model sheet, she drew Wakkanne so on-model, I could hardly tell hers from mine!
wakkann.jpg - Wakkanne drawn by #warnercafe ToonyMouse this time! Oooooh...
toonyannein.jpg - This is the inside of a Christmas card ToonyMouse sent me in 1998. Don't forget to take a look at the outside of the card.
wakka2.jpg - Another Wakkanne drawn by #warnercafe ToonyMouse!! Ooh, she's good!
toonwakk.jpg - Wakkanne with pics of ToonyMouse thrown in by, you guessed it, ToonyMouse! Awww, isn't Wakkanne cute!
De_Biasi just LOVES to draw #warnercafe characters. Wakkanne is no exception! His drawings are usually very complex. Finding Wakkanne can sometimes feel like a "Where's Waldo?" drawing. Nothing wrong with that, but for ease of locating Wakkanne, I've enlarged her by 2X in most of these pics. You can find the full uncut versions of these drawings on his website, complete with descriptions.
debiasianne01.gif - I believe this is the first Wakkanne drawing by De_Biasi. Isn't cute sleeping on the moon?
debiasianne02.gif - Another pic by De_Biasi. This time she's at the drive-in with the #warnercafe clan.
debiasianne03.gif - Yet another pic by De_Biasi that included Wakkanne. She's laughing at the pizza guy because Aggie Warner's son, Yakkopo, is playing a nasty trick on him.
debiasianne04.gif - De_Biasi drew Wakkanne with a lead guitar here kinda like George Harrison's! De_Biasi knows I like the Beatles and said he had them in mind at the time.
debiasianne05.gif - Here's Wakkanne doing a funny split. This is one of my favorite pictures from De_Biasi because of the way he draws Wakkanne's hair. I love her hair in this pic and in debiasianne2.jpg, especially. It's not at at all the way I draw it, but I think it looks really good!
debiasianne06.gif - Here's a pic by De_Biasi with Wakkanne and the #warnercafe crew outside of the real Warner Cafe.
debiasianne07.gif - Drawing number seven from De_Biasi. @@@@@@h, I dunno, about Wakkanne with a "cutie" mark. I mean, I thought she was pretty darn cute without a black dot on her cheek, but maybe that's just me.
debiasianne08.gif - In this drawing by De_Biasi, Wakkanne is looking out from the window of the Warner Cafe. This picture just looks so much cuter enlarged. You can really appreciate the detail in it!
debiasianne09.gif - De_Biasi does it again! Believe it or not, that IS Wakkanne on the beach in a pink bikini bottom... and no top? And I thought she always wore blue. \\= 0 )>
debiasianne10.jpg - De_Biasi creates a Wakkanne-centric pic right out of WAKKO'S WISH... Cute!
debiasianne11.gif - Another "Where's Waldo?" type drawing by De_Biasi as everybody from #warnercafe races off to the wishing star. Make sure to click on De_Biasi's name in this entry to see the full pic!
Hey you! Yeah, you! Wanna try drawing Wakkanne? Check out her official model sheet!
Or take a look at MY artwork page for more pics of Wakkanne!