GWS P51 Mustang in sloper version

I'm a slut.

I can't say "no".

Last Friday at the flying field, a member offered a GWS Mustang P51-D to anyone who wanted. He had
too many planes, not enough time/room, and he doesn't want it anymore. "Someone,
take it, or I throw it away".

Wellllll, guess who said "me, me, me"?
So, I am now the owner of a slightly battered GWS Mustang P51-D

And this is how she looked when she was new and unspoiled...

Some of the damage I blame on the fact that there was no on-board pilot. So first off, I made
a cockpit bottom from some 2mm foam plate and painted it black with a Sharpie marker. Then I searched
through my daughters' toy box, and found the perfect pilot, if somewhat hyper-energetic. But that'll
go nicely with my style of flying... Bob was epoxied onto the cockpit floor, and the floor epoxied into the cockpit.

The nose damage is not too bad. However, the motormount stick is broken of at the root inside
the fuselage, so I can not replace the stick.

I made a firewall from some light ply, drilled some lightening holes, and painted it black.

When the paint was dry, I epoxied the firewall in place. I only used a little bit of epoxy (a
small dot top, bottom, and left & right) so in case of a nose in it will brake free easily,
leaving the fuse in one piece... At least, that's the theory.

I tried making a nose cone myself, but that didn't work out. Anyway, why all that work, if for
$2.50 I can have a new one from Aircraft-World?! I made some EPP foam spacers, and gooped them to the cone.

And then the cone was gooped to the firewall.

There was some damage to the right elevator tip, so I sliced the tip of, fashioned a new tip
out of some spare foam, and epoxied it in place.

The area just in front of the wingbolt was crumbling, so I sliced that of as well, and epoxied
a new piece of foam in place. To prevent any further crumbling, I also epoxied a piece of pushrod
sleeve inside the bolt hole.

The ailerons pushrods where all rusty, so I replaced those, and instead of the standard V-bends
I installed EZ-connectors on the ailerons servo.

Since I will not be using the rudder, I glued a foam spacer in place of the rudder servo,
for some rigidness in the fuse, and to keep the elevator servo in place.

And to keep the (unused) rudder straight I epoxied the end of the rudder pushrod against the inside of the fuse wall.

The Rx wil be shared with my Mini Weasel, and since the Rx is an extreme tight fit in the MW I cannot use velcro to keep the Rx in place. So a short velcro strap was epoxied in place.

And lastly, the antenna was routed to the cocpit rear (held in place with small dots of hot glue),
and from there to the vertical stabs's LE top.

All I need now is some decent slope weather, and time...